The Tower Of Logos

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The Tower Of Logos

Postby Zarn Ishtare » Thu Feb 22, 2007 9:20 pm

attached from the discussion In General:

The Tower Of Logos

A Declaration Of Intellectual Freedom In An Age Of Despair

Introduction to the Tower by Ishtar
“As a typical internet intellectual, I’ve long sought after a place where I could find worthwhile discussion, intellectual integrity, and strong friendships with other thinkers, writers, and poets. I’ve been blessed to meet several individuals of that mien who I hold high regard for, and in part this whole thing is nothing more than a formalization of the old club.

“But in many ways, this is an entirely different entity, a formal brotherhood of thinkers, qualified or otherwise, who have come together for the express purpose of finding solutions to problems which plague us, to creating new ideas of government, philosophy, and theology. We realize that this is an audacious task; one that is not taken lightly by our few members. Nevertheless, we seek to accomplish these great goals through whatever paths we choose to take, through the arts of discussion and debate, through idle conversation and powerful thinking, to take in many views, and perhaps attempt to fuse together one philosophy under which we all might agree…though that is a more difficult task than even I realize.

“More than anything, we seek the pleasure of the Father; that is the only object upon which we may allow ourselves to focus, even as we do argue amongst ourselves on how to go about obtaining that delight. We seek nothing less than the will of the Father for us, for our families, and ultimately for our fellow human beings. We seek His great gifts of knowledge, the touch of enlightenment that flows from the fount of his being, which simply is, His presence and His Love. If we do not succeed in uncovering any great mysteries or realizing any new majestic destinies, what of it? We will have striven to touch the moon, but even though we should fall, it would only be among the stars…and it is in that mindset we strive anyway, figuring out the great and small of God’s great Kingdom, so that like precious pearls we may distribute them amongst our brothers, our family, our humanity. I believe in this goal, as unattainable as it seems, because we live in an age where the brilliant have become commonplace, where shining lights of knowledge have driven back the dark shadows of ignorance and fear…for now, at least. Therefore, I am compelled to use this time as wisely as possible, for how soon will those lights fail, how soon will the shadows return, greater than they were in my grand-fathers, or my great grandfathers generation?

“Now, we have also taken up among our ranks poets, writers, who may feel ill-equipped in our debates and our dealings, or who shun them in favor of their own arts. I have called them into the Tower for the same reason I brought together my old club of friends, because through our shared knowledge, through our combined ability, we may make something beautiful. Both Poets and Philosophers seek the divine spark of creation, that power men call “Inspirationâ€
With your doubt, all is comfort
We are all as we appear
No more questions left unanswered
No more wonder, no more fear
Nothing is beauty, nothing's feeling
Blood where there once was a soul
So I ask you, prove yourself
Make me believe that you are whole
Zarn Ishtare
Posts: 1295
Joined: Wed Feb 11, 2004 4:23 am

Postby Dante » Thu Mar 01, 2007 8:29 pm

Ok, one, I don't want to pick on anything... but maybe I do. You can't be a senior member and the solitary member of an organization... ranks and what not aren't even necessary for a group that small (and I doubt this group will suddenly leap to several hundred people over night). Thus, the whole senior thing is a bit silly. Second off, while very very poetic, this sounds like something for Lord of The Rings except you've created a hiddeous villian without a face or a name, and no exact plan of defeating it. You might really try and clarify the reason for creating this whole thing, as without purpose it might as well be a thread in the goof off forum. (Yes, I know, and everyone else should know he's worked on this thing for quite a few months now).

Your arguements are rather poetic, but in that jumble of words who are we really fooling here? I mean sure, we all look and say: Wow, look at Zarn, he's incredible, sounds impressive and obviously knows a lot, but it also makes us feel as though you know more than us and obviously we should be excluded from said group... thus nobody joins... and those that would join would only be looking to get a chip off their shoulder and do battle with you in a contest of who could create the most convoluted expressions in their proofs. I mean, sure, you may know more or different things than said individuals you are attracting (or the converse may be true as well), but showing it off in the intro doesn't help anything out. There is a lot that would need to be said before such a group could occur, and for so many words I can't really say what your opinions are concerning a variety of topics.

I'd say work it out as a story, start off by giving us some antagonist for this story and maybe (if they felt up to the challenge). History could brew up some protagonists to face off with them. But give the plot of history a bit more back bone for support would ya? And try to be a bit more concrete, humans aren't the best equipped for fighting abstract beasts, we have a hard enough time with the ones we can get a grip on in reality. Yes, we can take a chunk out of the abstract ones, but that's among the most amazing achievements we perform, and not to be something toyed around with at this juncture.

FKA Pascal
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Postby Zarn Ishtare » Thu Mar 01, 2007 9:40 pm

I see your critism and accept it for what it is, and where it comes from.

Edit: And by the way, quit making large generalistic assumptions: I'm a senior member because the Tower briefly existed before: Puritan is also a senior member. Photosoph, Dunedan, and Anna Mae are junior members, as is Anastasia, a.k.a, Jaltus Bot.

so don't be rude, mmk?
With your doubt, all is comfort
We are all as we appear
No more questions left unanswered
No more wonder, no more fear
Nothing is beauty, nothing's feeling
Blood where there once was a soul
So I ask you, prove yourself
Make me believe that you are whole
Zarn Ishtare
Posts: 1295
Joined: Wed Feb 11, 2004 4:23 am

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