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Postby Yahshua » Sun Jan 28, 2007 1:20 pm

Yay another FF title cool.
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Postby Azier the Swordsman » Sun Jan 28, 2007 2:12 pm

Radical Dreamer wrote:I sure can. XD I have to come up with the money for a PS3 in that amount of time. XD

Everything else I want comes out this fall, so I have an even shorter time limit. XD
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Postby Bobtheduck » Sun Jan 28, 2007 5:38 pm


Oh yeah, Baby...

Play as the Hero (Final Fantasy XIII) or as the villain (FFXIII VS) That's just awesome... [button="Other Games"]That*s two games for PS3... That, and MGS4... Oh, and the PS1 game download service... Rhapsody, FF1, FF2, FF4, FF5, FF6, FF7, FF8, FF9, Chrono Trigger (via FF Chronicles) Chrono Cross, MGS, Azure Dreams, Intelligence Cube... The list goes on... And, since my PS2 started destroying my PS1 cards, I*ll finally have a system I can play PS1 games on (because it will save to the Harddrive rather than the memory cards)[/button]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=evcNPfZlrZs Watch this movie なう。 It's legal, free... And it's more than its premise. It's not saying Fast Food is good food. Just watch it.
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Postby Mr. SmartyPants » Sun Jan 28, 2007 8:23 pm


New real Final Fantasy does not equate to "Better". :P
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Postby Bobtheduck » Sun Jan 28, 2007 9:17 pm

Mr. SmartyPants wrote:New real Final Fantasy does not equate to "Better". :P

You had a point, I'm sure, I just lost it, that's all.

As long as they correct the problems with 12, 13 is looking to be incredible. And the two sides of the coin story (XIII and Vs XIII) is a nice twist on the story. I know it won't be the first game to do that, but it will be interesting to see it done in a Final Fantasy game. I can see why someone would be more interested in a new game than a rerelease... If it were a FF6 remake (which will likely never happen) that would be great, but it's not. It's just the PS1 version without the videos...

That won't stop FF6 from being awesome, but a rerelease on the GBA that doesn't really change anything except the bestiary and changing Vicks back to Biggs isn't that impressive, particularly when it will be available in a better form on the PSP. Only marginally better, but it may be free if you get a PS3 with Wi-Fi and have the PS1 version already. Since I do plan on getting a PS3 and a PSP, free is good for me. If I had a GBA and wasn't getting a PS3 or PSP, then I'd get this in a heartbeat.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=evcNPfZlrZs Watch this movie なう。 It's legal, free... And it's more than its premise. It's not saying Fast Food is good food. Just watch it.
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Postby Mr. SmartyPants » Mon Jan 29, 2007 1:10 pm

SEVEN days remain!

Bobtheduck, I don't care if I can get every stinking Final Fantasy game on a ps3. The problem is real simple: It's on a ps3 and it costs 600 dollars.

I already have access to nearly every single Final Fantasy game (Original version or not).

I currently Own:
-Dawn of Souls (FF1 and FF2) - GBA and ROMs (For the original version).
-FF3 - DS and a ROM.
-FF4 - Snes, ROM, and GBA.
-FF5 - Rom (I plan on getting the GBA version one day).
-FF6 - Snes, PlayStation, Rom, and soon for the GBA.
-FF7 - PS1.
-FF9 - PS1.
-Tactics - PS1.
-FF12 - PS1.

The only ones I don't have are XI (Like anybody wants it), Tactics Advanced, XIII, and X. And they cost like what? 20 dollars each? (Besides XI, I could care less about XI)

So why should I buy a stinking ps3 for 600 stiking dollars and possibly re-purchase every single FF game I already have; when I already own most of the final fantasy games? Not only that, but all of the Pre-7-ones I have (Besides 5 and 6, which I will definitely purchase) are on a nifty handheld device which I already own.

Anyway, now that I hear there's some funky side-story game to Final Fantasy XIII where you play as the villain, it sounds a tad more interesting. Nonetheless, the only eye-catching game they have for the ps3 is MGS4. And there's no way on this earth am I going to purchase a 600 dollar "Gaming-slash-entertainment" system just for one game.
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Postby Nate » Mon Jan 29, 2007 1:18 pm

Besides, I don't see how it will be better on the PSP when the PSP version will have loading times...and probably won't have the bonus dungeons and extra Espers that the GBA version will have. Gilgamesh being in FF6 rocks.

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Postby Mr. SmartyPants » Mon Jan 29, 2007 1:21 pm

Nate wrote:Besides, I don't see how it will be better on the PSP when the PSP version will have loading times...and probably won't have the bonus dungeons and extra Espers that the GBA version will have. Gilgamesh being in FF6 rocks.

Totally. Though I sort of am the "Old-style fanatic" person. After playing with the new stuff in Final Fantasy IV Advanced, I see it differently now.
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Postby Radical Dreamer » Mon Jan 29, 2007 1:40 pm

Mr. SmartyPants wrote:Totally. Though I sort of am the "Old-style fanatic" person. After playing with the new stuff in Final Fantasy IV Advanced, I see it differently now.

My gosh, I'm so behind. They have FFIV on the GBA now? :O
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Postby Fish and Chips » Mon Jan 29, 2007 1:48 pm

Mr. SmartyPants wrote:Nonetheless, the only eye-catching game they have for the ps3 is MGS4. And there's no way on this earth am I going to purchase a 600 dollar "Gaming-slash-entertainment" system just for one game.

This comment was solid, and I am here to validate its existance.
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Postby Bobtheduck » Mon Jan 29, 2007 2:12 pm

Mr. SmartyPants wrote:SEVEN days remain!

Bobtheduck, I don't care if I can get every stinking Final Fantasy game on a ps3. The problem is real simple: It's on a ps3 and it costs 600 dollars.

I already have access to nearly every single Final Fantasy game (Original version or not).

The only ones I don't have are XI (Like anybody wants it), Tactics Advanced, XIII, and X. And they cost like what? 20 dollars each? (Besides XI, I could care less about XI)

So why should I buy a stinking ps3 for 600 stiking dollars and possibly re-purchase every single FF game I already have] the only eye-catching game[/B] they have for the ps3 is MGS4. And there's no way on this earth am I going to purchase a 600 dollar "Gaming-slash-entertainment" system just for one game.

Nate wrote:Besides, I don't see how it will be better on the PSP when the PSP version will have loading times...and probably won't have the bonus dungeons and extra Espers that the GBA version will have. Gilgamesh being in FF6 rocks.

It won't have disc loading times, it will all be on the memory stick so the loading will be shorter, but I didn't know about the extra espers. I just like being able to do it all for FREE (I'm not buying a PSP for Final Fantasy 6, or 7 or 8 or 9 or any of them except Crisis Core), and the very pretty CG sequences are at least something, even if there are only 2... I'm getting a PSP for other things, the FF series is just a great secondary incentive. Not to mention Chrono Trigger and Chrono Cross... Two of the best games I've ever played. Since I planned for a long time to get a PSP, I'll just put it on my PSP.

Now... First off, PS3 isn't 600 dollars... The 20 gig system (AKA comparable to the premium set on the 360) is 500... Get your facts straight. It may not be much of a difference, but it is a difference... Secondly, you obviously didn't read what I said... I said FREE... Granted, you either need the wi-fi (on the 600 dollar PS3) or go to a kiosk for it, but it's still a free transfer. And the only eyecatching game... Well, that's a matter of opinion... I think both FF13 games are incredibly eyecatching, and MGS4... I have a friend who IS buying the system just for that, but me? I've got at least 3. FF13, FF13 VS, and MGS4 are all top tier games for me. After that, I'd love to go for some second tier games, like the Street Fighter 2 remake (download service, not a full PS3 game), Resistance, Lair, and Warhawk. 3 top tier games and 4 second tier games... 7 games should make the purchase match up with the 4 games I own on PS2... Also, I'm saying what I would be buying... I'm not convincing you to not buy it. I'm saying I won't. I don't have a GBA or a DS, I don't plan on getting one anytime soon, and I have an alternative, Gilgamesh or not. So, um, I don't see what your big issue is. I love FF6... I'm fine getting it in the forms I'll have access to. You can be, too. We're all happy. :shady:
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Postby Mr. SmartyPants » Mon Jan 29, 2007 2:39 pm

Bobtheduck, I say 600 because nobody cares about the core packages. Not many people bought the xbox360 core package, and nobody bought the ps3 core package either. The core package fails.

Anyway I did read what you said. It actually doesn't matter if the games are free or not, the CONSOLE costs 600 dollars. I'm not going to buy a freaken 600 dollar console when I can spend less than 100 to finish my Final Fantasy collection.

Although I am skeptical on the older final fantasy games being Free or not. Nintendo's Virtual Console has you spending 5-10 dollars on old games, I would imagine Sony setting up something similar. If they make it free, good for them. I'm still not going to buy a 600 dollar console for games which I already own; or for only two or three games I am anticipating for.

I did not buy the xbox360 for only one game. Not even three. I don't think you should buy a system for only three games either. The 360 games which have caught my eye are:
-Gears of War
-Lost Planet
-Rainbow Six Vegas
-Blue Dragon
-Mass Effect
-Call of Duty 2 (And I guess 3)
And a crapload of others.

Likewise my DS library has over like 12 games, all which are absolutely amazing. And of course, the Wii has Zelda, SSBB, Metroid, Trauma Center, Wario Ware, etc.

Sidenote: Kojima, if you make MGS4 for the 360 as well, I will love you forever. PLEASE DO IT!
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Postby Tommy » Mon Jan 29, 2007 2:53 pm

I agree with MSP for the most part, though I don't actually care if I have a completed FF collection but..

Yeah the games on 360 look a lot more promising. Granted, Ps3 is a superior system, but people usually buy systems for the games, not the system itself.

I would love to buy a Ps3 but it's just too bloody expensive and a good amount of the games MSP listed either look or are freakin amazing (I'm not looking forward to Blue Dragon at all).

So yeah, I'll get FF6 on GBA, but I'll have to see how big my paycheck is next week...-_-
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Postby Tommy » Mon Jan 29, 2007 2:58 pm

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Postby Bobtheduck » Mon Jan 29, 2007 3:20 pm

Mr. SmartyPants wrote:Bobtheduck, I say 600 because nobody cares about the core packages. Not many people bought the xbox360 core package, and nobody bought the ps3 core package either. The core package fails.

The 360 core fails because it sucked... No harddrive, when X-box pioneered harddrives in consoles. PS3 20 gig set is not NEARLY as crippled as the core set on the 360. That is NOT a fair comparison. Really. And a lot of people DID buy the PS3 20 gig set. It's missing only 40 gigs, a card reader, and wi-fi, the only one worth reclaiming being the wifi.

Anyway I did read what you said. It actually doesn't matter if the games are free or not, the CONSOLE costs 600 dollars. I'm not going to buy a freaken 600 dollar console when I can spend less than 100 to finish my Final Fantasy collection.

And, like I said, that IS a point for ME. If you had read what I said.

Although I am skeptical on the older final fantasy games being Free or not. Nintendo's Virtual Console has you spending 5-10 dollars on old games, I would imagine Sony setting up something similar. If they make it free, good for them. I'm still not going to buy a 600 dollar console for games which I already own]

No, Sony is NOT making them free... They have two options. 1. A transfer from a PS3 using a PS1 disc, and 2. Download service a la virtual console store on the Wii. I guess I should have been clearer.

I did not buy the xbox360 for only one game. Not even three. I don't think you should buy a system for only three games either.

I believe I said 7 games I know about, but I forgot to mention Assassin's Creed. It's just I was only mentioning exclusives. If I include non-exclusives, that list grows. True, due to late distrobution of the SDK for the programmers to get used to the system, the 360 versions look mostly better... [button="whatever"]though I think the bleeding lights thing a lot of games have done is ugly, and you get less of that on the PS3 versions[/button] that will change as people get used to the system, and there will be more multi-platform games that I'll want...

The 360 games which have caught my eye are:
-Gears of War
-Lost Planet
-Rainbow Six Vegas
-Blue Dragon
-Mass Effect
-Call of Duty 2 (And I guess 3)
And a crapload of others.

Gears of War... We've gone over my opinion on that.
Lost Planet - I don't know anything about it yet. Unless Capcom plans on targeting games specifically to a non-Japanese audience, I can't see them continuing their 360 exclusives.
Rainbow Six - Old FPS, and on PS3 as well.
Blue Dragon - Akira Toriyama crap... I'm sorry, I hate his style, though it doesn't look as bad on here as it does on DQ8 and the Chrono Trigger adaptation on PS1... Honestly, it hasn't caught my eye.
Mass Effect - not a clue about it... Hmm... Watching a video now... Hmm... Looks mildly interesting, but I've never been into NA style RPGs... Even the Sci-fi ones... I won't judge it yet, though.
Call of Duty 2 and 3 - More FPS... *yawn*Oh, and it's on PS3, too...
Condemned - Ok, I may be wrong, but... A first person Horror game... No thank you... It didn't work for me with Doom... I doubt it will work here... First person just takes me away from the story... That even includes Halo...

Speaking of Halo, the only game I'm really interested in seeing on the 360 is Halo 3. The idea of completing a series is just great... It looks great, and I'm hoping they integrate the other stories (the novels and ILB) in it, which based on that trailer, I think they are. I just won't buy a 260 for that, but I'm sure I'll have access to one by that time.

But you know what? You play your 360. That's fine. I'll play my PS3. I won't buy a 360... Ever. Not because of lack of games, but because I hate what microsoft represents in the gaming industry. You know what, though? I'd sell 360s and I have on a number of occasions recommended them to other people (though never on this site.) Know why? IT's what they wanted. I want a PS3. And I say it's not worth judging the system a flipping quarter year after it's release.

Sidenote: Kojima, if you make MGS4 for the 360 as well, I will love you forever. PLEASE DO IT!

Hmm... You know my view... I don't want that, because I want the PS3 to survive. They do really partly depend on MGS4 for that...

EDIT: The 260 thing wasn't intentional, but I thought it was very funny...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=evcNPfZlrZs Watch this movie なう。 It's legal, free... And it's more than its premise. It's not saying Fast Food is good food. Just watch it.
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Postby Mr. SmartyPants » Mon Jan 29, 2007 3:41 pm

Bobtheduck wrote:The 360 core fails because it sucked... No harddrive, when X-box pioneered harddrives in consoles. PS3 20 gig set is not NEARLY as crippled as the core set on the 360. That is NOT a fair comparison. Really. And a lot of people DID buy the PS3 20 gig set. It's missing only 40 gigs, a card reader, and wi-fi, the only one worth reclaiming being the wifi.

Right, but why not just spend 100 more dollars for extra goodies? That's basically the consumer mindset, and why Sony released two bundles. Granted it was a great idea. If I wanted a ps3 I would pick the premium over the core.
Gears of War... We've gone over my opinion on that.
Lost Planet - I don't know anything about it yet. Unless Capcom plans on targeting games specifically to a non-Japanese audience, I can't see them continuing their 360 exclusives.
Rainbow Six - Old FPS, and on PS3 as well.
Blue Dragon - Akira Toriyama crap... I'm sorry, I hate his style, though it doesn't look as bad on here as it does on DQ8 and the Chrono Trigger adaptation on PS1... Honestly, it hasn't caught my eye.
Mass Effect - not a clue about it... Hmm... Watching a video now... Hmm... Looks mildly interesting, but I've never been into NA style RPGs... Even the Sci-fi ones... I won't judge it yet, though.
Call of Duty 2 and 3 - More FPS... *yawn*Oh, and it's on PS3, too...
Condemned - Ok, I may be wrong, but... A first person Horror game... No thank you... It didn't work for me with Doom... I doubt it will work here... First person just takes me away from the story... That even includes Halo...

1. The ps3 uses the same controller they've used for about 10 years. It's seriously not ergonomic compared to the 360 and gamecube controller. They totally excel in terms of ergonomics. I think most people can agree to that.
2. Rainbow Six Las Vegas is not an old FPS. The franchise may be old, but Vegas is not. That plus xbox live and a not-crappy controller makes it awesome.
3. Same applies with COD.
4. Ever play F.E.A.R.? It's very Similar to Condemned. I assume you've played neither though, if you're comparing it to a lame game like Doom.. It's NOTHING like Doom. It's not a "suspense-horror" game. Both are truly frightening (Mainly F.E.A.R.) which many veteran PC-FPS players will attest to. It's has it's mix of suspense, psychological horror, and is pretty terrifying.
5. I don't see how one could love Chrono Trigger yet not be anticipated for Blue Dragon. It has Nobou Utemasu, Toriyama, and the rest of the CT development team. (Or a good number of them I'd imagine) True the art style isn't the best. But the fact it got remarkably high scores on Famitsu gives has me anticipating for it.
6. Lost Planet sold remarkably well in Japan.

It may be weird to say this, but a much more comfortable controller simply makes gaming better. The ps1/2/3's controller feels mediocre now. It's enough to pass, and isn't crappy or anything. But no way is it comfortable.
But you know what? You play your 360. That's fine. I'll play my PS3. I won't buy a 360... Ever. Not because of lack of games, but because I hate what microsoft represents in the gaming industry.

And what exactly do they represent in the gaming industry? I think they're doing pretty well. Compared to Sony which I think is making all the bad calls, but whatever. In fact, the xbox360 is doing fairly well in Japan. Games like Lost Planet, Gears of War (Yes I said Gears of War) and Blue Dragon has gotten the 360 sold as high as 18,000 units sold per week (Not a lot in comparison to other consoles, but it's better than the previous 1,000 per week), not to mention that Gears of War is currently one of the top selling games in Japan (In the top 10). Plus it got amazing reviews off of Famitsu. (10/9/9/9 - 37/40)
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Postby Bobtheduck » Mon Jan 29, 2007 3:58 pm

Mr. SmartyPants wrote:Right, but why not just spend 100 more dollars for extra goodies? That's basically the consumer mindset, and why Sony released two bundles. Granted it was a great idea. If I wanted a ps3 I would pick the premium over the core.

1. The ps3 uses the same controller they've used for about 10 years. It's seriously not ergonomic compared to the 360 and gamecube controller. They totally excel in terms of ergonomics. I think most people can agree to that.
2. Rainbow Six Las Vegas is not an old FPS. The franchise may be old, but Vegas is not. That plus xbox live and a not-crappy controller makes it awesome.
4. Ever play F.E.A.R.? It's very Similar to Condemned. I assume you've played neither though, if you're comparing it to a lame game like Doom.. It's NOTHING like Doom. It's not a "suspense-horror" game. Both are truly frightening (Mainly F.E.A.R.) which many veteran PC-FPS players will attest to. It's has it's mix of suspense, psychological horror, and is pretty terrifying.
5. I don't see how one could love Chrono Trigger yet not be anticipated for Blue Dragon. It has Nobou Utemasu, Toriyama, and the rest of the CT development team. (Or a good number of them I'd imagine) True the art style isn't the best. But the fact it got remarkably high scores on Famitsu gives has me anticipating for it.
6. Lost Planet sold remarkably well in Japan.

It may be weird to say this, but a much more comfortable controller simply makes gaming better. The ps1/2/3's controller feels mediocre now. It's enough to pass, and isn't crappy or anything. But no way is it comfortable.

And what exactly do they represent in the gaming industry? I think they're doing pretty well. Compared to Sony which I think is making all the bad calls, but whatever. In fact, the xbox360 is doing fairly well in Japan. Games like Lost Planet, Gears of War (Yes I said Gears of War) and Blue Dragon has gotten the 360 sold as high as 18,000 units sold per week (Not a lot in comparison to other consoles, but it's better than the previous 1,000 per week), not to mention that Gears of War is currently one of the top-10 games sold in Japan, PLUS it got amazing reviews off of Famitsu. (10/9/9/9 - 37/40)

1. They use the same controller because it's what people are used to... The dual shock is my preferred controller of all time. Honestly... It is strange to hold the 360 controller. It's an improvement over the first run of controllers on X-box, but I still prefer the dual shock. It was an extention of the SNES controller, so it was an easy transition, and apparently many Nintendo fans agree... Look at the "classic" controller on the Wii. DIfferent people have different opinions, though.

2&3. FPS games are nothing special to me. It takes somehing other than what the game itself can offer... It was I Love Bees that drew me into the Halo universe... In comparison, the actual Halo game seems like a very small part.

4. No, I haven't... I'll have to try it on the PS3. :grin:

5. Hmm... It hasn't caught my eye yet. That may change. If you're trying to convince me, though, throwing Toriyama in there isn't a drawing point... It's a deterrent... Chrono Trigger was a great game with ugly official art... Having it in Sprite form reduces the impact.

6. Yeah... The best selling games on 360 in Japan are the ones that the very few 360 owners ALL bought... Systemwise, PS3 allready outsold the 360 in Japan.

7. As for what MS represents, This is a much longer story. It's about why I stopped being a PC gamer, back around the time PS1 was released... It has to do with Microsoft trying to bring that same philosophy to Consoles, which I don't want to see... They haven't completely succeeded, but they made a serious dent. And no matter how well an individual game does on the 360, it is severely FAILING in Japan... You can't deny that if you're honest. Not that I agree with the reasoning why it's failing, but at least it means my fears won't come true, at least for a while... The Wii created some new fears, though... It was hard enough getting some of my friends into, say MGS before the Wii... Now, they're like "What? Assassin's Creed? That's boring, I wanna swing the wiimote."
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=evcNPfZlrZs Watch this movie なう。 It's legal, free... And it's more than its premise. It's not saying Fast Food is good food. Just watch it.
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Postby Mr. SmartyPants » Mon Jan 29, 2007 4:08 pm

Bobtheduck wrote:1. They use the same controller because it's what people are used to... The dual shock is my preferred controller of all time. Honestly... It is strange to hold the 360 controller. It's an improvement over the first run of controllers on X-box, but I still prefer the dual shock. It was an extention of the SNES controller, so it was an easy transition, and apparently many Nintendo fans agree... Look at the "classic" controller on the Wii. DIfferent people have different opinions, though.

I dunno. I mean I don't see people complaining to Nintendo going "Aww man! You changed the controller AGAIN!" or anything like that.
4. No, I haven't... I'll have to try it on the PS3. :grin:

I hope you enjoy it
6. Yeah... The best selling games on 360 in Japan are the ones that the very few 360 owners ALL bought... Systemwise, PS3 allready outsold the 360 in Japan.

Why would people buy more than one copy of a game? It's obvious the 360 is the weakest system in Japan, because it's not by a Japanese manufacturer. Anyway like I said, I'm basically saying what the sales reports tell me. (I'll pull up a link in a minute)
7. As for what MS represents, This is a much longer story. It's about why I stopped being a PC gamer, back around the time PS1 was released... It has to do with Microsoft trying to bring that same philosophy to Consoles, which I don't want to see... They haven't completely succeeded, but they made a serious dent. And no matter how well an individual game does on the 360, it is severely FAILING in Japan.

Newsflash. We're not in Japan. We are in the U.S. It's obvious that the 360 is failing in Japan because Microsoft is not a Japanese company. However the statistics show that the 360 is gaining more ground due to hits like Dead Rising, Lost Planet, Gears of War, and Blue Dragon.

Likewise Worldwide sales statistics show that the 360 sold over 10 Million. The ps3 is only at 1.2 million. And the Wii is at approximately 4.4 million.
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Postby Bobtheduck » Mon Jan 29, 2007 4:37 pm

Mr. SmartyPants wrote:I dunno. I mean I don't see people complaining to Nintendo going "Aww man! You changed the controller AGAIN!" or anything like that.

I hope you enjoy it

Why would people buy more than one copy of a game?

Que? When did I suggest... nevermind.

It's obvious the 360 is the weakest system in Japan, because it's not by a Japanese manufacturer. Anyway like I said, I'm basically saying what the sales reports tell me. (I'll pull up a link in a minute)

Yes and yes... I never denied that... What I said is everyone with a 360 in Japan has those games, essentially. It's still failing in Japan. The system, I mean.

Newsflash. We're not in Japan.
Yet. I still prefer Japanese games and such.
We are in the U.S.
for now
It's obvious that the 360 is failing in Japan because Microsoft is not a Japanese company.
Agreed, though it could have something to do with Microsoft's attitude toward gaming and their roots in the AMERICAN PC gaming world...
However the statistics show that the 360 is gaining more ground due to hits like Dead Rising, Lost Planet, Gears of War, and Blue Dragon.
Not really... Like I said, PS3 has outsold the 360 in Japan after a mere 3 months... Neither come close to the Wii, and the DS... Well... That's just on a different plane alltogether.

Likewise Worldwide sales statistics show that the 360 sold over 10 Million. The ps3 is only at 1.2 million.

I think when it's a year old system and a 2 year old system the comparison will be more fair... Also, when some big names hit the system...

And the Wii is at approximately 4.4 million.

Yeah... Wii is 4.4 mil after 3 months, all wiis are sold for profit, and it won't be long before Wii is the top selling console... It's finally delivering on the promise to bring non-gamers to gaming... Which is a double edged sword, in my opinion... With easier and cheaper development than either other system, it may make things hard for BOTH the higher end systems from here on.

In any case, I've clogged up this thread for too long. I'll take discussion on this issue to PMs. Heh, and no I'm not trying to fake nobility... I have mostly said my peace, and only feel the need to reestablish my points, and I can do that over PMs...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=evcNPfZlrZs Watch this movie なう。 It's legal, free... And it's more than its premise. It's not saying Fast Food is good food. Just watch it.
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Postby Mr. SmartyPants » Mon Jan 29, 2007 4:43 pm

As well as I.

However just to show some cool information:
Gears cracks top-10 I think that says a lot to be honest.
Gears of war is a sellout.

Anyway to sum it up: I don't necessarily see the 360 failing in Japan. True it's far behind (Like how the ps3 is currently far behind in the U.S.) But while I think the ps3 will slowly rise up in a few years, the 360 will slowly rise in Japan as well.
Bobtheduck wrote:Que? When did I suggest... nevermind.

I just misread what you typed, that's all.

Anyway. I like many types of games. And I find myself to be a huge fan of many different genres (Except driving and sports), hence why I'm all for RPGs and at the same time, FPSes, and the reason why I enjoy the ps2, gamecube, wii, the 360, and the PC.
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Postby Mr. SmartyPants » Tue Jan 30, 2007 7:57 pm

SIX DAYS REMAIN! Less than a week.

New dragons, new magicite. New dungeon! Ahh!
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Postby Fish and Chips » Tue Jan 30, 2007 9:38 pm

Mr. SmartyPants wrote:SIX DAYS REMAIN! Less than a week.

New dragons, new magicite. New dungeon! Ahh!

Any news on a graphical facelift, or is it just a "Straight port."
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Postby Mr. SmartyPants » Wed Jan 31, 2007 4:03 am

Fish and Chips wrote:Any news on a graphical facelift, or is it just a "Straight port."


New bosses are available, such as Leviathan and Gilgamesh. At the end there's this new Dragon's Den where you fight all these new tough enemies. Good stuff!

AND GOOD NEWS. While some of the music may suck in FF6 (Or not as good as the SNES counterpart because the GBA can't handle it), "Dancing Mad" and "The Fierce Battle" are still okay! They rendered perfectly (or near-perfectly) and sounds okay!

And I saw clips of a guy having trouble in the new dungeon. So I hear that's pretty hard. So this is also good to hear.
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Postby Mr. SmartyPants » Sun Feb 04, 2007 7:45 am

Tomorrow is the day! Tomorrow...

Like... 24 hours remain! *Gyah!*
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Postby Tommy » Sun Feb 04, 2007 6:40 pm

Perhaps this "guy" sucks at RPGs. XD

Just kidding, I never even beat FF6.
Can't wait till this comes out.
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Postby Mr. SmartyPants » Mon Feb 05, 2007 4:04 am


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Postby WrestlingOtaku » Mon Feb 05, 2007 11:09 am

I'll probably buy this some time today.... hopefully....

*goes into his video game collection for some titles to trade in....*
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Postby Fish and Chips » Mon Feb 05, 2007 11:10 am

Mr. SmartyPants wrote:TODAY IS THE DAY GENTLEMEN!!!!!!!!!


*Uploads a ROM.*
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Postby Tommy » Mon Feb 05, 2007 12:38 pm

*Uploads You*
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Postby Mr. SmartyPants » Mon Feb 05, 2007 12:42 pm


I hate videogame stores... They were all "Nooo we have it TOMORROW!"

I hate them! Hate hate hate hate! *kicks gamestop*
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