Neverwinter Nights free?

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Neverwinter Nights free?

Postby Sparrowhawk » Thu Dec 28, 2006 5:17 pm

I'm a Mac user and I went to an apple store for the first time and discovered *gasp* THERE ARE GAMES FOR MAC!!!! Anyway, i read that Neverwinter Nights has free online gameplay. Is that true? By the way, this is Neverwinter Nights 1, not 2 (2 is not for Mac *goes and screams insanities that only Windows gets games*)
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Postby Omega Amen » Thu Dec 28, 2006 6:14 pm

Yes, online play is free since people run their own servers.

All you have to do is create a Neverwinter Nights Community Player Profile (i.e. an account). This can be done either through the game or at Bioware's NWN community website at . This account gives you a unique ID to differentiate you from the rest of NWN players. It is also valid for NWN2 as well.

Once you have an account, in the multiplayer mode in the game, you search server listings according to game type and then you choose one to join and play.

And all of it is free. The only thing you have to buy is a copy of the game.
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