Postby Bobtheduck » Wed Apr 09, 2008 12:07 pm
I want to see MG1 and MG2 (the MSX versions, not the NES, no offense anyone who owns and loves the NES Metal gear) remade... Actually, I'd love to see ALL the Metal Gear games be remade in the MGS4 engine. Flesh out the story in 1 (and a little in 2, though the story in 2 was pretty well fleshed out, especially for the 8-bit era) and just do a straight remake with the new engine for MGS1, 2, 3, and Portable Ops... AND WILD ARMS GOT REMADE? Didn't know that.
So Mods... I have Master Chief, Cloud (which I combined... I have cloud's body and master chief's head), and some deformed Rabbits, as well as the best Sniper Map ever, Flat Wars -- where you're mouse size playing in someone's appartment, and the thing is MASSIVE -- Lego -- which is impossible to play online, because it's entirely destructible and as soon as things start flying, the online gameplay slows to a crawl... Mutators like speed hacks and the freeze gun and elimination and team elimination... Mods on consoles (so I can share them with non-pc gaming friends) is like the best thing for me in a long time... I've logged in so many hours on UT3 lately, it's crazy...
(no, I'm not back, but I'll comment on the gamecast whenever it comes) Watch this movie なう。 It's legal, free... And it's more than its premise. It's not saying Fast Food is good food. Just watch it.
Legend of Crying Bronies: Twilight's a Princess