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January 31, 2007

PostPosted: Tue Jan 30, 2007 1:45 pm
by Rev. Doc
Praying Regardless

"One day Jesus was praying in a certain place. When he finished, one of his disciples said to him, 'Lord, teach us to pray, just as John taught his disciples.'"
Luke 11:1

Graham Twelftree in the book "Get the Point Across" tells about two African chiefs who came to a missionary by the name of Chalmers and asked for Christian teachers for their villages, but he apologized saying he didn’t have anyone to send.

Two years went by and the chiefs returned to pester him, so this time he decided to go himself. When he arrived in one of the villages, he was surprised by what he saw. It was Sunday and all the people were on their knees, in perfect silence.

Chalmers asked the chief, "What are you doing?"

"We are praying," he said.

"But you are not saying anything," Chalmers returned.

The chief then said, "We do not know what to say. For two years, every Sunday morning we have met here. And for four hours we have been on our knees and we have been praying like that, but we do not know what to say."

Prayer: Thank God for hearing and answering your prayers.

"He that cannot pray, let him go to sea, and there he will learn. God never denied that soul anything that went as far as heaven to ask for it."
~John Trapp