October 5, 2006

Devotional guides to help strengthen your walk in Christ

October 5, 2006

Postby Rev. Doc » Thu Oct 05, 2006 5:36 am

The Last Thing You Do

"Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes."
James 4:14

Bob Perks writes:

"The last thing I did was the most exciting thing ever!" He said.

I couldn't wait to hear what it was.

"Well, my friend, I can't imagine what you might have accomplished, but whatever it was you must share it with me," I said.

The older man looked at me with somewhat of a surprised look on his face. We stared at each other and I became a bit uncomfortable. Had I misunderstood what he said? Did he say something else and I insulted him?

"Oh, I'm sorry. Did I misunderstand you?" I finally said.

"What did I say?" He replied.

"Didn't you just say, "The last thing I did was the most exciting thing ever?" I repeated.

"Well, yes I did."

"What was it? What was the most exciting thing ever?" I asked.

"Oh, I see," he replied. "You're waiting for me to tell you that I won something or accomplished some great thing, right?"

"Well, yes. Isn't that what you implied?" I asked.

"In a sense, yes. But permit me to clear things up," he said.

I couldn't wait to hear this one.

"You look like a healthy man, are you?" He asked.

"Basically. I mean I have problems but nothing life threatening that I know of."

"Then you might not understand this," he said. Then placing his arm around my shoulder he explained.

"About a year ago I nearly died. I had a heart attack that nearly ended my life. It was an experience that took me to my knees and lifted me back up again. It was then that I really began to see how valuable every moment is in my life."

He then crossed in front of me and placing his hands on my shoulders, said, "Every last thing I do is the most exciting thing I have ever done. It's one more moment, day, week, month past the day I almost died. That's exciting!"

How very powerful that thought was. It was like he hit me in the head. I have always said that everyone should have a near death experience so that they can appreciate life more.
I never have. But I have lived through it when my son and wife both had cancer. I have certainly changed the way I look at life.

"That way when my last breath does finally come, I will go out seeing the real value of "the last thing I did."

Feeling down? Thinking you have nothing to be excited about in your life? Think again. Try appreciating life so very much that the last thing you did would be the most exciting thing you ever did.

Prayer: Ask God to help you live every moment to please and glorify Him.

"The tragedy of life is not that it ends so soon, but that we wait so long to begin it."
~Richard L. Evans
"The secret of a good sermon is to have a good beginning and a good ending, then having the two as close together as possible."
~George Burns
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Rev. Doc
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