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August 7, 2006

PostPosted: Sun Aug 06, 2006 6:27 pm
by Rev. Doc
Belonging To God

"You were bought at a price; do not become slaves of men."
I Corinthians 7:23

To be God’s property means that we are owned by God.

An English missionary died in the early part of this century. Immediately after his death his former neighbors broke into his house and started carrying away his possessions. The English Consul was notified, and since there was no lock on the door of the missionary’s house, he pasted a piece of paper across it and affixed the seal of England on it. The looters did not dare break the seal because the world’s most powerful nation stood behind it.

To be sealed also means that we are God’s property.

Prayer: Ask God to take total possession of you life.

"I have two daughters who love to swarm over me when I come home at night. As I came in the door one evening, my little girls ran to meet me. One grabbed my leg and hugged me with all her might. I snatched my other daughter up in my arms. The one squeezing my leg said, 'Now, I've got all of Daddy.' The daughter in my arms replied, "Yes, but Daddy has got all of me!" Perhaps the question we need to continually ask is, 'Does God have all of me?'"
~Alan Redpath