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February 27, 2006

PostPosted: Sun Feb 26, 2006 7:55 pm
by Rev. Doc
Don't Get Mad...

"A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger."
Proverbs 15:1

A "do it yourself" catalog firm received the following letter from one of its customers: "I built a birdhouse according to your stupid plans, and not only is it much too big, it keeps blowing out of the tree. Signed, Unhappy. The firm replied: "Dear Unhappy, We're sorry about the mix-up. We accidentally sent you a sailboat blueprint. But if you think you are unhappy, you should read the letter from the guy who came in last in the yacht club regatta."

Prayer: Ask God to help you keep your temper in check at all times.

"What we need today is not anger but anguish, the kind of anguish that Moses displayed when he broke the two tablets of the law and then climbed the mountain to intercede for his people, or that Jesus displayed when He cleansed the temple and then wept over the city. The difference between anger and anguish is a broken heart. It's easy to get angry, especially at somebody else's sins; but it's not easy to look at sin, our own included, and weep over it."
~Warren W. Wiersbe