Trying to find a Christian anime? Here's a few!

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Trying to find a Christian anime? Here's a few!

Postby SaraChicken » Thu Apr 03, 2014 3:44 pm

So you're probably wondering through these forums, bored, not wanting to do home work and just watch some anime; or maybe your parents will only let you watch Christian anime?
Weellllll......... if this is where you ended up, then God blessed the broken road and led you right to here!
Although there are very few "Christian anime" the one's I will talk about are, indeed, legitimately Christian, and REALLY ANIME.
In fact, these anime's are about the bible! (bible stories, really.) (P.s. The anime's I'm talking about here are more for kids but I'm 14 and still watch them today, so yeah :n_n: )
Since it'll take to long to write full reviews, I'll just tell you the names and a few things about 'em!
The first is Superbook. This one follows three young children (And a robot) as they travel through bible times through a special book that talks!
The second is also about three young children (And another robot and inventor) who travel in a flying house that's also a time machine that happened to get broken so now they can't get back to the right times!
Then third is called The Greatest Adventure; Stories From The Bible
This one is about to young adults and a nomad boy who some how end up in bible times and witness all of the amazing events and learn the truth about the bible and such.

The first two are some of my absolute favorite older anime's and they still don't get old!
I hope this helped!
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Re: Trying to find a Christian anime? Here's a few!

Postby SilverToast » Thu Apr 03, 2014 6:40 pm

You forgot to mention the name of the second series which is The Flying House. My personal favorite.

I saw there was a new reboot for Superbook but it was less appealing to me.
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