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If you would make an anime what would it be?

PostPosted: Wed Nov 16, 2011 4:27 pm
by akorecki1
I though about this when I was at the Gym today If you could make your own anime show what would it be about? I think if i could make one it would be like through the bible. Starting with Genesis and ending with Revelation. In your response please tell me what you though about my idea. And one more thing if you have seen FMA this face:fmed: kinda looks like the things Ed makes with his alchemy.

PostPosted: Wed Nov 16, 2011 5:14 pm
by Nate
Oooh I can't wait for the Song of Solomon episode of that! But you'd have to use steam or something to cover the characters so you could save the full nudity for the DVD version to boost sales! : D

PostPosted: Wed Nov 16, 2011 5:15 pm
by rocklobster
I'm not sure that would actually work. The Japanese are generally hostile to Christianity and anime is made with them in mind.
I think an anime based on Ranger's Apprentice would work. As well as one based on Lloyd Alexander's Chronicles of Prydain. Certainly anything would be better than what Disney did to Prydain in The Black Cauldron.

PostPosted: Wed Nov 16, 2011 5:17 pm
by TheSubtleDoctor
I am going to say an anime about Scrabble should be made. We all know that the Japanese can make games like go, mah jong, shougi and karuta interesting and exciting, so why not also Scrabble?

EDIT: And somehow shoehorn mecha into that. Yeah. It'd be awesome.

PostPosted: Wed Nov 16, 2011 5:19 pm
by akorecki1
It was just for fun not like it will ever really become a reality anime i know of 3 christen Manga
manga messengers
manga Messiah
Game plan! Go to to read.

PostPosted: Wed Nov 16, 2011 5:23 pm
by akorecki1
Nate (post: 1516013) wrote:Oooh I can't wait for the Song of Solomon episode of that! But you'd have to use steam or something to cover the characters so you could save the full nudity for the DVD version to boost sales! : D

I was telling my sister and mom they said it would be steamy maybe skip that.

PostPosted: Wed Nov 16, 2011 5:26 pm
by Nate
akorecki1 wrote:I was telling my sister and mom they said it would be steamy maybe skip that.

But you know what you can't skip? David spying on Bathsheba while she's in the bathtub. Then you can use the steam for that, and keep the nudity for the DVD version. You'll make millions!

PostPosted: Wed Nov 16, 2011 5:28 pm
by akorecki1
Nate (post: 1516026) wrote:But you know what you can't skip? David spying on Bathsheba while she's in the bathtub. Then you can use the steam for that, and keep the nudity for the DVD version. You'll make millions!

I could fill the room with steam so you don't see the "other" parts.

PostPosted: Wed Nov 16, 2011 5:33 pm
by akorecki1
akorecki1 (post: 1516027) wrote:I could fill the room with steam so you don't see the "other" parts.

Or maybe have him peeking in her window and the window covers the other parts and her servants you know and stuff like that to cover those parts. Not that it would ever happen just a fantasy although it would be nice to dream.

PostPosted: Wed Nov 16, 2011 5:38 pm
by Nate
I'm not good at thinking of ideas for anime though so really it'd probably just be another "transforming heroes" type show as far as I'm concerned. I haven't put much thought into the theme or anything though.

PostPosted: Wed Nov 16, 2011 5:40 pm
by Neane
akorecki1 (post: 1516006) wrote: Starting with Genesis and ending with Revelation.

OH BOY. If they keep to the text 100%, they will have to create an OAV series because no way on Earth Japan would show it on TV.
The Bible is very Mature. And if they kept to the text: It will make every other anime/TV Series/Movie look like a Kid's Show.

I would make an anime about a Chess Championship.

PostPosted: Wed Nov 16, 2011 5:41 pm
by akorecki1
Nate (post: 1516030) wrote:I'm not good at thinking of ideas for anime though so really it'd probably just be another "transforming heroes" type show as far as I'm concerned. I haven't put much thought into the theme or anything though.

If you really think my idea is good then that is the best idea i have had in ages.:hits_self

PostPosted: Wed Nov 16, 2011 5:41 pm
by Crossfire
Basically, I would do a remake of Area 88 with "modern-era" planes, perhaps with a more immersive story. But mostly [s]aircraft porn[/s] F-22's dishing it out.

PostPosted: Wed Nov 16, 2011 5:43 pm
by akorecki1
Neane (post: 1516031) wrote:OH BOY. If they keep to the text 100%, this will have to create an OAV series because there will no on Earth Japan will show it on TV.
The Bible is very Mature. And if they kept to the text: It will make every other anime/TV Series/Movie look like a Kid's Show.

I would make an anime about a Chess Championship.

I would just do it to inform people about the bible my bff's who watch anime are not christens or not sure about becoming a christen. :D

PostPosted: Wed Nov 16, 2011 5:51 pm
by Neane
akorecki1 (post: 1516035) wrote:I would just do it to inform people about the bible my bff's who watch anime are not christens or not sure about becoming a christen. :D

If you want a preview of what an Anime of the Bible would be like, there's a Short Anime called My Last Day and is apart of the The JESUS Film Project, created by Barry Cook and Studio 4C. It's does have a lot of blood and violence in it.

PostPosted: Wed Nov 16, 2011 5:57 pm
by blkmage
The anime adaptation of this.

PostPosted: Wed Nov 16, 2011 5:59 pm
by akorecki1
Yea send it to me through the mail system on here

PostPosted: Wed Nov 16, 2011 6:07 pm
by Neane
akorecki1 (post: 1516041) wrote:Yea send it to me through the mail system on here
It seems that I cannot send it to you because it says that you have no contact information. Send me a private Message I will reply to you with the anime.

PostPosted: Wed Nov 16, 2011 6:10 pm
by akorecki1
you should have gotten it.

PostPosted: Wed Nov 16, 2011 6:15 pm
by Atria35
akorecki1 (post: 1516020) wrote:It was just for fun not like it will ever really become a reality anime i know of 3 christen Manga
manga messengers
manga Messiah
Game plan! Go to to read.

The Manga Bible series (of which both Manga Messiah and Manga Messengers are a part of this series along with 3 other books) was never printed in Japan, and Game Plan! likewise was not made in Japan and has never been printed there. So if you're thinking that the Japanese are reading these en masse in their magazines and hearng the message.... they aren't.

PostPosted: Wed Nov 16, 2011 6:16 pm
by GrubbTheFragger
akorecki1 (post: 1516028) wrote:Or maybe have him peeking in her window and the window covers the other parts and her servants you know and stuff like that to cover those parts. Not that it would ever happen just a fantasy although it would be nice to dream.

I am going to say this off topic, you know there is a edit button correct? If so please stop double posting and quoting yourself when you can hit edit.

That being said, I would do a some type of horror anime, not sure of the theme or story but it would be horror. And your idea is okay I guess.

PostPosted: Wed Nov 16, 2011 6:16 pm
by akorecki1
Atria35 (post: 1516050) wrote:The Manga Bible series (of which both Manga Messiah and Manga Messengers are a part of this series along with 3 other books) was never printed in Japan, and Game Plan! likewise was not made in Japan and has never been printed there. So if you're thinking that the Japanese are reading these en masse in their magazines and hearng the message.... they aren't.

I would like to point out i never said that.

PostPosted: Wed Nov 16, 2011 6:19 pm
by Atria35
akorecki1 (post: 1516052) wrote:I would like to point out i never said that.

Oh. Apologies. Anycase, I think that all my responses in other threads about Christian anime fit my response- non-Christians would see 'Christian' and the word 'Bible' and avoid, so it would be kinda pointless for the most part.

PostPosted: Wed Nov 16, 2011 6:20 pm
by Neane
akorecki1 (post: 1516047) wrote:you should have gotten it.

It seems you are not able to send me anything/ or me to you.

Just go to Google and type in My Last Day.

PostPosted: Wed Nov 16, 2011 6:31 pm
by akorecki1
Neane (post: 1516056) wrote:It seems you are not able to send me anything/ or me to you.

Just go to Google and type in My Last Day.

That was great wow I loved it

PostPosted: Wed Nov 16, 2011 7:15 pm
by FllMtl Novelist
If I could make an anime I'd likely do it with whichever one of my current writing projects would be the most fun to see animated. Then I'd go nag Brain's Base to let me work with them.

If I had to write something completely new for an anime, the result would probably include the main hero and heroine already dating (whoo, the research I'd need to pull that off), a slightly disturbing narrator, a fairly un-cute art style, mathematics (logic! :D), much violence, and a fun villain.

Dang it, why does it have to be NaNoWriMo now? 8<
TheSubtleDoctor (post: 1516019) wrote:I am going to say an anime about Scrabble should be made. We all know that the Japanese can make games like go, mah jong, shougi and karuta interesting and exciting, so why not also Scrabble?

EDIT: And somehow shoehorn mecha into that. Yeah. It'd be awesome.

That does sound pretty awesome. :O
blkmage (post: 1516039) wrote:The anime adaptation of this.

This could also be cool.

PostPosted: Wed Nov 16, 2011 7:52 pm
by Sapphire225
If I could make an anime it would be about people with the power to bottled-nosed dolphins!

...Okay, would two psychos on the run from a fascistic government make a more plausible story?

PostPosted: Thu Nov 17, 2011 3:07 pm
by Agloval
An adaption of the Aeneid as a bombastic mecha space opera film series, with Redline-style budgets and working time periods.

PostPosted: Thu Nov 17, 2011 3:08 pm
by TheSubtleDoctor
/me gives Agloval all his money

PostPosted: Thu Nov 17, 2011 3:58 pm
by ABlipinTime
I would like to make an anime, but I'd keep a level of secrecy depending on what I was doing. However, it would most likely be in the realm of sci-fi / fantasy.