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Who are your favorite APH characters?

PostPosted: Tue Jan 04, 2011 7:59 pm
by TopazRaven
For all those out there who read or watch the truly marvelous web-comic/anime series Axis Powers Hetalia, may I ask who your favorite characters are and why you like them? I have made a Hetalia thread before, but that was more along the lines of just asking if anyone other then me watched the series and I didn't get many responses so I'm not sure what to expect for this one. Anyway, here are my favorites.

Austria - As if you couldn't tell from my avatar. *Cough*. When he first wormed his way into my favorites list I couldn't really figure out why I liked his character so much until I realized it's because I can relate to him in some ways. I've talked to other Hetalia fans who have expressed dislike towards him due to him being 'plain.' Welcome to my world, I'm about as plain as they come, though I don't think Austria plain in the least anyway. Austria is also, for the most part in least: a quiet fellow, though impatient, he gives higher priority to his hobbies rather then work, makes a fuss out of wasting things, has no sense of direction and hey, he likes cake! That's me in a nutshell folks.

America - Well, I have to like my own country, don't I? He's an obnoxious jerk with an unhealthy obsession with being a hero and junk food and basically every American stereotype rolled into one. It amuses me probably more then it should. When I first started watching Hetalia I was actually mildly offended by his character, but I've obviously gotten over it by now.

England - I always seem to like the temperamental type. Not to mention the whole bit with his 'magical friends' is pretty hilarious. I've been interested in the countries of the United Kingdom since childhood, so it really was fun to see England in Hetalia. The creator needs to hurry up and make characters for Scotland, Wales, Ireland and Northern Ireland though. Like, now.

Denmark - He's a viking, no need for any other explanation. :lol: Seriously though, he seems like a pretty interesting character even if he hasn't been in the anime much yet. I tend to like the characters you don't know a lot about to, the side characters if you will.

Sweden - This is another country I've really liked since childhood. I've gotta admit though, I was expecting him to be a woman. Lol. I find it amusing that everyone is scared to death of him and all he really does is just look at them.

Russia - Because I've been pretty interested in this country in the past few years as well. Russian history never fails to interest me. Besides, he might be a psycho, but he's a lovable psycho! Not to mention I always like a character with a tragic past and Russian history is indeed quite tragic.

South Korea - I'm rather disappointed he's not going to be in the anime, I'm rather interested in Korean history to, though he ended up being quite different from what I expected. Very er...eccentric.

Belgium - She only gets shown for like 5 seconds in the first episode, but I already know she's cool.

Vietnam - Only a character sketch out for her so far, but I like her already to. Don't judge me, I need not explain my logic!

Ukraine - Her personality completly threw me off, I was expecting her to be really tough and she ends up being a big cry baby instead. Still like her any other way, she's the only semi-normal person in her family. Poor woman.

North Italy - Pasta! He's the main character, there is something wrong with you if you don't like him.

Japan - It is because of him anime in general is possible after all! I love how he comes across as the most sane person in the whole series to by the way.

China - His Hello Kitty obsession is quite entertaining. Can you tell I'm getting lazy with my explanations now?

Germany - Considering the series is supposed to mostly take place during World War II, I like to think about actual history while watching the show, even if it's meant to be a comedy. I was a bit worried when first watching this anime that Germany would come across as evil, but it seems the series tries to actually avoid mentioning incidents like the Holocaust and only make gags about Germany's 'crazy, insane boss'. Anyway, he's a pretty cool dude.

France - Yet another country I've had great interest in since I was a kid. His personality is very er...questionable if you know what I mean, but I have a crude sense of humor anyway obviously, so I find him amusing.

The Netherlands - He's only showed up in the web-comic once so far and not at all in the anime yet if I'm correct, but he tops my favorite character list along with Austria. This may very well be due to the fact I was informed by my mother that we have Dutch ancestry, so my interest in the Netherlands has greatly increased since then. From what I can tell from his personality he so far he seems very stoic and blunt. Which can make quite an interesting combination in my opinion. Though people usually play him off as a drug addict and being a lolicon. I'm just going to ignore that as I obviously don't approve.

Norway - I just really like the Scandinavians I guess. I don't know.

Anyway, yeah...I like pretty much all of them so I better just stop now. I'm getting tired of writing anyway, evidenced by my lack of proper explanations. If you actually read all this you are amazing. Have a cookie!

Anyway, sorry if most of my explinations and such don't make sense. I'm tried...and weird. :sweat::hits_self Probably heading off to bed soon.

PostPosted: Tue Jan 04, 2011 9:17 pm
by Beau Soir
I haven't watched APH for quite some time, but from what I can remember...

I'm also fond of Austria, I have this vague image of him playing the piano, and it's so peaceful. I've always liked his relationship with Hungary, though it's sad that they divorced (it's history though... so...)

America is so obnoxious, but he's hilarious. I like how much energy he has and how "full of life" he is though. XD And the hamburger song!

North Italy is a cute character, his airheaded-ness is really amusing...

Lastly, I really liked Japan because he was so serene, yet strong. What really struck me about him was when America was throwing a boisterous party, yet Japan politely declined saying he was busy only to go home to sit on his porch and watch the evening sky with his dog.

That's all I can remember at the moment.

PostPosted: Wed Jan 05, 2011 2:47 am
by Fish and Chips
God Tier

Okay Tier
Everyone else

PostPosted: Wed Jan 05, 2011 8:01 am
by TopazRaven
I like Austria's relationship with Hungary as well. It's sad they had to get divorced, but I don't really see it as the end of their relationship anyway. The seperation of the Austro-Hungarian empire would probably have been their leader's choice and not their own and it's obvious they still care about each other anyway. xD

Ahaha, Sealand a God Tier? Amusing thought...

PostPosted: Wed Jan 05, 2011 8:24 am
by Sissy
Haven't read the webcomic, but I've seen a lot of the anime. <3

My absolute favorite is Germany. He's quiet, serious, and strict, but his sweet moments are SO DARNED SWEET. (And he's cute... 'specially when he smiles.:red:)

Then... Canada. Although, admittedly, that's more based on fanon interpretation than the actual anime. Quiet, shy, forgotten... he's the perfect [color="Blue"]woobie![/color]

And I love Italy, if nothing else, for his white flags and "Doitsu! Doitsu!" Hee hee. :lol:

...That's all I can think of right now.

Fun thread!

PostPosted: Fri Jan 07, 2011 7:08 pm
by Sapphire225
America is definately up there as one of my favorites for his obnoxious personality. Then, it would have to be North Italy for being so adorable. Then his brother South Italy, and then England.

Although, I actually love all of the characters.

PostPosted: Fri Feb 04, 2011 11:48 pm
by crusader88
Italy. He won my heart when France dressed up as a woman and tricked him, and England trapped him in North Africa.

And Sealand too, because I like the real life micronation.

PostPosted: Sat Feb 05, 2011 12:15 am
by Makachop^^128
Austria and Hungary <3 >.< My favorites :)

PostPosted: Sat Feb 05, 2011 12:45 am
by Rusty Claymore
Russia. He makes me "pleasure smile". XD

Also... uh, isn't it, "Hetalia: Axis Powers"? So it'd be HAP, rather than APH... Sorry! That's just been poking me for awhile now...

PostPosted: Sat Feb 05, 2011 5:41 am
by TopazRaven
crusader88 (post: 1456914) wrote:Italy. He won my heart when France dressed up as a woman and tricked him, and England trapped him in North Africa.

And Sealand too, because I like the real life micronation.

:lol: That's to funny. I was wondering in that episode if I should be concerned that France makes that convincing of a woman?

Rusty Claymore (post: 1456921) wrote:Russia. He makes me "pleasure smile". XD

Also... uh, isn't it, "Hetalia: Axis Powers"? So it'd be HAP, rather than APH... Sorry! That's just been poking me for awhile now...

Russia is awesome. :D Technically it's both. The manga goes by Hetalia: Axis Powers. The anime is Axis Powers Hetalia and then Hetalia: World Series. xD

Meanwhile, now that I think about it, Prussia makes me laugh to. I think he's even more obnioxous then America! If that's possible.

PostPosted: Sun Feb 06, 2011 11:45 am
by Fangirl4God
Canada is my gave because I am just like Canada lol. I'm for real, at school I am not noticed even by my friends. They call me Canada too lol. But yeah, Canada ish awesome.
I so love Italy because he is so darn cute!!!!

PostPosted: Sun Feb 06, 2011 11:59 am
by TopazRaven
I like Canada to! The character and the real country. I can't believe I forgot to add him to my list.

PostPosted: Fri Feb 25, 2011 9:12 am
by Sapphire225
TopazRaven (post: 1457172) wrote:I like Canada to! The character and the real country. I can't believe I forgot to add him to my list.

Tsk tsk tsk :shake:
Yet again, Canada's existence is forgotten...

Just messing with ya'! ;)

PostPosted: Fri Feb 25, 2011 11:15 am
by TopazRaven
I know, I'm so ashamed! xD

PostPosted: Fri Dec 09, 2011 10:43 am
by Adorima
>>Gravedigging here<<

For my moe characters:

China: Thinks food will solve problems.
Is a very mature and kind-hearted character/country, despite what the western nations do to him.

Japan: America hug** "What are you doing?!" Japan shoves America, that" was my first time!!!" LOL.

For the Tsundere chars:

Germany: Very funny guy, very serious and very loyal. Very principled and disciplined, yet caring.

England: The ep when he gets drunk kind of explains everything I like about him. He's proud, yet he has a soft-spot for the colonies he's added (or lost) to/in his empire.

PostPosted: Fri Dec 09, 2011 7:10 pm
by TopazRaven
Lol, wow. I never thought I'd see this show up again. :D Thanks for telling me your favorite characters. Though I'm pretty sure it was Italy who hugged Japan when he freaked out. :lol:

PostPosted: Sat Dec 10, 2011 12:42 am
by KhakiBlueSocks
[font="Trebuchet MS"][SIZE="4"][color="RoyalBlue"]I'm gonna be patriotic and say that my favorite character is America. I love his scruffy attitude and how he always tries to take control and be the big hero, but sometimes fails miserably. He just seems like such a funny guy to have around! Plus, he has the coolest version of "Marukaite Chikyuu" ever! "Hey hey daddy! I want some colla!"

Coming in a close second is little Sealand! I mean, come on! He's so freaking small, yet he tries so hard to become a country recognized by the others! And heck, if it wasn't for him, I wouldn't know that Sealand was a REAL country![/color][/SIZE][/font]

PostPosted: Sat Dec 10, 2011 6:02 pm
by crazypackersfan
China, Liechtenstein and Austria are my favorites. I used to like America until I started going to Hetalia panels at conventions and seeing cosplayers use the America character as an excuse to act like complete morons and make tasteless jokes.

PostPosted: Sun Dec 11, 2011 8:28 pm
by Crossfire
I would say Canada, but I honestly don't like his character that much. I mean, I know the whole point of the series is to poke fun at countries, but it's not like we're completely helpless. That being said, I do like England's personality.

PostPosted: Sun Dec 11, 2011 10:51 pm
by AnimeGirl
I've only seen 10 episodes, but America and China were my favorites! Italy was pretty cool, too.

PostPosted: Mon Dec 19, 2011 2:57 pm
by Neane
Italy. Pasta!

PostPosted: Tue Dec 20, 2011 10:53 am
by Lynna
I'm not sure who my favourite is. It's been a really, really long time since I've watched hetalia. For awhile, Germany was my favourite, but I pretty much like them all. Liechtenstein is so cute though ^_^ I also like Canada, who is kind of cute. But I am a little disappointing he's not in the show very much. I suppose there's really no helping it...
Interesting point though: A lot of the stereotypes for the individual provinces are the total opposite of Canada: think there might have been a swear word or two, so be warned!)
Anyways, I want to start watching Hetalia again ^_^

PostPosted: Tue Dec 20, 2011 11:03 am
by TopazRaven
I've actually seen Ctcsherry's art before Lynna, she's great isn't she? xD Her province/territory characters are so fun. There is actually even a YouTube channel now dedicated to Canada and his provinces/territories.

PostPosted: Tue Dec 20, 2011 11:15 am
by Voltage
I make a face at you.

Well, OBVIOUSLY Russia is my number one. He's cute when he has his moments, and the voices on both subbed and dubbed are absolutley perfect. When Belarus is around he's terrified, and it's always fun the see the "Tough" character absolutley weak at the knees.

I adore Prussia, because, let's face it, he's awesome. Plus when he annoys his brother it's hilarious. I also listened to the blog he made (It's in Japanese) and that made me laugh really hard. Besides - no one can hate Gilbird.

I have mixed feelings about America, but I like him well enough. I just... no one can cosplay him right...

Canada... Is adorable...

I think of Finland, Sweden and Sealand as a whole. They are the most adorable, perfect family even if Sealand is a little annoying and Finland is scared out of his pants of Sweden. But he will always be Sweden's wife and that just makes me melt with adorableness.

Hungary is so sweet, and she's one of the only girls in the series.
I was really bummed when her and Austria got a divorce.
Go hook up with Prussia now, run along. :P

Do you know everyone's human names?

PostPosted: Tue Dec 20, 2011 12:32 pm
by TopazRaven
Yes, I'm pretty sure I know all the official names by now, unless there are some new ones. Meanwhile, it appears Hungary and Austria are still together despite the divorce since some of the episodes/comic strips with them together are after that time period and even set in the mordern era. Needless to say I'm not a fan of PrussiaxHungary anyway so yeah...he can just go somewhere. :lol: As for Finland forever being Sweden's 'wife'...that poor man. xD That must be awkward. That relationship makes me laugh when I think about the way Finnish people feel about the Swedish in real life.