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Tsubasa Wars/Lord Of Tsubasa

PostPosted: Tue Nov 24, 2009 11:12 am
by AnimeGirl
If you're a fan of the Tsubasa anime, and if you like Star Wars and LOTR, you're sure to LOVE these epic trailers I found on YouTube!

Tsubasa Wars: The Phantom Chaos

(This was SO PERFECT 'cause of Piffle World! Uses the audio for the Episode 1 trailer)

Lord Of Tsubasa

(Perfect because of the second world they visited! Uses the audio for the Two Towers trailer).

PostPosted: Sun Nov 29, 2009 6:46 am
by MangArtist
Haha! Those are awesome! XD
My favorite part is in the Lord Of Tsubasa from 1:58 to 2:06. I always KNEW there was something up with Monoka!

PostPosted: Sun Nov 29, 2009 10:03 am
by Radical Dreamer
Moved to Anime! I've seen similar videos to these done with LOTR and Azumanga Daioh; they can be VERY funny! XD

PostPosted: Sun Nov 29, 2009 7:48 pm
by Wyntre Rose
Those are both great! :lol:

PostPosted: Sat Dec 05, 2009 12:12 pm
by jadeTheshade
i've seen the second one before but not the firstXD
it's all epic win, in my opinion XD

PostPosted: Sun Dec 06, 2009 6:45 pm
by NothingClever
Hilarious! Now I want to watch the anime to see what it's really about... and rewatch LOTR. :lol:

PostPosted: Mon Dec 07, 2009 9:39 pm
by AnimeGirl
Glad you guys got a kick out of it.

Everytime I watch these trailers, I'm thinking to myself "Man, I wish it was a REAL movie!"
XD Wouldn't that be epic? Tsubasa footage with Star Wars and LOTR audio? EPIC WIN!

PostPosted: Tue Dec 08, 2009 4:14 pm
by steenajack
BTW: AnimeGirl-san, what exactly is that Tsubasa anime like? What's the content on it exactly? Is it really good? I'm kinda considering watching it, and I'm just curious what your thoughts about it were?

PostPosted: Sat Dec 12, 2009 10:05 pm
by AnimeGirl
steenajack (post: 1359720) wrote:THOSE WERE AWESOME!
BTW: AnimeGirl-san, what exactly is that Tsubasa anime like? What's the content on it exactly? Is it really good? I'm kinda considering watching it, and I'm just curious what your thoughts about it were?

I plan to post a review on it very soon. But the rundown is like this....

Both the sub and dub voices are EQUALLY GOOD. But I prefer dub. In fact, dub has practically NO LANGUAGE. The only account is Kurogane saying the "h" and "d" word only once, and not until the second season. In the sub, there's some minor language here and there. No graphic violence, the most graphic it gets is a statue crying blood (but it's not gross) and Ashura wounding Yasha above his eye, so you see him cover it and blood streaming. Other than that, lots of bloodless battles. CONSERVATIVE CLOTHING! Sakura's main outfit is a midriff shirt, but it's not tight or revealing, and they often change clothes in each world. Sexual content ZERO! The closest to this is the first episode when Sakura jumps on Syaoran in excitement and they both fall, and of course, she's on top of them, but this is more comical and is not sexual at all.

Try it, it's like 10+ or so. If you love romance, action, and comedy, YOU'LL LOVE TSUBASA CHRONICLES!

PostPosted: Sun Dec 13, 2009 12:04 pm
by steenajack
Ooooo, this looks good! I just might try it out. XD! BTW: How about xxxholic? I hear it get's kinda dark. Is it good? What's the content on that series? Should I be asking this in the Anime Recommendations thread?

PostPosted: Sun Dec 13, 2009 1:24 pm
by Wyntre Rose
xxxHolic does get rather dark. Not in an extremely violent way or anything, it's more phsychological. No sex or nudity, though Yuuko wears some revealing clothes quite often. The "religious" content may give you pause, though. Especially in xxxHolic: Kei, the sequel, there's a little girl who is a medium who is one of the "good guys" and in the first, Yuuko has a friend who is a fortune teller - Yuuko seems to be one, as well - and the main character can see and be hounded by ghosts and spirits. These aren't any worse than anything in, say, Spirited Away, though. Yuuko herself grants wishes - any wishes - even if they won't turn out well for the person who wished them, and she must have equal payment for whatever she's done, which can sometimes be really harsh, depending on the wish. Watanuki's friend - or enemy, depending on who you ask - Doumeki is the grandson of a Shinto (I believe) priest, who has some powers of his own, though he's unaware of it until he meets Watanuki.

Having said all those negative things - it's a great series!! Watanuki, the main character, is funny (unintentionally) and incredibly selfless, but he can also be very flawed, which makes him one of my favorite CLAMP protagonists. So often their main characters are too perfect, but Watanuki is very human. And the rivalry/friendship between him and the stoic, priestly Doumeki is priceless. Yuuko's relationship to Watanuki is an interesting one as well, especially if you are reading the manga, which goes much further than the anime does (so far,'s hoping they animate the whole thing!!!) There are a lot of lessons learned in these stories - think Aesop's fables with a supernaturally Japanese twist - and for the most part, they are good ones. Just keep in mind that they are not coming from a Judeo-Christian worldview.

Funimation has the first season of it streaming free on their website both in English and Japanese with subs, so I'd recommend you watch it there. xxxHolic: Kei hasn't been licensed yet (crosses fingers) but you can safely watch the first season alone without a huge cliffhanger. It's pretty episodic. It isn't until Kei starts that everything starts really pulling itself together into an overarching story. If you read the manga, though, you'll probably want to be reading Tsubasa too, since they overlap constantly. You won't be completely lost if you don't, but you'll get a lot more out of it if you do. The anime for both takes out most of the crossover, so it's not so necessary for them.

Edit: Just remembered one other thing to watch out for. In one of the earlier episodes, Watanuki and Doumeki encounter some girls who are trapped by the Japanese equivalent of a Ouija board. Yuuko is guiding them through the ordeal, and if you watch it in English, she seems to say that the board itself isn't so harmful, it's the people's thoughts that make it evil. In Japanese, if I remember it correctly, she condemns the object as well as the intentions that people use it for. Just an FYI.

PostPosted: Sun Dec 13, 2009 2:04 pm
by steenajack
Hmmmmm, sounds like an interesting series. I might test that one out as well.

PostPosted: Wed Dec 30, 2009 11:53 pm
by steenajack
Okay, I've watched about 6 or 7 episodes. THIS IS ONE OF THE BEST ANIME I'VE EVER SEEN!!!!!

Here are some other Tsubasa AMVs I like: I really love the song on this one. This one is a bit sad, but I thought the song seemed to fit. OMGosh!!!!! This one is just awesome! I love Mulan! Better than the one before!

I'll be posting more l8r. XD!

PostPosted: Thu Dec 31, 2009 5:40 pm
by steenajack
Okay, here are a few funny ones:

Chibi's galore!!!!!:


Okay I had to post this one up! It's too funny:

This one is just....OMGosh, I can't even say it XD!: