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PostPosted: Thu Mar 02, 2006 1:51 pm
by Mangafanatic
Thanks to Mr.SmartyPants for this great Monster review! (And thanks to kryptech for looking the content over for me ;).)

PostPosted: Sat Mar 04, 2006 5:42 pm
by Mr. SmartyPants
Yay! Thank you!!

PostPosted: Wed Mar 29, 2006 12:59 pm
by Linksquest

MONSTER IS LOVE! hahaha. It is one of the best animes i have ever seen. GREAT ART STYLE!!! I am soo in awe of it's amazing original realistic style. Their water and glasses are like... amazing (yes... i am weird and pay attention to such details!). The music added to the suspense, and the characters were well rounded. There was definately good acting involved to evoke emotions from me, as well as me feel empathy towards them.

LINKSQUEST'S RATING: "AAA" AWSOME AWSOME AWSOME! (or in other countries translated: Also Adults Allowed

PostPosted: Sat Apr 01, 2006 5:08 pm
by avidrkfan
Monster is definitely one of the most thought-provoking animes I've ever seen. It's the poster child for that saying, 'No good deed goes unpunished.'

Mr. Smartypants' review was well articulated and well reasoned. The nudity/sex aspects really bothered me, but he's right - they weren't put there for fan service but instead they were included to give the viewers a realistic sense of the depravity of the European underworld.

Monster is a story about adult characters - something rarely seen in anime - and Tenma is an all too human hero. He has no superpowers or giant robots to help him, only his strong sense of moral duty and that gets severely tested throughout.

It's an amazing anime, and the review caught the salient points perfectly.

PostPosted: Fri Jan 22, 2010 12:57 am
by MightiMidget
Okay, so I did read the review, but I'm still sort of paranoid about how graphic the sexual content is? I'm loving what I read of the plot and strength, but am wondering basically how to avoid the mentioned bits and parts due to my extremely low tolerance for visuals.

EDIT: I'm guessing this was the wrong place, sorry! :oops:

PostPosted: Mon Jan 25, 2010 10:27 pm
by Mr. SmartyPants
No penetration or anything and no genitalia. But there are chest shots time to time. I think there's also some sex scenes which aren't graphic visually but perhaps more graphic auditory.