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Postby Mithrandir » Wed Sep 03, 2003 10:38 am

MillyFan wrote:Anyway, these same people planned to send their son to an exclusively Christian college, to have him court someone being raised in a similarly strict manner, and their whole idea seemed to center around "keeping him safe and pure."

That's kinda funny. I went to a primarily Christian college (Christian Institution? Isn't that an oxy-moron?!?) I got my training in Comp Sci and when I got out, I went to the place I had heard refered to as heart of technology. When I got here, and started talking with some people, I realized just how well the education I got prepaired me for my job. I'm not rich, but I make a comfortable enough living (as comfortable as possible when I'm paying 1600/mo in rent!) Most of the people I run into who are comp sci guys just don't know anything coming out of college, which is odd, since some of them came from places like stanford or cal tech. Hmm. Anyway, I was really sheltered growing up, but was introduced to heavy doses of reality at my Christian College. It was nice to get that in a community that honors God (mostly) and could help me transition into the real world. It saved me some pain growing up too, I'm sure. I wonder how much of this my parents knew would happen. :lol: Probably none...
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Postby EireWolf » Wed Sep 03, 2003 10:53 am

oldphilosopher wrote:Anyway, I was really sheltered growing up, but was introduced to heavy doses of reality at my Christian College.

Yes, but remember that our college was more "liberal" (by conservative Christian standards) than most Christian colleges. Some overprotective parents pull their kids out of the school when they realize how much reality their poor innocent children are being subjected to. :lol:

It doesn't happen very often though. And I was very grateful for the reality dosages. I didn't grow up as sheltered as some.
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Postby Technomancer » Wed Sep 03, 2003 12:15 pm

I can't say that I was ever sheltered. The neighbourhood where I grew up could be rough at times. Of course, when I tell some people about the local goings on that I remember... University was different, but not greatly so, we were raised to be independantly minded so none of us (my brothers and me, my sister went to college) ever had problems. The schools we went to are pretty much secular and multicultural anyways (Mac has a Baptist seminary, but the uni proper is like anywhere else). I'd probably have had a much greater culture shock attending one of the Protestant Christian colleges that people have mentioned here.
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Postby shooraijin » Wed Sep 03, 2003 7:26 pm

> Yes, but remember that our college was more "liberal" (by conservative Christian standards) than most Christian colleges.

This is a fact, and especially by a very vocal subpopulation within the Naz educational system.
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Postby Usso-M » Thu Sep 04, 2003 2:54 pm

Heh, sorry for getting off topic (or mabye back on) but I draw the line as Evangelion. Although I can watch and enjoy the first 2 DVD's, I really don't want over-saturated fansevice to ruin something for me. While most boys my age (14-15) sadly look at the porn, I do admit sometimes I really don't mind watching fanservice in an anime. But I think Hentai is
JUNK from Satan, heh heh :D, so I don't watch that.
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Postby Usso-M » Thu Sep 04, 2003 6:51 pm

Benu wrote:Man!! You wont belive the arguments that I have with my (so Called) Friends at church that don't like anime over the nudity and fanservice issues that pop up in anime. But they have problems with that in real life already but it just bugs me too hang around with them. They see a pretty girl and they go crazy. I'm a guy but I don't join along in lusting and talking like a pervert like they do. But they tell me "Do you even like girls" to put it lightly. Gee that bugs me so much!! Just because I respect girls doesn't mean I'm Gay! I really don't understand some of these guys! But really I'm not bothered by nudity or fanservice, but I do find it annoying in anime when it is done in bad taste and destroys a whole show! But I can go on about this subject for days!!!

I AM sooo like you- I really think porn is awful, must to the chargin of some of my friends. As a matter of fact, I have NO interest in football, wrestling, cars or anything, but I'm NOT gay. Anywho, like I said, I hate porn, but at times I don't mind fanservice--I'm not aroused by it, but mabye a little entertained by like, a bikin, or something, every once in a while. Is that bad?
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Postby supa dupa ninja » Sat Sep 06, 2003 1:04 am

I ask you also a question...
when is too much, too much?
In my opinion excess is evil, its okay to play d&d but not get sucked in and renact the game (and become a loser in the prosess) and drop your own religion. its ok to to understand more about other religions and understand them because not everyone here on this beatiful earth is a christian, but also lead them to god in the process. its ok to drink a little for being social but DO NOT get drunk.
hope I made some relevance here because Im feeling kinda drunk right now (in other words sleepy).
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Postby LorentzForce » Tue Sep 16, 2003 11:41 pm

umm, no. anime is so wide in genre that it's impossible to say it has to violent or sexually oriented. if so, can you say computers are bad simply because they can have hentai games on them? simply because you can draw violent animated 3D graphics on them? can you blame the TV for everything? no, you can't. you can't blame something that is so wide in its terms.

go on, say it's anime, when there are plenty of anime out there that does not require such attributes to be an anime.
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Postby LorentzForce » Wed Sep 17, 2003 12:33 am

Neon Genesis Evangelion - Violence, mysticism, nudity, sex, and basically heresy

:lol: look at my avatar, my sig, and tell me; do you really know what NGE means? i'll presume you don't. you are obviously looking only at the cover, and didn't even see the details. you stating NGE being 'mystical' just shows it all.

anime succeded simply because it showed a newer kind of entertainment source that is quite similar to american comics but were in a different level of genre. it showed new ideas and theories of japanese animators and directors, but not simply because it had violence, sex and heresy. you think pokemon isn't anime? think again.

i'll take it that you're presuming all anime is gore and hentai. which as far as i know, american cartoons ALSO had gore and sex themes in them. so then why would those americans bother to watch anime in the first place then?
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Postby MillyFan » Wed Sep 17, 2003 2:02 am

I also consider Aleister's and Boomerang's posts to be an insult.

Yes, there are some people who watch for the "bad stuff" and to be "rebels"-just as there are people who watch whatever junk the American live-action film industry has tossed to them for the week for that reason or who listen to certain types of music for the sake of appearing "rebellious," rather than for anything in the music itself.

There have always been people like that, and there always will be people like that. Common names for them are boors and philistines. Of course, their existence means a quick dollar for anyone willing to pander to them-hence why we have pointless fanservice, plotless stupidity for the masses in any art form-and why we have people who interpret questionable but artistically legitimate content as if it is such pandering.

Thing is, not all of us are boors and philistines simply because some of us are, and those people who are, are often being indulged and/or often think they're being indulged.

Such people aren't unique to anime, or to live-action film, or to music. Go to a sporting event any given weekend and you'll find people keeping track on scorecards, watching the game with binoculars, or just having a good time watching a good game. You will also find people who think a good time comes in several bottles of alcohol and in causing problems for everyone else-and to whom the game itself is secondary unless the players brawl.

Does that make all sports fans like that? No, it just means the bloodlust drunks are a very vocal minority.

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Postby Roxi » Sat Aug 27, 2011 5:01 am

[color="DeepSkyBlue"]The spirit, to me, actually lets you know when something is appropriate to watch or not. [/color]

Like I started watching this Anime "[color="RoyalBlue"]Aoi Hana[/color]" & by the time I reached episode 3 i started to realize that girls were "falling" for each other and I just stopped watching it... and That was the first time that happened to me which means something had to be wrong with that Anime.

I believe, when doing things, we must always use discretion...Sometimes we very well know where to draw the line...we just don't want to sometimes (Been There unfortunately) But that's when we need to call on the Holy Spirit to guide us through! or Else we won't be able to watch anything :\
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Postby Atria35 » Sat Aug 27, 2011 5:24 am

^ Again, timestamped 2003. Dead thread.

ALso- a simple Google search would have shown that Aoi Hana was shoujo-ai.
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Postby goldenspines » Sat Aug 27, 2011 7:23 am

Yes, please check the time stamps of the last post in a thread. If it's more than 3 months to a year, it's probably dead.
Locked to avoid confusion.
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