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PostPosted: Mon Oct 08, 2007 6:54 pm
by jon_jinn
EricTheFred wrote:Mezzo and Getbackers are both good action shows with engaging characters and plots (and no mecha). Mezzo is episodic (not much long term arc) while Getbackers is very much a single, continuing story.

yes. i forgot to mention Getbackers. it's a good action anime with lighthearted humor and fun, likable characters. the ending, however, is somewhat unsatisfying...

PostPosted: Tue Oct 09, 2007 6:44 am
by EricTheFred
jon_jinn wrote:yes. i forgot to mention Getbackers. it's a good action anime with lighthearted humor and fun, likable characters. the ending, however, is somewhat unsatisfying...

While I very much agree, I did think the ending was more or less appropriate to the show. I would have liked a better wrap-up too, but what they did, somehow fit.

I have similar feelings about 'Samurai Champloo', 'Noir', 'Now and Then, Here and There' and 'Black Lagoon', all shows that I consider first rate. I wanted all these interesting people to somehow find happier endings than they found, but where they ended up was consistent with the rest of the story.

PostPosted: Tue Oct 09, 2007 7:00 pm
by jon_jinn
EricTheFred wrote:While I very much agree, I did think the ending was more or less appropriate to the show. I would have liked a better wrap-up too, but what they did, somehow fit.

i think the series could've kept going for another dozen episodes or so. it left too many of the characters' pasts unanswered...

PostPosted: Sun Oct 21, 2007 3:11 pm
by jon_jinn
sad and depressing and capturing huh? well, if you can handle Saikano and Elfen Lied, then give Berserk a try. anyways, hello and welcome to CAA.

PostPosted: Mon Oct 22, 2007 6:24 am
by EricTheFred
I would suggest my all-time favorite serious Sci-Fi anime series, "Now and Then, Here and There" (ignore the sacharrine cheerfulness of the beginning sequence; things go downhill really fast, but there is something inspiring about the main character's inner strength, and the growth several characters go through.)

The emotional side of the action series "Noir" isn't about romance, but friendship.

For stuff that really isn't action, sci-fi, or fantasy in any way:
The classic would be a Miyazaki film, "Grave of the Fireflies". Brilliant, very moving, and agonizingly bittersweet.

I don't know if it's available in English, but another Miyazaki film, "I Can Hear The Sea", is a bittersweet romance. Sad and captivating.

"Rumbling Hearts" is supposed to be a good sad romance type, but I haven't seen it yet.

PostPosted: Fri Nov 09, 2007 10:22 am
by Aleolus
Can anyone tell me anything about Tengen Toppa Gurren-Lagann? I looked it up on ANN, and it seems like it has potential.

PostPosted: Fri Nov 09, 2007 1:19 pm
by EricTheFred
I watched about five episodes of Gurren-Lagann in Japanese, which means I was missing a fair amount of the jokes (sukoshi wakarimas, but only sukoshi I have a long way to go) yet I was still laughing enough to hurt. So, I haven't seen the rest, but I will be, eventually. Bear in mind, this means I could have been missing a fair amount of inappropriate content. I can tell you, they sure play up the phallic symbolism of a drill in the first episode.

PostPosted: Fri Nov 09, 2007 1:52 pm
by Kairi
Could anyone tell me if Lovely Complex is okay, content-wise? I have several friends who like it and have recommended it to me, but I just wanted to know if there's anything really inappropriate in it before I start buying the manga/watching the anime.

I've seen a little bit of it and it looks funny, but I still wanna be on the safe side. (Especially since there are like, 17 volumes of the manga and I don't want to waste my money. ToT)

PostPosted: Fri Nov 09, 2007 1:57 pm
by uc pseudonym
Haven't read it, sorry.

Aleolus wrote:Can anyone tell me anything about Tengen Toppa Gurren-Lagann? I looked it up on ANN, and it seems like it has potential.

Fair amount of fanservice of the random variety, nothing overly offensive but I can't tell you too much more about content. After 6-8 episodes I developed an extremely low opinion of the series and dropped it due to lack of interest. However, I know it has rabid fans, so if they read this thread they may be able to explain what they find appealing.

PostPosted: Sat Nov 17, 2007 11:12 pm
by Aleolus
OK, I'm looking for some new animes. Problem is, I don't know how do describe the kind I like. So, I figure I'll just list my favorite animes, and if anyone can see a pattern among them, let me know, as well as your suggestions for new ones to check out.

My favorite anime are, in no particular order, InuYasha, Venus Versus Virus, Psychic Academy, Tenchi (all except GXP), Angelic Layer, Utawarerumono, Fate-Stay Night, Yami to Boushi to Hon no Tabibito, Ranma 1/2, Slayers, Love Hina, Ai Yori Aoshi, Amaenaideyo, Zero's Familiar, DearS, Sorcerer Hunters, and I'm interested in checking out Dragonaut some more.

PostPosted: Sun Nov 18, 2007 11:12 am
by Sami_jane
Ok so the list below is most of what i have seen. Its kind of lengthy but I watch a little bit of everything. so if you have any suggestions thats not on the list please tell me. I also have seen parts of rumbling hearts and didnt like it so you dont need to suggest it :D Im really up for anything

The Myazaki movies
Gunslinger girl
most of chobits
tsubasa chron.
most of kenshin
fruits basket
blue gender
baki the grappler
kiddy grade
last exile
virus buster
GITS- all
one peic
paranoia agent
pilot candidate
shaman king
samurai champloo
samurai X
samurai deeper kyo
cowboy beebop
tenchi muyo
trinity blood

PostPosted: Sun Nov 18, 2007 12:25 pm
by Radical Dreamer
Sami_jane wrote:Ok so the list below is most of what i have seen. Its kind of lengthy but I watch a little bit of everything. so if you have any suggestions thats not on the list please tell me. I also have seen parts of rumbling hearts and didnt like it so you dont need to suggest it :D Im really up for anything

Based on the things you've seen, it looks like you'd enjoy Utawarerumono. You might enjoy Air, as well. Both series are licensed and are currently being released on DVD.

PostPosted: Sun Nov 18, 2007 1:22 pm
by Sami_jane
I will look into them. thanks :D

PostPosted: Sat Dec 15, 2007 7:11 pm
by EricTheFred
Aleolus wrote:OK, I'm looking for some new animes. Problem is, I don't know how do describe the kind I like. So, I figure I'll just list my favorite animes, and if anyone can see a pattern among them, let me know, as well as your suggestions for new ones to check out.

My favorite anime are, in no particular order, InuYasha, Venus Versus Virus, Psychic Academy, Tenchi (all except GXP), Angelic Layer, Utawarerumono, Fate-Stay Night, Yami to Boushi to Hon no Tabibito, Ranma 1/2, Slayers, Love Hina, Ai Yori Aoshi, Amaenaideyo, Zero's Familiar, DearS, Sorcerer Hunters, and I'm interested in checking out Dragonaut some more.

Normally, I can detect a pattern. You are straining my abilities with this list.

Well, they are all fantasy or science fantasy, but that description covers most of the anime out there. Strong female leads or love interests in almost all cases... again an anime standard. Most of them are not in the horror/ghost genre. The supernatural is usually more human in these. Some of them get borderline 'adult', but don't push it too far. Several of these have are action oriented, and most of them are originally targeted to teen-twenty male audiences... hmm.

Okay, here goes...
The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya
Air Gear
Shakugan no Shana
Witch Hunter Robin
Oh, My Goddess
Magic Knight Rayearth

And a couple that occasionally get a bit iffy here and there. These are ones where a mature viewer shouldn't be too offended, but if you can deal with an occasional eyebrow raiser, you get rewarded with a good story (I would put 'DearS','Yami', and possibly 'Love Hina' into the same category.)

Please Teacher
Please Twins

PostPosted: Sun Dec 30, 2007 8:38 pm
by Gy273
What are some good comedy/slice of life anime? or just anime that is..well..entertaining yet no plot..:). The ones that I am watching are Pani Poni Dash, Azumanga Daioh..and I'm not sure if Doki Doki school hours is slice of life/comedy but I'm watching it..:). Hope that give you a general idea of what I am talking about. :) :) (Now there is an even amount of smilies)

Edit: Please pm me or post on here if you have suggestions(if possible pm because well, personally I think it would make it much easier..for me at least..:))

PostPosted: Sun Dec 30, 2007 10:20 pm
by jon_jinn
Gy273 wrote:What are some good comedy/slice of life anime? or just anime that is..well..entertaining yet no plot..:). The ones that I am watching are Pani Poni Dash, Azumanga Daioh..and I'm not sure if Doki Doki school hours is slice of life/comedy but I'm watching it..:). Hope that give you a general idea of what I am talking about. :) :) (Now there is an even amount of smilies)

here are my recommendations:

The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya
Great Teacher Onizuka
Cowboy Bebop

PostPosted: Sun Dec 30, 2007 10:34 pm
by Gy273
I did forget to post Haruhi..that is a good one, just haven't finished it. least from the trailers looks serious but it's one to consider..:) Thank you for the suggestions. I look forward to more..:) I like serious anime of course but not as much as comedy. Ah, GTO does seem familiar. However, if I have seen it I have only seen the first episode..maybe the other episodes will be's worth a shot. As for Cowboy Bebop I am quite certain I have not seen that.

PostPosted: Sun Dec 30, 2007 10:51 pm
Would you perhaps be daring enough to watch Bobobo-bobo-bobo? Ive seen just about every episode of it, and I think it is hilarious. But it can get sidetracked from the actual plot sometimes, but it never fells to put a smile on my face. It can get pretty weird sometimes as well.

PostPosted: Sun Dec 30, 2007 10:54 pm
by Gy273
I don't mind getting sidetracked from a plot. That's actually what I was looking for, a show that doesn't have a plot but does..if you know what I mean or not..:) No matter, thank you for the suggestion though. :)

PostPosted: Mon Dec 31, 2007 9:39 am
by jon_jinn
Gy273 wrote:I did forget to post Haruhi..that is a good one, just haven't finished it. least from the trailers looks serious but it's one to consider..:) Thank you for the suggestions. I look forward to more..:) I like serious anime of course but not as much as comedy. Ah, GTO does seem familiar. However, if I have seen it I have only seen the first episode..maybe the other episodes will be's worth a shot. As for Cowboy Bebop I am quite certain I have not seen that.

Mushishi's more of a slice of life/drama series. you won't find much comedy in that one. GTO's full of comedy but it blends in drama and slice of life aspects into the series quite cleverly. Cowboy Bebop's just a fun, cool series that doesn't really have much of a plot. it's more character driven, with lots of awesome tunes and background music.

PostPosted: Sun Jan 06, 2008 11:18 pm
by Gy273
What are some good anime movies? I've seen Spirited Away, Howl's moving castle(great movie by the way..:)), Steamboy, Grave of the fireflies, and Origin: Spirits of the past,and Princess Mononoke. Of course, I like Miyazaki movies and Studio Ghibli movies so please don't mention them. :) (unless you feel like it) or a website would work just as well.

PostPosted: Mon Jan 07, 2008 5:15 pm
by jon_jinn
Gy273 (post: 1189851) wrote:What are some good anime movies? I've seen Spirited Away, Howl's moving castle(great movie by the way..:)), Steamboy, Grave of the fireflies, and Origin: Spirits of the past,and Princess Mononoke. Of course, I like Miyazaki movies and Studio Ghibli movies so please don't mention them. :) (unless you feel like it) or a website would work just as well.

Cowboy Bebop: The Movie
The Girl who Leaped Through Time

PostPosted: Mon Jan 07, 2008 5:20 pm
by eternalprincess
I haven't watched some anime in some time and I would love to.

But the problem is that I have five younger siblings who dig through everything, so having some more mature anime would be impossible.

So I need some recommendations on some anime that would be kid safe, so I could enjoy watching some without the fear of my siblings watching it.

So basically some anime that you would not mind showing you 6 or littler christian sister or brother. It can be semi magical but not like overly magic (supernatural dolls, etc.), if you know what I mean.

(Any manga of the same sort would be nice too )
Thanks for any help! :D

PostPosted: Mon Jan 07, 2008 5:50 pm
by Tyrel
eternalprincess (post: 1190033) wrote:I haven't watched some anime in some time and I would love to.

But the problem is that I have five younger siblings who dig through everything, so having some more mature anime would be impossible.

So I need some recommendations on some anime that would be kid safe, so I could enjoy watching some without the fear of my siblings watching it.

So basically some anime that you would not mind showing you 6 or littler christian sister or brother. It can be semi magical but not like realistic magic (Real spells, etc.), if you know what I mean.

(Any manga of the same sort would be nice too )
Thanks for any help! :D

Well, I'm not sure what you meant by "not real spells".. but in any case, here are some suggestions.

Snow Queen ----- {Highly recommended}
Fate/Stay Night ---{some "nudity" but no real nudity, fighting}
Naruto ---{fighting}
HunterXHunter ---{fighting}
Shakugan no Shana --{some "nudity" but no real nudity, fighting}
Last Exile ---{Again, Highly recommended}

Those are just some off the top of my head. How worried are you about them seeing violence? You might look into Digimon, or monster Rancher..

I can't say I understand why you can't simply hide the anime away in your own folder though. It's really not hard.. but in any case, those are my top suggestions for you to try out.

PostPosted: Mon Jan 07, 2008 6:02 pm
by eternalprincess
Tyrel (post: 1190044) wrote:Well, I'm not sure what you meant by "not real spells".. but in any case, here are some suggestions.

Snow Queen ----- {Highly recommended}
Fate/Stay Night ---{some "nudity" but no real nudity, fighting}
Naruto ---{fighting}
HunterXHunter ---{fighting}
Shakugan no Shana --{some "nudity" but no real nudity, fighting}
Last Exile ---{Again, Highly recommended}

Those are just some off the top of my head. How worried are you about them seeing violence? You might look into Digimon, or monster Rancher..

I can't say I understand why you can't simply hide the anime away in your own folder though. It's really not hard.. but in any case, those are my top suggestions for you to try out.

I am not worried about volience (just not something you see in a horror flick).

Thanks for the suggestions! I will check them out. :sweat:

What I mean by magic wise, somebody had recommended to me a anime with supernatural dolls... that is some thing I do not want for the kids.

PostPosted: Mon Jan 07, 2008 8:10 pm
by Tyrel
eternalprincess (post: 1190050) wrote:I am not worried about volience (just not something you see in a horror flick).

Thanks for the suggestions! I will check them out. :sweat:

What I mean by magic wise, somebody had recommended to me a anime with supernatural dolls... that is some thing I do not want for the kids.


I almost forgot.. Rozen Maiden.

That show is amazing, and really kid friendly.. I don't know how I forgot about it. It's up there with Last Exile and snow queen.. but if this is the one you had a problem with... well, I don't think it is.. but if it is.. why would you have a problem with it?

PostPosted: Mon Jan 07, 2008 9:01 pm
by Aleolus
I've only seen a few episodes of Rozen Maiden, it's interesting. As long as you make sure your kids understand that the stuff in it is not normal, nor something that should be taken lightly, there shouldn't be a problem.

PostPosted: Mon Jan 07, 2008 10:40 pm
by EricTheFred
Eh... in "Shana" the initial story arc is directly about supernatural dolls. Thought I'd mention that.

Okay, here's what I think. Many older anime are great stuff for younger kids, especially given the frequently more grown-up content of the newer stuff. The following aren't intended for kids, but they come from a more innocent era of Japanese television. Note that there are occasional (usually obscured) flashes of semi-nudity in a few of these. Generally, it is 'featureless'.

Some real golden oldies came available just this last year:
Cat's Eye (subtitled only)
Orguss (subtitled only)

Others that have been around a while, all classic magical girls:
Sailor Moon
Urusei Yatsura
Magic Knight Rayearth

One that is about dolls, but not 'supernatural dolls', is "Angelic Layer". It's a piece of fluff, kind of anime cotton candy, but very endearing. And I can't imagine it scaring anybody.

And finally, some (but not all) of the Miyazaki films will fit the bill. Some people might cross their eyes at Kiki's Delivery Service (since the heroine is a witch) but it's completely innocent as best as I could ever tell. And, the Cat Returns, Castle in the Sky, My Neighbor Totoro, Porco Rosso, Nausicaa and Princess Mononoke all fit the bill for you as well.

I've been told that Spirited Away (in my opinion his best) gives some kids problems.

One magical girl series I dearly wish you could legally buy is "Tokyo Mew Mew". The 4Kids wrecking-ball job ('Mew Mew Power') is, as best as I can tell, not available, or I would recommend buying it to be legal, leaving it unopened, then downloading the fan-subs so you can see what it was supposed to be.

PostPosted: Tue Jan 08, 2008 11:33 am
by Aleolus
OK, i just found a series, and I can already recommend it. Histories Greatest Disciple Kenichi.

PostPosted: Tue Jan 08, 2008 11:39 am
by mitsuki lover
Wedding Peach is another good Magic Girl show though lighter than some of the others.