from Atlanta anime news group wrote:Sovereign Media Inc., an active interest niche magazine publishing
company that publishes SCI FI -- the official magazine of the SCI FI
Channel, is launching Otaku USA Magazine in June. Patrick Macias, a
correspondent for the NHK World Television show Tokyo Eye and author
of Cruising the Anime City: an Otaku Guide to Neo-Tokyo, and
Tokyoscope: The Japanese Cult film companion, will be editing the new
magazine, which he described as follows: "Each issue of OtakuUSA will
be oversized 9 x 10 7/8, with a poster bound in the center spread,
and a DVD inserted onto the front cover, with full- length Anime
features and game demos. In addition, each issue of Otaku USA will
include a full manga feature, printed as a pull-out section. My aim
is to make Otaku USA the best, most comprehensive Japanese pop
culture magazine in the marketplace."
The typical issue of Otaku USA, which will have a cover price of
$9.99 ($11.99 in Canada), will be at least 150 pages long and printed
in full color on glossy paper. The bimonthly magazine will cover
manga, anime, computer games and J-Pop, and it will be written by an
American staff from an American point of view.
Col. Roy Mustang