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Postby uc pseudonym » Tue Feb 10, 2004 10:55 am

Yes, bumping up the thread is perfectly acceptable, and (by myself at least) strongly supported. I'd suggest that more than creating a new topic, though some mods feel the opposite way.

As Ashley stated, we won't frown upon you unless you post something that's basically spam. Or if you drag up an argument that's dead and buried, only to state something already said several times over.
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Postby Solid Ronin » Tue Feb 10, 2004 11:54 am

uc pseudonym wrote:As Ashley stated, we won't frown upon you unless you post something that's basically spam.

What is spam
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Postby inkhana » Tue Feb 10, 2004 12:10 pm

I personally don't mind the old topics getting bumped as long as it's like UC said: not to rehash or open old wounds. In fact, I'd rather it were that way - it makes it a ton easier if you're searching for a post you knew was in "that thread" only to find there are five such threads...O.o

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Postby uc pseudonym » Tue Feb 10, 2004 1:26 pm

Spam is posting that has no real value. Obviously posts that consist of nothing but a pointless smilie or other nonsense. To post promoting yourself can be plugging, but in repetition it becomings spamming. I also consider spam to be posts that mean almost nothing, such as: Yeah. Especially if you've already stated your opinion.
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Postby madphilb » Tue Feb 10, 2004 2:38 pm

The reason I brought up the Gravedigging issue had to do with the rules for one of the forums I was reading (never did join them though)... just wanted to be clear on it.

The acceptable times of bringing up old posts would be, for instance, BobtheDuck posting to the Silent Hill 2 thread after he started playing it, or if I got a Playstation & the original SH and had something to add to the original Silent Hill thread. Asking a new question or adding new info to something already asked in another thread (sometimes a thread will just get burried without the question being answered or the topic being touched, this happened with the original Morrowind thread, we've since had 2 or 3 similar threads).

I think UC covered the down side... the reason we'd not want to drag up an old thread.

Adding a "me too" message to a thread that's not seen a post in 30-60 days would be a silly waste (and could push other threads down sooner too).

I didn't think anyone here had a problem with "Grave Digging" but I did want to be sure, as I thought that the board I was reading had an attitude that subjects that had already been discussed shouldn't have new threads started, but if you dug up old threads you got flamed for that too.... in the end the traffic on the board was about zero since they had exhausted just about everything that could be said (it was a forum for a PC game.... one with an almost non-existant Mod community, so once the original game had been completely discussed, there was no-where for new people to "get involved").


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