Ignore a staffer? Face the consequences.

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Ignore a staffer? Face the consequences.

Postby Ashley » Thu May 13, 2004 8:48 pm

I am deeply sorry and frustrated I have to make an announcement like this, but lately the staff and I have noticed that our warnings go unheeded. Twice this past week alone, a mod or an admin posts a warning on a thread and it goes completely ignored, forcing us to close the thread before a fight breaks out. Often these threads had the potential to be true growing experiences and were ruined by a few immature members.

Therefore, to try to reinforce some respect, there are going to be more serious consequences now for outright ignoring a warning made on a thread. When we say "play nice" or "keep it yes or no", we mean it. So, from now one, should you chose to ignore the staff members when we speak you will face temporary bannings, and further down the line, strikes towards your membership here. To remind everyone, CAA operates on a 3 strike system--after those chances are gone, you will be asked to leave permanently.

As I said, I am sorry it has had to come to this, but hopefully this new trend will die down now.
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