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Can anyone recommend some good books?

PostPosted: Sun Mar 11, 2007 7:44 pm
by Destroyer2000
I don't really care what they are, so long as they are entertaining. I need a good book. However, I like Sci-fi, stories with romance, though I don't know that I'd like a complete romance story, and just generally entertaining things.

PostPosted: Sun Mar 11, 2007 7:54 pm
by Puritan
Let's see...good Sci-Fi. I would recommend "Starship Troopers" and "The Moon is a Harsh Mistress" By Robert Heinlein, "The Mote in God's Eye" By Jerry Pournelle and Larry Niven (note, despite the title, this isn't weird religious science fiction, it's good solid sci-fi, and the church (on Anglican or Catholic lines) actually has a reasonable and respectable role), "The Foundation Trilogy" by Asimov is classic, "Dune" is good, and the David Weber "Honor Harrington" books are great as well. The Eisenhorn Trilogy by Dan Abnett is also pretty good (though it's Warhammer 40,000 fluff, it's fun sci-fi).

PostPosted: Sun Mar 11, 2007 10:16 pm
by Kaori
The Sparrow by Mary Doria Russel. It's extremely engaging and thought-provoking, and it deals with Christianity and some weighty spiritual issues even though the author is not a Christian herself. It also has a bit of a love story on the side.

Do Androids Dream of Electronic Sheep, by Phillip K. Dick. This one doesn't have any romance per se, but it's still a great read.

Some of Heinlein's writing is good; I would recommend The Door into Summer and Have Space Suit, Will Travel. Both are light reading with some romance involved, and are significantly more innocent than some of Heinlein's other books.

Fool's Run, by Patricia McKillip, is another lighter read. McKillip usually writes fantasy, but she does fairly well with the sci-fi genre in this book. This is another one that has a romance sub-plot.

Also, I second Dune.

PostPosted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 8:57 am
by Taliesin
I third Dune (motion carried) and also suggest (like I always do) Ender's game! and all of its sequels and prequels and in-between-quels

PostPosted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 9:07 am
by Saj
I tend to lean towards fantasy books, so id suggest Eragon, Eldest, LoTR, the Hobbit and the Dragon world series.

In scfi id say Battlefield earth is a great book. Its loooooong but its a great story (the movie of course does it no justice). If you a star wars fan, Shadows of the empire is a decent read, but short if you read like me.

and yea, ill forth Dune even no i never finished it.(i should be shot for that)

PostPosted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 12:22 pm
by mitsuki lover
Sci Fi:Have Space Suit Will Travel by Robert Heinlein,The Green Hills of Earth(short story collection)by Robert Heinlein,The Martian Chronicles by Ray Bradbury,Foundation series by Isaac Asimov,I,Robot by Isaac Asimov,Pathways(Star Trek:Voyager novel)by Jeri Taylor,The Time Machine by H.G.Wells,The Invisible Man by H.G.Wells,The Strange Case of Dr.Jekyll And Mr.Hyde by Robert
Louis Stevenson,War of the Worlds by H.G.Wells,Brave New World by Aldous Huxley,etc.
Fantasy:Villians by Necessity by Eve Forward,Maureen Birmbaum Barbarian Swordsperson by George Alec Effinger(a real hoot as he parodies all sorts of Sci Fi,Horror and Fantasy),The Chronicles of Narnia by C.S.Lewis,Til We Have Faces by
C.S.Lewis,The Lord of the Rings and the Hobbit by J.R.R.Tolkien,Witch of the North
by Courtway Jones,Firelord by Parke Godwin(both about Arthur),That Hideous Strength by C.S.Lewis,etc.

PostPosted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 5:15 pm
by Destroyer2000
Thanks. I've heard good things about the Dune series, and this seems to confirm it, haha.

PostPosted: Tue Mar 13, 2007 12:57 am
by Maledicte
Dune: even though I never got past God-Emperor of Dune. The first three books are amazing though.

I also liked the Machine War prequel trilogy to Dune. While not up to standard to Frank's, I think the story holds up well.

For cyberpunk, I'd recommend Carlucci by Richard Paul Russo (also in separate books as Destroying Angel, Carlucci's Edge and Carlucci's Heart). I don't even like cyberpunk but the mysteries and characters in these books made me give.

The Dresden Files by Jim Butcher. Yes, the one they made the TV series about. The books are separate from the series but are in my opinion much better. If you like urban fantasy (fantasy set in modern-day), or find the idea interesting, give these a shot.

If you can find the Empyrion books by Stephen Lawhead, I suggest you get them. (I got mine as a one-volume omnibus) Unusual and well-written, and the author is a Christian, too.

(I don't read a lot of sci-fi...)

PostPosted: Tue Mar 13, 2007 4:03 pm
by jon_jinn
Try the Warriors and Warriors: The New Prophecy series by Erin Hunter. these books are awesome. good characterization and development, excellent plot and nice plot twists, and a whole lot of action. don't let the fact that this book revolves around cats stop you from checking it out.

PostPosted: Wed May 02, 2007 4:40 am
by narutofreak
Firebird Trilogy By:Kathy Tyers, Legends of the Guardian King series by: Karen Hancock and Arena by the same author!

PostPosted: Wed May 02, 2007 7:22 am
by Icarus
*seconds Dresden*

Seriously, Butcher is my favorite author right now.

If you care for interstellar/geo-political fantasy/sci-fi, check out L.E. Modesitt, Jr. He has some pretty good stuff, like The Parafaith War and The Ethos Effect