Doe Johnson wrote: But I do like the name "Orange Catholic Bible.".
" wrote:RustyClaymore 11:27 - Ah yes, Socks is the single raindrop responsible for the flood. XD
Technomancer wrote:You and me both, although you may not fully appreciate the irony of that phrase.
MyrrhLynn wrote:The Good Earth - One of those typical "required readings" in high school. Not only did the ending stink so much that my whole class got **** about it, but it was booooring as heck for about 3/4 of the story. And it's a very very long book. The characters themselves aren't exactly the best role models either.
Doe Johnson wrote:So is there something more to the term "Orange Catholic Bible" that I don't understand? Part of the other books or just that I might not fully appreaciate what each word stands for or what? It's been a while since I read the book so I don't even remember if it mentioned that "Orange" had any significance whatsoever. Heh, I don't even remember the main character's name!
rocklobster wrote:Yeah, why is it the books where the women are doormats always stink?
Technomancer wrote:I don't know that the author meant it, or precisely why it's called "The Orange Catholic Bible", but I'm thinking of a more contemporary source of irony. I'm referring to the Orange Lodges, which are very anti-Catholic and are prominent in Northern Ireland. They have a history here in Canada as well, although their influence has long vanished.
Rambo wrote:The Iliad was a waist of time o and harry poter sorry if there are some fans but I hate those books I read the first the first one and I mean I hated it so bad I didnt even see the movies not one.
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