History of Middle Earth Books

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Postby mitsuki lover » Wed Nov 09, 2005 2:07 pm

Yes the title is The Inklings and the author is Humphrey Carpenter who wrote
an earlier biography of Tolkien.Because of this The Inklings mainly focuses on
Lewis and slightly on Williams who was an interesting character.
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Postby Hitokiri » Wed Nov 09, 2005 2:34 pm

I found it. It's the Book of Lost Tales 2 in the chapter concerning The Hisotry of Eriol. In my book it is page 285-286. In tells of a long age after the coming to Earendel to Valinor where Morgoth is finallt realeased from his bonds by Tevildo. However the gods are in arguement in which they prefer: men or elves that they don't notice (or so I surmise) that Morgoth escaped. He leaves to go to Tol Eressa. Telemktar, son of Tulkas, is sent secretly to deal with Morgoth. Morgoth is attacked by the son of Tulkas and Inwir (an elf). He escapes up the Pine of Tavrobel, a gift to the elves by Palurein (Yavanna). It was a seed and grew into a huge pine tree. Morgoth succeeds in casting Urwendi into the sea and the sun vessel crashes to the ground. They cut down the tree of Morgoth is lost in the airs. Fionwe, son of Manwe, loved Urwendi and will in the end slay Morgoth which will cause which will result in the world being destroyed and Arda will be unmade.
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