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Postby mitsuki lover » Tue Aug 30, 2005 2:23 pm

The Celts loved the Triad form when it came to poetry.One of my Welsh ancestors:
Rhirrid Vlaidd is named in a couple Welsh Triads.

It's more than probable that Arthur was not only trained as a Roman soldier but
had at least one Roman grandparent.Since he was probably from the Celtic High
Nobility the likelihood exists that one parent was at least half-Roman.
Than again it wouldn't be strange for the Celts of later years to give their most
favorite heroes a Roman lineage,just like the Romans themselves gave their
Emperors a link to Troy.
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Postby Maledicte » Tue Aug 30, 2005 3:02 pm

There's a series of novels using that idea...the Roman grandparent idea I mean.I forget the titles, but Jack Whyte wrote them. I've read several (out of order) and I thought it was a good series, not terrifically terrific, but good. The first two provide the backdrop with Arthur and Merlin's ancestors, and continue on from there. I need to reread this series.
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Postby kazekami » Tue Aug 30, 2005 4:18 pm

It is quite possible considering the level of Romanization existing at the time. Every Read mary Stuarts Merlin Trilogy?

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Postby mitsuki lover » Thu Sep 01, 2005 2:39 pm

By the time the Romans left most of what would later become England
had become highly Romanized.
Btw:Here is the URL for what I was talking about earlier:
It's titled The North Britian Triads
The three I mentioned are:
Three Cousins:
RHIRID FLAIDD and Cynddelw ap Gwgon and Iarddwr ap Dinwig;
and their mothers were three daugthers of Cynfyn Hirdef.

Three Daugthers Of Cynfyn Hirdef By Haer Daugther Of Gillin Son
Of The Red Wolf:

One of them was Sannant mother of Cyndddelw ap Gwgon of Llyn,the
second was Perwevys wife of Dinwig mother of Iarddw ap Dinwig,and
the third was Generys wife of Urgenei Collwyn son of an uchelwr from
Mochnant,mother of RHIRID FLAIDD.And because he was a grandson of
Haer daugther of Gillin son of the Red Wolf he was called RHIRID FLAIDD.

another reference:

Five Plebian Tribes of Wales:
The RED WOLF of Gest in Efionydd in Gwynedd,Adda The Great in
Dehubarth,Gwenwys and Alla and Heilyn Ystailforch in Powys.
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Postby Sparrowhawk » Sat Sep 03, 2005 10:28 am

Thanks Kaori for the recomendations. There has been so many books and areas of mythology posted on here that i can keep busy for a LONG time.

One thing no one here has brought up though that i just got to hear a little of are the myths of Gilgamesh and the Babylonian cration myth: Enuma Elish (i cant remember how it was spelled) anybody got an idea for where i may find those, especially the epic of gilgamesh, any story that has one the main characters as Enkidu and an enemy name Hoombaba (i dont know if i spelled that right, i never read it just heard the name) has got to be entertaining.
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Postby kazekami » Sat Sep 03, 2005 1:19 pm

mitsuki lover wrote:By the time the Romans left most of what would later become England
had become highly Romanized.
Btw:Here is the URL for what I was talking about earlier:
It's titled The North Britian Triads

Thanks I will definetly check that out.

Yeah the Romans left and the Saxons slowly took over. Then we get Beowulf.

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Postby mitsuki lover » Sat Sep 03, 2005 2:47 pm

From the description of Grendel and it's behavior I would tend to believe that it was some kind of creature similiar to our Big Foot.
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Postby Kaori » Sat Sep 03, 2005 7:01 pm

Sparrowhawk wrote:anybody got an idea for where i may find those, especially the epic of gilgamesh

Your local Borders or Barnes and Noble store probably has several translations of the epic of Gilgamesh either in the Mythology or Poetry section. Since it was written anonymously, you can find it by just looking for 'Gilgamesh.'
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Postby kazekami » Sat Sep 03, 2005 7:41 pm

I had to read Gilgamesh in a class at univerity. It's pretty intresting. And should be availbable in Penguin Classics.

I wonder what the poem was like before the Monks got a hold of it. heh. =) My mom calls my grandma Grendel. heh

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Postby Sparrowhawk » Mon Sep 05, 2005 4:18 pm

ah beowulf. that was a good myth, unfortunately i cant get the overdone narration that my 7th grade teacher made me listen to. Arthurian is really good to. I guess kinda forgot all the Saxon mythology i knew, probably because i grew up reading it before i knew it was mythology. does anyone hear have a fav Arthurian story? I like Sir Gawain and the Green Knight.

Oh and thanks again to Kaori and kazekami.
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Postby kazekami » Mon Sep 05, 2005 4:24 pm

I like the the stroy where Arthur met the old woman and he had a year to answer a riddle. And he had everyone go out to answer it. I can't recall what the riddle was at the moment. heh.But i liked that story a lot.

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Postby Kaori » Mon Sep 05, 2005 6:39 pm

I'm rather fond of the story of Gareth and Lynette (particularly Tennyson's version), but I also like the account of the final battle between Arthur and Mordred.
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Postby Wingheart » Tue Sep 20, 2005 4:35 pm

I love mythology. It's just so fascinating and fun to think about, and it's hard to believe that some people could be so CREATIVE and detailed in their "imaginations". Does anyone know any good sites or especially good books to read more about Norse or Greek mythology?
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Postby Catapult Turtle » Sun Oct 02, 2005 6:50 am

I like myths. They just have that feeling, you know? And the beasts are often really cool. I'm a fan of Native American and Aztec/ Mayan mythology. Especially the feathered serpent god, Quetzacoatl because it looks so cool. I'm also interested in how the Aztecs knew they were all gonna fall in that specific year. Maya interests me because of the calendar. Just really interesting.

I like Native American stuff too, because of the way Raven is put out and the fact that their creation (like the flood) is very similar to the Bible. The funny thing I find is that, while with Noah, Raven was never seen again, the Native Americans were like saved by Raven =P Now we know what happened to him!

I'm also interested deeply in thunderbirds. I'm writing a story about them right now, but... yeah it's like 80 Times New Roman font 12 pages.

I like Egyptian mythology, because I like Yuugiou... Which doesn't really interest me as much as the previously stated.

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Postby mitsuki lover » Sun Oct 02, 2005 6:57 pm

The Saxons believed that they're kings were descended from Odin.
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Postby kazekami » Mon Oct 03, 2005 9:32 am

The Japanese believied there first Empereor was the grandson of Amertarasu the sun goddess.

The Romans believed there first king was the son of Mars and a vestal virgin.

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Postby Starfire1 » Mon Oct 03, 2005 5:35 pm

i used to sit around reading and reading a bunch of greek mythology in elementary school, just for fun. still do when i get the chance. it's just fascinating to me to learn about it, but it gets confusing with so many gods and godesses and names and blah blah blah. it's pretty cool though.
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Postby Spiritsword » Mon Oct 03, 2005 8:22 pm

Yes, I enjoy mythology, but it doesn't sound like I'm nearly as knowledgable or well-read as some here. I tend to enjoy the less well-known mythologies, and I enjoy learning about the ancient religions/mythologies which existed in Old Testament times in the regions relevant to the Old Testament. Especially since some of the gods and goddesses are mentioned in the Bible and some of the events appear related to Biblical accounts. I'd like to read Gilgamesh sometime, or Ugaritic texts, if they are available.

Norse mythology fascinates me too. Greek and Roman mythology are interesting to some degree, I guess I've just heard so much about them that they're not quite as mysterious or captivating to me.

I've never really delved much into other mythologies, just bits and pieces here and there.
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