AsterlonKnight wrote:And the bible really was put together by Constantine and it's quite probable, a given really, that things were dropped/added/and otherwise changed in the subsequent translations it's gone through. If anything, the book coupled with some of my classes in college have made me wonder what right Constantine and his lot had to pick and choose among the various writings, but then again I also wonder what right the Catholic church had to deny people the opportunity to read the bible and make up their minds on their own. -shrug- Things like that (among others) grate on my nerves when it comes to organized religion.
Mave wrote:Just a quick question for now, The Last Supper reference: I had a look (more of a squinting look lol)at the painting: Was the person next to Jesus really a woman in that pic? And what does it matter? Perhaps ppl are taking Leonardo so seriously that they assume that everything -he- hints in his works (rather than the Bible) is the 'truth' that the church has been trying to suppress? Perhaps they are neglecting the fact that Leonardo is also human and vulnerable to human error/corruption as well? <--- Just some random thoughts
jeezus_fureek wrote:FIRE HEARTS! NOT GUNS!
Technomancer wrote:Since books had to be produced by hand (no printing press), they were quite expensive and beyond the reach of most people.
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