Star Wars Novels

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Star Wars Novels

Postby Kenshin17 » Wed Nov 17, 2004 10:33 am

Anyone out there into the Star Wars novels.
I have read many including many from the New Jedi Order. I think the Yuuzhan Vong are pretty cool...from a technological standpoint. They are completly loopy when it comes to religion.
My favorite character from the Star Wars novels is Wedge Antillies. I have read all the X-Wing books. :thumb:

Anyway I just wanteed to see how many Star Wars readers are out there and what books or characters you liked.

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Postby Muopii » Wed Nov 17, 2004 11:06 am

Hey Kenshin17,
I'm Gald to know that there is another starwars book fan out there.
I've always liked the thrawn trilogy by timothy Zhan the best, However the X-wing books are awesome, too.
I wouldn't reallly say she's my favorite character, but she certainly intrigues me. Mara Jade has such A mysterious past. And who would have thought that she would hook up with Luke anyway?
My overall favorite character would be Talon Karrde. He reminds me so much of how Han solo was before he joined the rebellion. tough on the outside soft on the inside. He acts like he doesn't care about what they're fighting for, but down inside he does.
The Yuushan Vong? They're pretty freaky. I wish I could learn more about their mysterious ways.
Hey, keep reading, Kenshin17, and thanks for asking.
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Postby Godly Paladin » Wed Nov 17, 2004 11:17 am

Yeah, the ones by Timothy Zahn were the best... They are:

Heir to the Empire
Dark Force Rising
The Last Command

Spectre of the Past
Vision of the Future

Survivor's Quest
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Postby juvey » Wed Nov 17, 2004 11:33 am

Timothy Zahn's Thrawn trilogy are among my favorite books. ^^ Admiral Thrawn and the Chiss (sp?) in general are interesting characters to me, and I loved Talon Karrde and Mara Jade. However, I'd have to say my most favorite character in the books is Kyp Durron.

I started reading the New Jedi Order, but after about 10 books or so I lost interest... it just seems to go on and on, and I confuse all the new Yuuzhan Vong that they bring in with each new book. And [spoiler]Chewie died! And Anakin died! What is the world coming to? Well, one good thing, Ben was born. But still. How can you kill Chewbacca? Or Anakin? Honestly. [/spoiler]
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Postby ShiroiHikari » Wed Nov 17, 2004 2:18 pm

man, it's been a long time since I read any Star Wars novels, I can't remember how most of them went anymore. I used to have like 15 of them though. my favorite was always Shadows of the Empire. :]
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Postby juvey » Wed Nov 17, 2004 3:30 pm

Oh, I forgot to mention, if you like Timothy Zahn's style, there's another trilogy he wrote that you might like. It's not Star Wars, though. It is sci fi, and the first book is called Conquerors' Pride. Just if you're interested. ^^
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Postby Kenshin17 » Wed Nov 17, 2004 5:55 pm

:bang: I totaly forgot about the Thrawn books they are some of the ultimite Star Wars books, and are in my opinion the best written ones. I haven't read Survivors Quest yet.
Mara Jade is pretty cool. :thumb:
Thrawn is the coolest starwars baddy aside from Darth Vader.
The Chiss are my all time foavorite Star Wars aliens. I like the cool military types.

juvey, the NJO books ended with The Unifying Force. I haven't read all of them, I just picked out the ones that looked cool. I read Rebel Stand just because it had Wedge in it. :)
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Postby oro! » Thu Nov 18, 2004 4:08 pm

I like the young jedi knights series. It is cool to have some characters your age in a book who can do cool things. I have also read The Approaching Storm and one of the X-wing books, plus a few others from the library...
Favorite character.... hm that's hard. Luke is always good, though he has scared me a few times. I like the twins from Young Jedi Knights too.
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Postby juvey » Thu Nov 18, 2004 6:14 pm

The Young Jedi Knights. I'd forgotten about those. I read those about... oh, 5 years ago. It always seemed strange how that series seemed out of the continuum, while the rest of the Star Wars books flowed together. One reason that I read as many of the New Jedi Order books that I did was that they incorporated Jacen, Jaina, and Anakin in the actual 'universe' very well. ^^
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Postby JediSonic » Thu Nov 18, 2004 7:12 pm

To me, the best starwars books ever written was the Thrawn Trilogy, though Zahn's 2-book sequel to the triology honestly wasnt that good. In Trilogy, Thrawn got a reputation in my mind as just about the coolest startwars villain ever, and with Specter of the Past/Vision of the Future, things got really, really boring. The thing was, the books were built around the Thrawn legacy but when thrawn isnt actually in the story, the formula doesnt work :(

One of my favorite non-thrawn books was New Jedi Order: Edge of Victory I: Conquest. I read it several years ago and I was quite fascinated by [spoiler]the vong brainwashing Tahiri into becoming a Vong-zombie-jedi-slave[/spoiler]

Some other stuff I've read is parts of the x-wing series, Shadows of the Empire, Star wars book 1 and book 2 (when I was younger) and some other things I guess I didnt enjoy enough to remember :)
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Postby Ashley » Thu Nov 18, 2004 9:51 pm

I was a huuuuge star wars fangirl at one time and still have quite a few of the novels on my shelf. Beyond them, I read all the way through the Crystal Star...beyond that I haven't had a chance to keep up.

As everyone else has mentioned, I adored Timothy Zhan, but I think Kevin J. Anderson's trilogy deserves to be up there too--Jedi Search, Dark Apprentice, Champions of the Force.

However, my favorite books of all would have to be Shadows of the Empire, Truce at Bakura, The Courtship of Princess Leia...and of course the Zhan/Anderson trilogies mentioned.

I can tell you my *least* favorite book though...that would be Children of the Jedi by Barbara Hambly. Ugh! I don't think I can say enough bad things about this book.....>.>

Lastly, I got into star wars novels when I was like 12, so I didn't realize there was a whole chronology to I accidentally read Darksaber first and got very, very confused. ^^;
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Postby Kenshin17 » Thu Nov 18, 2004 9:55 pm

Um...those are Timothy Zahn. :)
Heir to the Empire, Dark Force Rising, and Last Command.
The Thrawn trilogy. I loved every one of them.
Thrawn rocks. :rock:
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Postby Kkun » Thu Nov 18, 2004 9:58 pm

Ashley wrote:I can tell you my *least* favorite book though...that would be Children of the Jedi by Barbara Hambly. Ugh! I don't think I can say enough bad things about this book.....>.>

I have to agree about Children of the Jedi. It hurt to read, I think. I couldn't even get through all of it.

I love Star Wars books... I've read just about everything except for all of the New Jedi Order. The NJO is sweet, I just have yet to get all of them...what little bit I have read was awesome, though. Vector Prime was amazing, and Stackpole's NJO duology absolutely rocked my face off.
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Postby Ashley » Thu Nov 18, 2004 10:01 pm

Um...those are Timothy Zahn.

Whoops! I misread the list at the back of one of my books. >.>
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Postby Scribs » Sat Nov 20, 2004 7:23 am

Well, where shall I start... It would probably be easyer to list the starwars books I havn't read. Lets see... Well I started with Vector Prime in the NJO, and then decided to read some of the older books. It was quite interesting doing it that way, because in the NJO they made reference to older books, so I would ask my friend who had read all the older books in which book a certain event took place and I would read that one and then go back to the NJO for a book or two and then go back and read another old one, ect.

My favorite Writer is by far Timothy Zahn. My favorite series is the NJO because it links together all the books that took place before it, and also is written by many different writers so it doesn't get too monotonous. Oh, and it is also more realistic because in it the writers arn't afraid to kill off characters. My favorite character is probably Talon Karde, though there are numerous others who I like (such as the Hapan Queen Mother, and Kyp)

I have not read the dark fleet crisis trilogy, or any prequil books (except for Rogue Planet because it is closely connected to the NJO) but I dont plan on reading any more for quite a while, I think I have read enough.
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Postby oro! » Sun Nov 21, 2004 4:14 pm

B'cause of this thread I am starting to read the Thrawn Triliogy by Timothy Zahn. I remember, I have read the Courtship of Princess Leia also and I, Jedi.
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Postby Sephiroth » Mon Nov 22, 2004 5:57 am

I'm another Star Wars Fanatic, i love the books the best, better than the films (especially eps 1&2). Both the Thrawn Trilogy and Duology (Specter of the past/Vision of the future) were excellent, those and the X-wing series and the New Jedi Order series are my favourites. My Fave characters are by far Corran Horn, Wedge Antilles, Anakin Solo and Jaina Solo. OOhhhhhhh did you guys know there making a sequel book series that takes place after New Jedi Order! its gonna Rule!
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Postby ice122985 » Tue Nov 23, 2004 11:12 am

the star wars books are better than the movies....

no seriously. Well, either way, i've read a lot. my favorites would the three books on Wraith Squadron in the X-wing series. i've read nearly the entire NJO; i'm missing the last 4 or five books i think. the same goes for the x-wing series. of the NJO, my favorite was Heresy; previously, i hated jacen, but in that one he's pretty cool. favorite character....Jace Fel. Kudos to anyone who can figure out who that is...and who his girlfriend is.

one more thing on a much sadder note...those of you who have parents who are ok with all this, be glad. I had 13 books, all from the NJO.

my dad made me throw them away; i've yet to recover.

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Postby Sephiroth » Tue Nov 23, 2004 3:06 pm

one more thing on a much sadder note...those of you who have parents who are ok with all this, be glad. I had 13 books, all from the NJO.

my dad made me throw them away; i've yet to recover.

Really? Man That sucks. favorite character....Jace Fel. Kudos to anyone who can figure out who that is...and who his girlfriend is.

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Postby R. Zion » Tue Nov 23, 2004 3:19 pm favorite character....Jace Fel. Kudos to anyone who can figure out who that is...and who his girlfriend is.

I'm assuming you mean Jag. I guess you had Jacen on the brain from the previous sentence. :sweat:
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Postby youngWilliam » Sun Nov 28, 2004 8:13 am

Shatterpoint is a good one, especialy if Mace Windu is your favorite Jedi. he almost dies a few times, but it's a good book
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Postby Kenshin17 » Sun Nov 28, 2004 8:45 am

Sephiroth favorite character....Jace Fel. Kudos to anyone who can figure out who that is...and who his girlfriend is.

Jag is Wedge Anttillies nephew and his girlfriend is Jaina Solo :thumb:
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Postby Mr. SmartyPants » Sun Dec 05, 2004 3:49 pm

im reading the young jedi knights series, and shadows of the empire
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