I should warn you guys that this is a college thing, but this isn't going to be asking for complex equations or anything. XD
In my English Comp class, we've been doing a project where we have to pick an experience we've had and write on it. I chose my experience with my job--I started off in the clothing section at Target, but I didn't do very well, so I switched to working as a cashier.
Now we're supposed to find articles, books, etc relating to our experience. Google searching and the like.
The thing is, we've been supposed to be doing this for a week now and I haven't found a single article, book, or internet source that really works. ^^; I'm probably just not searching well, but I'm running out of ideas.
I'm also supposed to find someone who had a similar experience--but the only person I can even think of is Miyamoto, and it's not that he didn't LIKE being an artist, he just happened to be available to make a video game at the time he was working with Nintendo.
I'm really drawing a blank here. ^^; Any ideas?