Men cry not for themselves, but for there comrades.-FF7 Crisis CoreIn the beginning, God created HTML...- R. Zion
Men cry not for themselves, but for there comrades.-FF7 Crisis CoreIn the beginning, God created HTML...- R. Zion
Men cry not for themselves, but for there comrades.-FF7 Crisis CoreIn the beginning, God created HTML...- R. Zion
A sense of style, and an understanding of what visitors to your website will want to see.WhiteMage212 (post: 1474209) wrote:So I understand I need HTML and CSS, but what else do I need to get a decent looking website?
WhiteMage212 (post: 1474144) wrote:I decided to start learning html and web design, but I got stuck. I understand how to bare bones of html works but I can't figure out how to format and position all the elements. So I'm looking for as many free resources that I can find to help me get started. I'm looking for both tutorial websites and forums (frequent and very active forums if possible) to help me get started. Some help would be greatly appreciated as I have been trying to learn how to make a decently working website for about a year.
P.S. why is it that most people frown upon the use of frames? What is the replacement?
Men cry not for themselves, but for there comrades.-FF7 Crisis CoreIn the beginning, God created HTML...- R. Zion
Men cry not for themselves, but for there comrades.-FF7 Crisis CoreIn the beginning, God created HTML...- R. Zion
WhiteMage212 (post: 1475515) wrote:So if I were to use HTML 5 code with another version interchangablely in the same page, would the browsers read it? Or would it just become a mess (unreadable, etc.). Wasn't sure if I had to adhere to only one specific version of HTML for each page.
WhiteMage212 (post: 1475515) wrote:Oops, sorry guys, I've been busy. Forgot about my post. Well anyway, thanks for the pointers. I'll have to get started once I clear some free time. Oh, one last question. So if I were to use HTML 5 code with another version interchangablely in the same page, would the browsers read it? Or would it just become a mess (unreadable, etc.). Wasn't sure if I had to adhere to only one specific version of HTML for each page.
Men cry not for themselves, but for there comrades.-FF7 Crisis CoreIn the beginning, God created HTML...- R. Zion
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