Okay, I have to write a book report for English class by Monday, and I might not be home much on Sunday to work on it, besides the fact I'd rather not push it that close to the deadline and hav eto rush through it moreso than I already am.
We had to read a biography for this book report, but our report has to be in presenst tense, and I'm having trouble coming out with a decent report that's not all in past tense and I need any help or tips that can be given to make it easier.
No matter how I phrase things, it all comes out terrible when written in present tense. I'm considering just writing it normally and then changing all of the incorrect tenses to present tense, even though I know it will sound horrible and I'll absolutely hate it and not want it to be known as my work. Is there anything else I can do to prevent having to make it sound so bad?