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End of Fiction: Epilogue

PostPosted: Sat Sep 17, 2011 6:33 pm
by Masquerade1412
This message was given to 1000 players around the world:

[quote="One of the many e-mails sent"]

My name is Sasuke Nishimoto, President of Vintage Enterprises. Some of you may not have heard of Vintage or what we do, but you most likely know that we are the creators of the world’s best selling RPG, “End of Fictionâ€

PostPosted: Sat Sep 17, 2011 7:02 pm
by Diamond Dragon
This sounds so cool!

Real Character
Name: Tomo Kasane
Age: 14
Gender: Female
Build: kind of small for her age, blue-green eyes, Short brown hair, slim, normally wears green clothes for some reason.
Hobbies: She is good at breakdancing, and drawing.
Bio: She has three brothers, all older than her, and they all live with their divorced father, who is a workaholic, and doesn't pay much attention to them, so that gives her brothers the freedom to torture and tease her.
Personality quirks: To be revealed in the RP.

Game Character
Username: Solar Moon
Build/Armor: Image She is way taller as well.
Experience: She isn't a new gamer, but she isn't exactly a veteran either. She's somewhere in between.
Weapons: A metal linked whip, and the blade attached to her sleeve.
Element: Wind (ueses it to increase speed and agility)

PostPosted: Sat Sep 17, 2011 7:23 pm
by Lockon Stratos
I like this. Kinda like .hack. I wish to take part but don't have a good character idea. I can help with technical stuff about the world though. I think there should be some form of class system or something like that.

PostPosted: Sat Sep 17, 2011 8:06 pm
by Diamond Dragon
Hey Mask, is the RP gonna be like an anime? I mean like, a person can type that his or her character sweatdropped, has a raised vein, or anime-ish stuff like that? :3

PostPosted: Sun Sep 18, 2011 6:35 am
by Masquerade1412
Gladly. This IS an anime forum, after all.

Now for the backgrounds.

An unknown site wrote:End of Fiction:

Your character wakes up to discover that the kingdom of Eres has been wiped out, except for you. You soon learn from a traveling nomad that the kingdom of Marse attacked Eres searching for a legendary artifact known as the "Book of History" that is said to not only contain everyone's past but also their future's. You find yourself under attack from Marse forces and are quickly captured. The King of Marse found the Book and read that "The survivor of the flames will destroy the Marse kingdom." He locks you away in the castle dungeon and plans to execute you the following day. Around midnight, a strange light appears before you, giving you your "power", and it helps you to escape the dungeon. You run into another kingdom, Travas, a former ally of Eres. You appeal to the King of Travas for help, and he gives you your choice of weapon. You take a small army into Marse and successfully steal the Book. The King of Travas commemorates you on your victory, just before Marse attacks the city with many strange creatures whose kind has never been seen before. Travas is eradicated, once again leaving you the sole survivor. The reason Marse wanted the Book of History was because they had another book, "The Book of Worlds" and needed the spell cast by the previous Marse king to unseal it. You lead a one-man charge into the castle to destroy the book. The huge castle has been turned into a labyrinth, and each wrong door leads you facing sinister creatures. You find your way to the throne room and see the King of Marse killed by a horrifying monster called Dorgun. You fight Dorgun and are overpowered quickly. The light appears before you and gives you the power of "Light", making you stronger and weakening Dorgun. Victory is soon yours. The Books are destroyed, and you are crowned King/Queen of Marse, which will have peace under your reign. The End.....?

Platform: Playstation 3
Year: 2012
Rating: T
Gamespot review: 10/10
Awards: Best Game of the Year...for 3 years straight.

Yeah, kinda sounds like Final Fantasy, but I typed this whole thing in like thirty minutes, so give me a break.

Prologue will be next. Buckle your seat belts!

@ Dia: Mademoiselle, you are approved.
@ Stratos: I'm using the Elements as the class system. I guess I could use some help with the technical stuff, but I'll be fine for now. Thank you.

EDIT: Oh, and one more thing. I will post my character AFTER I finish posting the overview of the previous games. So if you don't know what to do, just give me a little while or follow Dia's example.

PostPosted: Sun Sep 18, 2011 6:45 am
by Lockon Stratos
Masquerade1412 (post: 1505281) wrote:Yeah, kinda sounds like Final Fantasy, but I typed this whole thing in like thirty minutes, so give me a break.

Hey, don't knock FF. There supposed to be some of the best rpgs in the world, so you should be glad that your story is similar.
Using elements as a class system is a little broad, but how about a little more specialization within the classes.

PostPosted: Sun Sep 18, 2011 7:54 am
by Diamond Dragon
Yay! Thanks Mask! Can't wait to see what the Prologue is! :D

PostPosted: Sun Sep 18, 2011 11:36 am
by Masquerade1412
Lockon Stratos (post: 1505283) wrote:Hey, don't knock FF. There supposed to be some of the best rpgs in the world, so you should be glad that your story is similar.
Using elements as a class system is a little broad, but how about a little more specialization within the classes.

I wasn't knocking it off...Although I did make fun of the fact that the final boss (other than VII), is nearly always some random villain that you've never even heard of.

Element classes

Fire: Enhances power of weapons by wrapping them in flames OR Summons flames in the form of fireballs, serpents, etc.
Water: Can wield water OR ice. If water, you can shape it into almost anything, but it will retain its composition. You can only control "pure" water, meaning if it is tainted by, say, blood, you can't use it. Ice is the same way, except if you create a shape, it must stay in place and it will have jagged edges.
Earth: Control of plants OR control of rock. If you control plants, you can have a certain plant grow quickly, such as herbs. If you control rock, you can force rocks out of the earth and make them float in the air for a time, but you can only keep it up for around 10 seconds.
Wind: Use wind to increase speed and agility OR blow your enemies away. You won't have a constant stream of wind, so you have to use it in bursts.
Lightning: Can send a constant current through weapons, increasing their effectiveness, OR you can stimulate the body's cells to heal itself faster. (How that works...I'm not sure!)

Now for the Prologue...
An unknown website wrote:End of Fiction: Prologue

After the tremendous success of their great hit "End of Fiction", Vintage Ent. is following up with the release of a prequel, aptly titled "Prologue". You play as one of 5 characters (Knight, Mage, Archer, Cleric, and Nomad) as they begin their individual quests for the legendary "Books of Power". Each story is different, and there are multiple endings, but that is not the game's greatest draw. What is appealing to the masses is Prologue's multiplayer capabilities, which enable 5 different players to play each of the characters at the same time. Due to the game's massive customization system and the fact that the characters' stories are intertwined with each other, people are flooding to the stores and buying the new "Hunt3r" console, also a Vintage product. If you haven't got it already, then go ahead and get one! You'll be surprised on how good this game is.

Platform: Vintage Hunt3r
Release date: 2017
Rating: T
Review: 10/10

Now that the stage has been set...It's time for my character to appear.

Real Character
Name: Lee Font
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Build: Pale, scrawny, with thin shoulders. Prematurely gray hair, almost silver. Pale green eyes.
Hobbies: Likes to play poker and read detective novels.
Bio: A young gamer, Lee will usually be found in his room, either playing a game for 100% or reading one of the many stacks of books piled in his room. He has few "real" friends, but he has many followers in the gaming community, some of them are his classmates who can't "connect the dots" together. His parents do not really mind his anti-social habits, but they do become concerned when Lee doesn't show up for supper.
Personality quirks: Anti-social, likes to be alone, and only wears black and white clothing.

Game Character
Username: RedMasq (now where did THAT come from, I wonder...)
Build: Not too different from real life. Slightly taller, but with bright blue eyes and long silver hair. (think Sephiroth!)
Armor: Lots of black and white. Main clothing is black with white shoulder pads.
Experience: RedMasq has been around since Day 1 of the Eof series and has written detailed walkthroughs, each explaining what to do without revealing the plot. I guess you could say he's a professional!
Main weapon: Two-handed broadsword
Sub weapon: Ivory handled dagger
Element: Fire Enhancement

Alrighty! Did you enjoy today's post? Good. Now let the recruitment continue!

PostPosted: Sun Sep 18, 2011 12:22 pm
by Lockon Stratos
The secondary lightning class needs work, but everything else is much clearer. Suggestion for the class, instead of healing how about a performance enhancer. Move faster hit harder, that kind of thing.

PostPosted: Sun Sep 18, 2011 3:32 pm
by Ally-Ann
Name: Phoebe Macintosh

Age: 14

Gender: Female. (What kind of parent would name their son Phoebe?!)


+Eye color: Ocean blue

+Hair Color and Style: Raven black, choppy bob.

+Weight/Height/Build: 100 lbs, 5'3, slender but toned.

+Extras: Often has a smirk plastered on her face.

Hobbies: Can be found listening to her iPod or skateboarding at a skatepark.

Bio: A tomboyish and cocky girl who's grown up nearly without parents. Her parents have always been busy with work since they're major politicians, and Phoebe practically hates how they're never around when she needs them most. So, she's let skateboarding and music become her life, besides videogames, of course.

Personality quirks: To be revealed... MwahahahaHAHAHAHAHARGH! *Coughs*

Game Character

Username: Nike

Build: Mostly like her in real life, except her eyes are a bright red while her black hair has neon-red streaks through it.

Armor: A red outfit that looks like a one-piece swimsuit, thigh-high black boots, short black bubble vest.

Experience: She's somewhat new to the gaming world, but not completely new.

Main Weapon: Scythe

Sub-Weapon: A spiky blade attached to a wrist gauntlet.

Element: Lightning.

PostPosted: Sun Sep 18, 2011 4:57 pm
by Diamond Dragon
How come I think Phoebe might not like Tomo for some reason? XD

PostPosted: Sun Sep 18, 2011 5:30 pm
by Masquerade1412 interesting idea, Miss Dia! Perhaps the two of you could be Rivals both in life and in the game!

@ Miss Ally--Approved. I was wondering who would pick a scythe! :)

Just to be safe, could you both specify what your character's element will do? If you have a better idea, then PM me and we will have a nice, long discussion. :)

PostPosted: Sun Sep 18, 2011 5:37 pm
by Diamond Dragon
Tomo will use speed to increase her speed and agility. (She's a ninja/rougeish type.) Rivals sound good! How about you Ally? Want to?

PostPosted: Mon Sep 19, 2011 3:16 am
by Ally-Ann
@Masq: Lightning enhancement. Like, she can send electric currents through her weapons.

@Dia: Definitely! It'll give me more to write. =3

PostPosted: Mon Sep 19, 2011 10:27 am
by Nami
This looks interesting. I'll try hard to keep up with it ^^ Maybe it'll get me inspired..?

Real Character
Name: Astra Severus [Note: This name was in history before HP, please refrain from making a comment, I know it's hard not to, but try.]
Gender: Male
Build: Tall, lanky and lean muscle; Stands around 6'2". Narrow sea blue eyes and cinnamon colored hair that falls over his eyes and is trimmed to the nape of his neck. Has a few scattered freckles on his face mostly on his nose.
Hobbies: Aside from being a huge gamer , he is often seen sitting in the library reading books on plants, monsters and history. Has an iPod filled with classical music and likes to sit in parks alone.
Bio: Often thought of as cold or distant, he likes to keep to himself and is very quiet except for unreadable expressions that he gives people who may be so unlucky to cross his path. His parents are both lawyers and work for a well established firm that's been around since 1890. He finds what they do boring and generally ignores them when they talk. Being an only child, he gets to roam the house alone and enjoys his science, taking a note from Sherlock Holmes.
Personality quirks: Uh... I don't know, so we'll save this for in the game. ^^;

Game Character
Username: Silesco Atra-Nex
Build: Quite similar to how Astra is built; Lean muscle, tall, strong. Eye color is a dark-blue with gold around the pupil, and long black hair that is streams down his back.
Armor: Black and Silver armor, with black clothes underneath.
Experience: He's been gaming since he turned nine-years old and found his love for it bigger than the lawyer books his parents gave him. Veteran.
Weapons: A Masamune serves as his main weapon of choice and a short-sword tied to his belt as his secondary weapon.
Element: Um... haven't decided. (Masq, let's talk ^^ )

PostPosted: Mon Sep 19, 2011 11:29 am
by raider~joseph
Well well well this looks cool!

Real Character
Name:Joseph Sarrows
Build: Blue eyes and brown hair in anime like spikes on the front...not big ones though kinda like a bedhead spike.He has skinnyish build.Caucasun(Or however you spell it.)
Hobbies: Eating candy and jogging he is OCD when it comes to his job.Which is....
Bio: A Farmer and pkk for hire he plays the world game market like a viola.He leads the silver slayers a group of twihard hating pkks who take down pks for real world money.(So help me god this is based off my real world guild of worgens.Except without the money gaining we do it for FUN!)He is a bit sadistic but VERY good at his job.He is considered the L of mmos because of his unreal sense of tactics and abillity to get himself out of harsh situtations.He is a kid who lives on his own making money off mmos.
Personality quirks:Sadistic,Kind...when he is not your enemy.A bit of a nut with martial arts.He is a "Realist" and thinks everything will either go right or wrong and stick with it.Girls scare him.

Game Character
Username:Raider(YES I KNOW!)
Build:The same as his real world in fact he even LOOKS like his real world character
Armor: A brown leather jacket over a black jerkin.He wears jeans in game.He has a heaband.
Experience: Veteran raider he is a master at dungeons.
Weapons: Two Short swords with curves(Wakizashis).And several throwing knives hidden all over his person
Element: Lightning and he is a nomad.I assume its rogue substitute.So its gonna be melee dps and stat destruction with some status inflicting moves thrown in.Because what game doesn't have a rogueish class?(Thats good.)

PostPosted: Mon Sep 19, 2011 11:50 am
by everdred12a
My understanding of the Water/Ice element is that in order to use the power, a body of water is required. Is this true?

PostPosted: Tue Sep 20, 2011 1:43 pm
by Masquerade1412
@Nami--Love the character. Approved! Just make sure to work out what element you want. But don't worry too much about it now.

@RJ--Um....How many weapons are we talking here? 50?! I don't mean to hate on you or anything, but that is way too much! Try trimming it down some (To, say, 2?). If you want to use a ranged weapon (Throwing knives) that will have to be your main weapon, then maybe ONE sword for a subweapon. Otherwise, you're approved.

@Everdred--Water/Ice don't really need a body of water for most spells. If you are using Ice and want a spear, you can just freeze the water in the air. Now if you want to encase your opponents in a wall of ice, then you might need a river or two. Sorry for the confusion, I'm still trying to work this whole "First time GameMaster" thing out.

PostPosted: Tue Sep 20, 2011 1:53 pm
by raider~joseph
Ok Instead I shall have no subweapon WAKIZASHIS FTW.Yay!

PostPosted: Tue Sep 20, 2011 5:44 pm
by Masquerade1412
Hmm...I guess that will work...2 medium sized swords would be about right! Approved.

PostPosted: Wed Sep 21, 2011 6:16 am
by Nami
You are doing fine, Masq. ^^ Trust me. I've been in my fair share of RP's especially as GM. Don't worry about it.

Thanks for approving~ :D Now to work out what I want >>;

PostPosted: Fri Sep 23, 2011 3:58 pm
by Masquerade1412
Ladies & Gentlemen.

I require one more participant, then I shall ask the Mods for approval.

That is all.

PostPosted: Fri Sep 23, 2011 4:08 pm
by Davidizer13
A'ight, here's my character. Let's get the ball rolling!

Real Character

Name: Andrew Macintyre
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Build: A bit under 6 feet tall; a touch on the heavier/stockier side. Has dark hair, light skin, dark eyes, and a curly soul patch on his chin. He often wears glasses.

Hobbies: Retro gaming, homebrew electronics, listening to progressive rock music.

Bio: He grew up in your average American middle-class nuclear family, as the oldest of four kids; for most of his life, he's played video games, and even though he hasn't had as much time to play them as before, he's still a collector and connoisseur of games. Last year, he finished a degree in physics, and he's begun a job at a materials testing firm; he's sharing an apartment with a roommate he met online.

Personality quirks: On the rebound from a pretty messy break-up with his girlfriend that happened a couple months back. He's also a Treasure fanboy (but hey, isn't everyone?).

Game Character
Username: Jennumaura
Build: A muscular, statuesque woman, with dark skin and long, black hair, as well as glowing green eyes; based on a character from one of Andew's old stories.
Armor: Wears full armor and chain mail that covers her from head to toe; slightly form-fitting, and compemented with a round shield.
Experience: Andrew is a veteran gamer and RPG fan, but new to MMOs.
Weapons: A short halberd (7 feet long), with a bladed boomerang as backup.
Element: Earth/Rock control.

PostPosted: Fri Sep 23, 2011 4:44 pm
by Masquerade1412
Interesting....A man who plays a female character...That could get confusing REAL easy. (And be absolutely hilarious!) I like it. Approved!

Now, for submission! *Presses key* Oops, wrong button! You guys won't miss Pluto too much, will you? :sweat:

PostPosted: Fri Sep 23, 2011 5:04 pm
by goldenspines

PostPosted: Fri Sep 23, 2011 9:52 pm
by everdred12a
Sorry I'm a little late. I didn't expect this to get going so quickly, and I haven't really had time to work on this until just a bit ago. Hope it's not too late.

Real Character
Name: Dan Blackburn
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Build: Average build, short black hair combed back, deep blue eyes
Hobbies: A long-time, hardcore, high-end MMO player; follows stocks; has a late night poker group
Bio: Having graduated from business school a year before, Dan is now an analyst for a local accounting firm, but hasn't let his work totally dominate his life. He still attends his weekly poker game with his drinking buddies, and he still plays EoF. In reality, and only a few people know, the firm he works for is struggling and will likely close down soon, leaving Dan jobless and unable to keep up with his bills. He worries about how he’ll be able to provide for his wife Clare, who is presently unemployed as she finishes school. Luckily for him, he owns a few stocks, but those will only sustain him for so long. He looks to EoF as a means of escapism.
Personality quirks: Passive-aggressive tendencies, often very mercenary; the two really tie in very well.

Game Character
Username: Valmont
Build: Average; light brown, medium-length hair; light blue eyes
Armor: Charcoal grey woolen trousers, a white linen tunic worn under a grey coat, and a faded black hooded cloak over everything.
Experience: Long-time bleeding edge player in both dungeon content and PVP content
Weapons: A dagger and a wide-mouthed canteen.
Element: Ice

PostPosted: Sat Sep 24, 2011 5:09 am
by Masquerade1412
hmm...I can see how that could work...

I like the "real character", but the game character needs some work. Ice is fine, but it needs to be more "medieval". You might want to put the Top Hat back in the box.

Just get that done and you can hop right on in!

PostPosted: Sat Sep 24, 2011 10:58 am
by everdred12a

PostPosted: Sat Sep 24, 2011 5:38 pm
by Masquerade1412
Perfect. Approved!

PostPosted: Sun Sep 25, 2011 5:40 am
by rocklobster
OK, I believe I can squeeze this one in. I helped you with some tips, so it's the least I could do, right?
Real Character
Name: Jaylin Nazuka
Age: 29
Gender: Female
Build: Jaylin has brown hair and purple eyes. She has been wheelchair bound for most of her life due to paralysis in her legs from an accident.
Hobbies: Sadly, none. She can't even walk, so she feels no need to have any hobbies.
Bio: Jaylin is one of the game's moderators. She also was in charge of the motion-capturing for the sprites.
Personality quirks: Jaylin is often quite melancholy. She has a breather tube at the side of her headrest and she has to take a breath between sentences. Because of this, she often talks quite fast. I should also point out that she has a service dog, and is the only person allowed to have her pet on the premises at the game company's HQ.

Game Character: Mariko
Username: Josie (it's the same name as her service dog)
Build: She has blue hair and has a slender build.) I've provided a picture.
Armor: Very light. Has a unicorn on the breastplate
Experience: (Are you a newer gamer or a veteran?) Obviously a veteran since she's the moderator. She even played Dungeons and Dragons as a child.
Weapons: an epee. (Note: an epee is a sword used in fencing) She also fights unarmed if necessary.
Element: Earth. When she plays in a party, she is often called upon to be the chief healer.
Here's a pic of her online character. (Yes, she has wings. Is it all right if I make her fly sometimes?)
She chose to give her character wings because she wanted to give her character something unique and she has a love for angels. Her workstation has them all over the place.