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PostPosted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 9:22 pm
by goldenspines
GM is Raider~Joseph.

Have fun and play safe!

PostPosted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 9:53 pm
by raider~joseph
"Okay young man please step up and state your name."Joseph walked to the front of the class.He was nervous new people scare him.Once he finds the otaku's he usually fits in.He has moved from everywhere with his seemingly communist family(and drunken father).Anti nerd all the way and because of the travel its been hard for him to stay in one place.Now the proper method to find nerdy teens...false name."Ummm my name is Pilgrim.Scott Pilgrim."He had a awkward look from the people looking at him going:"Is that a REAL name?"He couldn't tell if anyone called his bluff before the teacher said to sit."Well that figures I am all alone AGAIN."He thought to himself.He snuck some pocky fromna container in his jacket when the teacher's back was turned.He smirked."At least no one made FUN of me and called the fake name.Although I will have to let the teacher know at some point I was lying."He thought to himself.When class was over and free period began the class broke up into cliques he stood there pondering his next move.Finding otakus is like chess to him.He just stood there thinking.

OCC:Character interaction...GO!

PostPosted: Thu Apr 21, 2011 11:54 am
by Diamond Dragon
Dia Monro was stilling alone in a corner, reading Fullmetal Alchemist. She was in her usual outfit, though this time instead of her turquiose hoodie she had on a dark blue tank top, and a black jacket and gloves. With her hair tied up in twin pigtails, she looked very much like Black Rock Shooter, which was what she wanted to look like. She turned a page in her manga, and after a few minutes she started to giggle, because Ed was saying something hilarious.

PostPosted: Thu Apr 21, 2011 9:02 pm
by raider~joseph
Joseph looked around.He saw a girl reading a manga."FMA?Wow that saves a lot of time and effort."He casually walked up next to her."Ummmm...Full Metal Alchemist....I like the manga better then the anime.The movie was cool though.Except they ditch Winry.Um...I am Joseph...that Scott Pilgrim thing was joke.Which wasn't funny.Or amusing.In fact I think I may have made the teacher mad.Um...whats your name again?"He was careful not to come off as a guy hitting on her.He once found a otaku girl who slapped him thinking he was trying to date her instead of being friends.He didn't do gfs.All girls being into either Justin Beiber or Twilight he just didn't bother with relationships.They sucked...not that he ever had one though but too many friends had and the suffering was not worth it from his perspective.Fights happened everyday.He liked friends.He treated all of his like his best friends.He hated how people judged him before meeting him though.

PostPosted: Fri Apr 22, 2011 7:42 am
by Diamond Dragon
Dia looked up. Oh, it's the new guy. she thought. "I'm Dia." She said, smiling. "I'm so glad to find another person who likes FMA besides me."

PostPosted: Fri Apr 22, 2011 9:26 am
by samurai10
Yes! Free period. The only time of the day she could really read a manga. With her teacher being dead set against anime and manga for some reason, she could only read it at school. She quickly pulled out Samurai X, and looked around the classroom for an empty corner. Finding none, she contented herself with standing with her back against the wall. Since her teacher had trained her for endurance, she didn't mind. She was quickly engrossed in her manga, since she was in the middle of the great fight between Kenshin and Shishio.

PostPosted: Fri Apr 22, 2011 4:23 pm
by raider~joseph
" name is nice.I wish I had some cool nickname.Well besides "Thief."Its the class I love the most in final fantasy.Speed is fun.So is daggers and duel wakazashis or wakazashii?Or does that only apply to ninjas.Meh.And sucker punches.Hit a guy so fast he won't see straight.Its the class I am best at when I play any rpg its nothing to do with my persona I swear.Anyway I only have 1 thing of KH manga on me right now.Jack Sparrow plus Cloud in the same universe owns.I do have some Scott Pilgrim stuff.You read it?Its not manga but I love it.Scott is funny.So umm...any more FMA now that I see a copy I am gonna crave it all day."He looked around for a sec and saw a girl reading Samurai X."2 otakus?Thats not some mainstream adult swim stuff.She would have had to find it or look for it."He thought to himself.He also saw one of the jocky looking guys staring at them."Why is that staring at me?"He asked her."I don't know him do you?"He waved at him awkwardly and he smirked and turned to his friends.A bit of laughing could be heard.

PostPosted: Fri Apr 22, 2011 5:33 pm
by Diamond Dragon
Wow, this guy can really talk... thought Dia. Out loud she said, "RPGs! I love RPGs! I'm usually a mage or warror! Though I've tried all the other classes, and thier cool too! Never heard of Scott Pilgrim. He sounds interesting though." Then she glanced toward jockys. "That's Carlos and his gang, though everyone in the scool calls him Rouge. It's best to stay away from him." she said. Then she changed the subject. "Want to do a trade? On of my FMA books for your KH book? A temporary trade of course."

PostPosted: Fri Apr 22, 2011 9:17 pm
by raider~joseph
"You most likely mean bad guy rogue and not cool thief rogue.Um sure I will trade hold on let me get my bag."He walked over to his desk and got a book.Kingdom Hearts.His favorate ever was with roxas before sora woke up.He grabbed it but Carlos grabbed him."Hey there pal.So anyway we have a tradition here basically we meet each new boy with a boy from the class and we show you around after school.Sound fun?"Joseph simply replied:"So you beat me up.Gotcha...well I don't fight.I know some martial arts but only bits and pieces.And I am more of a talk it out kinda guy."Carlos laughed:"Well how did you figure it out?"Joseph looked at him and said:Well not to sound sarcastic but I think it took a bit of thinking."He walked back.Everyone stared.He held out the manga and put a case of pocky on the table."He is gonna beat me isn't he?"He said with a smirk.

PostPosted: Fri Apr 22, 2011 9:58 pm
by Diamond Dragon
Dia cast a warning glance at Carlos. "Back off Carlos. Don't you remember what happened the LAST time you tried to beat up a new kid, or have you forgotten already?" she said.

Ooc: What happened last time was that Carlos tried to beat up the last new kid, but the guy happened to knew how to box, and Carlos got beaten at his own game.

PostPosted: Sun Apr 24, 2011 10:05 pm
by raider~joseph
OCC:Is anyone else posting?A waited a bit but come on!Really?Dia if your reading this please keep posting.

And so the bell rang 3 classes later and guess who hid from plain sight.No not Joseph." Dia...I gotta ask what do you do around town I looks boring."

PostPosted: Mon Apr 25, 2011 8:20 am
by Diamond Dragon
"It's not THAT boring. There's a part of town that's kind of abandoned. I like to go over there and explore sometimes." said Dia. Then she noticed another girl come out. The one who had a Samuri X manga with her. Dia hadn't really talked to her. "Hi!" She said, waving to the girl.
ooc: That's you Sam!

PostPosted: Mon Apr 25, 2011 10:12 am
by samurai10
OOC: Sorry raider. I left for most of the weekend, since I was super busy with stuffs. ^^/;;

IC: Startled, Kaya looked up from her manga. She waved back, and since good manners would be lacking if she buried her nose in the manga again, she moved over to the girl. "Hey. I've seen you around. What's your name?" Finally a chance to get a friend. Even though the girl had distracted her in the most interesting part of the manga, a chance is a chance. Oh well. "I'm Kaya."

OOC: Hope that doesn't sound too weird.

PostPosted: Mon Apr 25, 2011 10:17 am
by Diamond Dragon
ooc: No, it doesn't!
BIC: Dia smiled. "I'm Dia!" she said. "Hey, isn't that Samuri X? Is it a good manga?"

PostPosted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 7:06 am
by raider~joseph
"I am Joseph.Never read samurai x.Is it any good?"It was at this time he was sucker punched by some random guy.He staggered a bit but then got into the game.The guy threw a haymaker punch while running at him.Joseph put his hand at the guys shoulder while punching him in the stomach.He bowed his head in pain.Joseph clapped his hands on his ears then kneed him.He fell to the ground in pain."Ok...hah...where was I?...I took some martial arts...bits and pieces.I put them together and well....yeah."He was then taken to the ground by carlos who was pounding him into submission."A little help here!"He yelled before getting socked between the eyes and passing out.Carlos got up very satisfied.

PostPosted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 8:40 am
by Diamond Dragon
"You know your gonna get expelled for that Carlos!" shouted Dia, and she ran over to Joseph. She lifted him up, and started dragging him towards a nearby bench.

PostPosted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 4:38 pm
by samurai10
"Carlos!" Kaya exclaimed. She immediately went after the guy. She didn't know why. Why should she care about some random dude? Perhaps because he was a friend/acquaintance of a potential friend? Whatever reason it was, she went after him, using the techniques her teacher had taught her. He was so surprised, he could barely defend himself. She fought like fury. She aimed a kick at his head. Fortunately, he dodged it, otherwise she would have broken his neck. She punched him, fast, twice, in the stomach. He bent over with a groan. She ended it by slamming her hand in his back, making him fall over. She said to herself, "Piece of trash...." She left him groaning on the ground and went to assist Dia help the guy to a bench.

PostPosted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 4:41 pm
by Diamond Dragon
Dia stared at Kaya. She had NEVER seen someone do stuff like that except on anime. "W-whoa. That was awsome!" she said in amazement.

PostPosted: Wed Apr 27, 2011 11:13 am
by raider~joseph
"Wow thats cool."He got up."I can't believe that idiot fell for my play dead.That was epic.Your like Bruce Lee but not dead!"(That was a complement)"Where the heck did you train?"Carlos got up."This isn't over one day you will be alone and..."Joseph interjected."Then I will beat you by myself."He walked away scorning."I always make a enemy wherever I go.Cause I like anime.But your awesome!Seriously!um...hey...listen can you two help me with something? was gonna do this thing.Fireworks.Are you two in?"

PostPosted: Wed Apr 27, 2011 8:07 pm
by Diamond Dragon
Dia was so surprised that she almost dropped Joseph. "Neat trick." she said.

PostPosted: Wed Apr 27, 2011 9:22 pm
by raider~joseph
Joseph sighed."Years of practice I am afraid..."He wiggled his way out." about my offer its not a date im not some pervy ladies man...its just I need a reason to make fireworks...I met some people like me....and you know."He sat down."I have...actually never really met any otakus just rpg nuts.It sucked.World of Warcraft can get you so far.....Um...."He looked paniced."I DID NOT SAY WORLD OF WARCRAFT I HAVE NEVER PLAYED IT I SWEAR!"(People tend to dislike WoW players.)"ITS NOT EVEN A GOOD GAME!....yes it is.Okay I played WoW...walk away laughing at your earliest convience

PostPosted: Mon May 02, 2011 7:46 pm
by Diamond Dragon
ooc: Hey Joseph? Would you mind making your character say less random stuff please? It's kind of hard to keep up...

PostPosted: Mon May 02, 2011 8:23 pm
by raider~joseph
Occ: Okay this is the last random thing Joseph says.Promise.Nice to see you again Dia.^^

PostPosted: Tue May 03, 2011 5:33 pm
by samurai10
Kaya looked at Joseph strangely. "What in the world is World of Warcraft? And what is an otaku? Why would I walk away laughing? I don't understand." She looked at Dia. "What offer is he talking about?"

OOC: Kaya was raised away from the world, so there are many things she's never heard of, such as WoW, which is a computer game. And she's never had a computer, and she's been in solitude almost all her life. XD

Also, question. Are we in the same classroom that the RPG started out in, or are we on the lawn or playground or something?

PostPosted: Tue May 03, 2011 6:43 pm
by Diamond Dragon
ooc: I was guessing we were on the lawn.

PostPosted: Tue May 03, 2011 7:50 pm
by raider~joseph
Occ:You two are right.Joseph is a bombmaker he can naturally make fireworks.

"Um...I can make fireworks.Homemade but I can make them really shine.What do you two say?Um...I am very careful.Please its like my only talent."He pondered a bit."Um...I know its you...want to do something else instead?"(Or nothing at all.Idiot!)He thought to himself.(You FINALLY meet otakus after 4 schools and you blow it.)

PostPosted: Tue May 03, 2011 8:20 pm
by Diamond Dragon
"You can MAKE fireworks? asked Dia, her eyes wide. "I'd love to see that!"

PostPosted: Tue May 03, 2011 8:52 pm
by raider~joseph
"Yeah!"His eyes lit up as well."But I need some place without trees to do it.Are there any fields or rivers there is a forest so there has to be somewhere."

PostPosted: Tue May 03, 2011 9:36 pm
by samurai10
OOC: I'M SORRY! T_T I meant to edit my post when I finally fully understood both of yours, but I forgot....T_T Anyways....

IC: "How do we know you're not bluffing?" Kaya didn't want to sound mean, but she had trust issues.

PostPosted: Tue May 03, 2011 9:51 pm
by raider~joseph
"Put it to you this way.Do you think if I had other motives...that I could either:A: catch you off guard,B:overpower you,or C:Take you in a fight.No I would quite dead.In fact actually..."He looked at her legs.Then he picked up a stick a drew a line in the dirt in front of Kaya."I would get that far."The line was leg length for a kick."Plus you would be careful not to seperate from each other.And to plan out some sorta plan to do anything would take forever I have been here a collective 35 hours.I am NOT that smart."He smiled warmly.