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Orphanage for creatures on Earth

PostPosted: Tue Jun 23, 2009 8:18 pm
by silver_wolf454
Man I need a better title for this XD Anyway due to the length and sucess of my first rp of this nature I'm making a new version of it that will hopefuly be just as sucessful or better.

If you are one of the Vet.s from the first Oc feel free to revive your old charcters. Though I must warn you this rp is a complete start over so all vet. characters must have mind wipes lolz.

Setting: Earth, present time

Story: The orphanage started by Ari and Arin is in serious jeopardy of being destroyed. Humans want them dead. No. They want them strung up like puppets and shown to the people to say: “This is what’s wrong with not being human.â€

PostPosted: Tue Jun 23, 2009 8:23 pm
by silver_wolf454




Eyes:a light red

Hair: white, with many layers in a bob cut

Height: 6'3

Weight: 231

Clothing style: jeans, a loose fitting fashion tee

Power: Black rabbit furrel

History: One of the the last orphans Ari and Arin adopted before Arin dissapeared and Ari died. He has taken over the house and runs it with the same principals Arin and Ari forged.

Extra: her has snake bites (two rings in each corner of his lower lip) and a silver nose stud. He's a bit happy-go lucky personality type.

PostPosted: Tue Jun 23, 2009 8:28 pm
by silver_wolf454
Name: Artimidorus Fenworth

Age: 25

Gender: male


Eyes: dark angular

Hair: black, slicked back corperate style

Height: 5'7

Weight: 163lb

Clothing style: buisness suit, grey with pinstripeing

Power: Money lolz (none he's the boss of the corperation in charge of wiping you guys out)

History: Arragant and short tempered this young man came into power at a young age. There's nothing he would like more than to wipe out every last "deformity" humanity has.

Extra: silver stud right ear in the lobe

PostPosted: Tue Jun 23, 2009 8:35 pm
by silver_wolf454
Name(s): Romulus and Remus


Gender: male


Eyes: green

Hair: shaggy, brown

Height: 5'9

Weight: 241

Clothing style:just a pair of jeans and an open black shirt each

Power: The twins power is over the sky they can controle the weather in up to a 7 mile range around them, but there is a catch. If the twins are not together than their powers do not work.

Extra: none

PostPosted: Sat Jun 27, 2009 12:42 pm
by silver_wolf454
If you have questions about the story or the rules pm me or post them here.

This tread will be open to members unless I post otherwise.

PostPosted: Sat Jun 27, 2009 4:24 pm
by Lil_Ninja
Hmm.. I'll give this another shot. (Will post bios later)

One question: How many characters are we allowed to have? (sorry if you already said and I missed it XPPP)

PostPosted: Sat Jun 27, 2009 4:46 pm
by Althaia
Name: Celine Forna

Age: 17

Gender: female


Eyes: bright green

Hair: long magenta, with a lil blue, purple, yellow, and green

Height: 5'9"

Weight: 140

Clothing style: see pic

Power: furrel and a wolf see pic

History: shes a strange one she has family but the disowned her because of her...eccentricies (i have no idea if i spelled this right) shes a bit strange has a lot of hobbies tends to keep to her self but if you get to know shes very nice

Extra: see pic

shes well her fur in wolf mode is odd because she in herself is odd >_>

PostPosted: Sun Jun 28, 2009 7:47 am
by Veru
agin with beliving ur something better that human ehen ur really lower

PostPosted: Sun Jun 28, 2009 7:57 am
by MangArtist
Veru (post: 1324208) wrote:agin with beliving ur something better that human ehen ur really lower

Dude, it's something just for fun. They're not actually serious.

PostPosted: Sun Jun 28, 2009 9:21 am
by silver_wolf454
two at most please ^-^

Just ignore Veru he has issues with me for some reason.

PostPosted: Sun Jun 28, 2009 11:07 am
by Cap'n Nick
Let's keep it civil.

This is your official warning.

PostPosted: Sun Jun 28, 2009 4:30 pm
by Althaia
silvy i am looking forward to this rp :D

PostPosted: Sun Jun 28, 2009 5:07 pm
by silver_wolf454
Althaia (post: 1324362) wrote:silvy i am looking forward to this rp :D

Thank you, I am too.

I love your avi btw. ^-^ Very cute. I love the show alot.

PostPosted: Sun Jun 28, 2009 5:11 pm
by Althaia
thanks ciel is so adorable

PostPosted: Sun Jun 28, 2009 6:22 pm
by Hana Ryuuzaki
[font="palatino Linotype"]I'mma try to do better this time. D,:

[color="Plum"]Name:[/color] Lacas Razzore

[color="Plum"]Age:[/color] 21

[color="Plum"]Gender:[/color] Male


[color="Plum"]Eyes:[/color] You normally can't see them, but they're a molten chocolate colour. Very intense.

[color="Plum"]Hair:[/color] Dark blackish-brown. Messy, but in a good way, and his bangs cover his eyes completely.

[color="Plum"]Height:[/color] 6' even

[color="Plum"]Weight:[/color] 174 lbs.

[color="Plum"]Clothing style:[/color] Generally wears faded jeans and goes shirtless. Goes barefoot also.

[color="Plum"]Power:[/color] The ability to make others relive their worst memory, or the ability to speak in others's minds. He also can relieve others's pain. Only drawback is he get massive migraines and, depending on the severity, he will start bleeding from his ears.

[color="Plum"]History:[/color] Lacas actually came from a influential family, but never took advantage of the money. That was--until some mobsters came in and tore his life apart. He's dealt with it pretty well, and has mostly forgotten that horrid day...

[color="Plum"]Extra:[/color] He has a tattoo of a sun outline around his bellybutton, and a tattoo of skeletal wings on his back that move under the skin when his powers are activated.

I hope it's okay. >_<[/font]

PostPosted: Sun Jun 28, 2009 6:52 pm
by Lil_Ninja
Name: Maxine

Age: 16

Gender: Female


Eyes: Florescent blue with squiggles of light blue coming from the pupil.

Hair: Dark blue, almost black. It's kind of short for a girl in the back, and a bit longer in the front, the bangs going down a bit past her chin. It looks like she cut it herself and the back is always sticking up.

Height: 5'7"

Weight: 120

Clothing style: She wears mostly shortsleeve shirts, dark blues, grays and blacks. She likes wearing black sleeveless jackets (close to the biker style), and is always seen with black fingerless gloves on. She mainly wears black worn jeans, and her florecent blue all-star converse, or her black running shoes. She likes wearing gothic like accessories.

Power: By singing/humming/whistling different melodies, she can charm animals in different ways to do different things. Like, she could make a melody for them to protect her, or something like that.

History: The twins would often use their powers to make money, traveling around with their act, hoping no one would think anything of their charms. They try to only use their powers for good. They are orphans so they let themselves go with the wind, not having any ties with anyone but eachother.

Extra: She has the treble clef tattooed on her right bicep.
She is Nathanel's twin.


Name: Nathanael

Age: 16

Gender: Male


Eyes: Florescent blue with squiggles of light blue coming from the pupil.

Hair: Dark blue, almost black. It goes to his nose at the shortest part, and a little below his chin at the longest. He has side bangs in the front, covering one eye, and its a bit shorter in the back and sometimes spikes at random spots.

Height: 5'7"

Weight: 140

Clothing style: He likes wearing black over shirts (with the sleeves rolled up) with a blue or white shirt underneath with some funky pattern on it. He wears mostly dark jeans and black gothic style boots. He always wears spike bracelets, one on each wrist.

Power: By playing different melodies on his hand carved flute, he can change peoples moods. By playing a sad song, he makes them sad, by playing an upbeat melody, he can make them happy, etc.

History: The twins would often use their powers to make money, traveling around with their act, hoping no one would think anything of their charms. They try to only use their powers for good. They are orphans so they let themselves go with the wind, not having any ties with anyone but eachother.

Extra: He has the bass clef tattooed on his left bicep.
He is Maxine's twin.

PostPosted: Mon Jun 29, 2009 8:56 am
by silver_wolf454
oh wow, two sets of twins. That's asking for mischief.

They look good guys.

PostPosted: Tue Jun 30, 2009 11:51 am
by Jasmin
Name: Comoe

Age: unknown

Gender: male


Eyes: unknown wears goggles constantly

Hair: green spikyish see pic

Height: 7'2


Clothing style: brown trench coat sometimes with white daisies along the trim.

Power: can bring toys to life but most touch them first.

History: very very wierd literily insane. he would never try to hurt any one to be mean with his powers. mostly shows up to the orphanage for free food and a place to stay. Has a family but they dont realize hes gone because they are insane too...

Extra: carries around a mushroom puppet (in the pic hes big but we'll say hes only 3" inches tall) lol this is horrible....

PostPosted: Wed Jul 01, 2009 6:31 pm
by silver_wolf454

PostPosted: Wed Jul 01, 2009 9:17 pm
by Lady Kenshin
Methinks I'll join.

Character 1:

Name: Lockwood Fulton

Age: 32

Gender: Male

Appearance- A sharp, almost pointed face and some stubble.

Eyes: Black

Hair: Dark Brown

Height: 6'

Weight: 110 lbs. (Underweight, I know. He's supposed to be.)

Clothing style: Loose jeans and a ripped straitjacket.

Power: Can rearrange atoms, thereby transforming things. He is not, however, limitless. (That wouldn't be fair) Each time he does this, the energy it would have taken to do it manually is drawn from his body, so if he overuses his powers he falls asleep.

History: He's lived in an institution even since he was nine, and if he was normal then, he isn't now. He generally means well, but is fond of mind games and can get carried away to the point of forgetting not to hurt people. Under this, though, is the fact that he never really grew up, retreating into his own little world to escape the horrors of life in a mental hospital. He forms strong bonds with people.

Extra: He has a spike in his tongue... XD

Sample: "What's that? You think I'm nuts?" Lockwood paused, allowing a smile to crawl slowly over his face. The slow growth of the smile was essential to its power to terrify. The distortion he gave his cheeks when he did that smile, allowing it to grow wider than one could imagine possible... it was so fun to watch their eyes widen, pupils contracting. If he was lucky, they'd break a sweat. It served them right for calling him crazy. He wished they'd just talk to him and keep all that to themselves.

Character 2:

Name: Harold Ford

Age: 38

Gender: Male


Eyes: Blue

Hair: Brown

Height: 5' 8"

Weight: 156 lbs.

Clothing style: Sharp. Suit and tie.

Power: Can persuade you to do anything. Drawback is that nobody trusts him.

History: Once a used car salesman, Harold came to the orphanage when people realized his persuasiveness was too powerful to be natural. Harold grew up as a pickpocket due to poverty.

Sample: Harold always knew the liars. There was just something about their eyes. The expression was similar to the way he had felt back when he had learned to persuade, as if he might be found out and scolded. He rather liked to persuade them to tell him the truth. It was like pulling one over on those who did it all the time, even though he never lied. Tit for tat, you know. A taste of their own medicine. If no one would trust him, why should he be trustworthy anyway?

PostPosted: Wed Jul 01, 2009 9:25 pm
by silver_wolf454
Accepted. ^-^ Very nice.

PostPosted: Wed Jul 01, 2009 9:35 pm
by Lady Kenshin
silver_wolf454 (post: 1325098) wrote:Accepted. ^-^ Very nice.

Thank you!

PostPosted: Sat Jul 04, 2009 8:59 am
by silver_wolf454
I'd like to have at least two more players before I submit. Tell your Rp friends guys.

PostPosted: Sun Jul 05, 2009 12:32 am
by Dante
: Raz awaited on the rainy roof-tops of this wicked city and their complacent "humans". What a worthless race of creatures, he would think to himself as he pondered their fates like a boy ponders the ends of ants. As the rain washed away the smog crust from the bleached concrete, he intended to wipe out these non-enhanced parasites from the world, and any that stood to save them in the flood that he would make. :

Name: Raz

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Apperance- Despite the common trends these days, Raz doesn't wear the same clothing every day. It would be bad for instance to wear a t-shirt and shorts in the frigid cold or a snow-suit in the middle of summer. Whatever he is wearing though (and he always is) it is generally dark or black with shades of grey or an exceptional red placed in there unless some deviant style fits his present fancy. Needless to say, his clothing sends a clear message.

Leave me alone.

The same can be said of his eyes or even by some mysterious means the stagnant nature of his black hair. He's not a muscular boy, but somehow acquired and openly carries a gun... With a silencer O_o.

Eyes: Is their a color called cold? A shade denounced ruthless?

Hair: Unkept. Barbers talk too much.

Height: Slightly short.

Weight: 168 pounds

Clothing style: Wasn't this under appearance? Oh, and he always wears a pair of over-sized BLACK headphones on... in a normal style.

Power:tHe PoWErS Of eViL!!! Well maybe just the powers of anti-social behavior and a good knowledge of engineering. conceals a pair of black cat-ears he was born with under his hat or lying low next to his hair (which is the main reason he keeps it unkept), but the stupid things work no better then normal human ears.

History:Raz is. Raz is messed up ok? We shouldn't even have to explain this from the above. He was eventually abandoned at 13 by his parents after they "just couldn't take any more", and up and left their apartment while he was gone. After one night he gave up trying to find them in that city where it rains so much and he no longer wanted to.

To him they left, no. They had all given up on him before he had a chance. The whole world abandoning him since birth would have been kind, but instead they chose to scorn, torment and belittle him of whatever they could take... and all he held onto when it was all said and done was a deep desire to take everything back from them and all they "cherished" if (as he wondered) they could do such a thing.

His talents found a sanctuary within libraries where he could hide himself away in the corner, his ears hung low to look like two more misbehaving patches of hair on his head. There... he met the librarian. An old wrinkled man with a pair of scars on the top of his head where he had been... "scalped". The librarian captured this young pawn and gave him a purpose. Gave him a mission. Gave him his strength.

So that one day they might both live to see the day when humans neither ruled nor lived in the light of day on this world.

Extra: What?! Tattoo or deface the incredible glorious opportunity that was him? Humans should mark and slice their bodies, they were the worthless ones!

PostPosted: Sun Jul 05, 2009 10:53 am
by silver_wolf454
Accepted. ^-^ I look forward to rping with you Pascal

PostPosted: Mon Jul 06, 2009 9:56 pm
by Dante
As I do you!

PostPosted: Tue Jul 07, 2009 9:03 am
by Strafe
I'm not an advanced Rper, but I got invited, so is that okay? lol I like making up Impromptu characters. Good practice for the real thing. hm... I've created two guys and one girl so far... so a girl is next I guess. need experience writing for both genders. But it'll be hard...

Name: Evangeline Saint-Claire (Adopted name)

Age: 13

Gender: Female

Appearance- Korean

Eyes: Change color depending on her power. Ice- Blue Fire- Red normal- black

Hair: Black in whatever this is called: it makes sense somehow and looks expensive.

Height: 5'4"

Weight: (Not polite to ask a woman's weight... But she is slender)

Clothing style: Dresses casual to Fancy depending on mood because she can afford it.

Power: Transforms into Fire and Ice Kitsune (Nine tailed fox). Power changes depending on Mood. If angry, Fire. If sad, Ice. Is not quite a furrel because she transforms between the two forms. She is mistaken for one because she cannot transform completely. So far, she can only bring out the ears, up to 3 tails, and occasionally, claws.

History: She was given up by her parents in Korea right when she was born, and adopted by the Saint Claires, a wealthy French couple living in America. She learned at a young age that she was adopted, but it never bothered her until her powers manifested. Her parents love her, and are not consumed by their wealth, but they do not know of her powers. In truth, they are leading anti-orphanage activists. These days, because of her powers, Eva wonders about her biological parents.

Extra (Personality): She is the "typical" rich girl. Meaning she has been spoiled pretty much all her life, with every opportunity at her fingertips. Of course, it doesn't mean she's not human, and will have to convince people that she feels the same things they do. She fears rejection by her parents, who do not know of her powers.

The character isn't very developed. yet. That's because I hate putting all the story in the history. So currently, she's not at the level I usually put their back stories so that it could be the level I put their actual story. Don't worry. I left alot of room for drama stuff to happen.

PostPosted: Tue Jul 07, 2009 1:18 pm
by Strafe
I posted my character here... I don't suppose she showed up yet...

edit: Oh there she is... my bad

PostPosted: Tue Jul 07, 2009 2:25 pm
by silver_wolf454
lolz common mistake, very nice it'll be interesting to have her parents work with Artimidorus

PostPosted: Tue Jul 07, 2009 2:47 pm
by Dante
You know strafe, I'm going to ask your character what her weight is now :P.