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The Dragon Children

PostPosted: Mon May 11, 2009 4:53 pm
by rocklobster
OK, i'm giving up on my Animorphs RPG. Instead, let's try this:
On the wrold of Krangor, humans are able to co-exist with dragons. When a child reaches the age of 7, he/she is taken to a cave to select a dragon. From that moment, a telepathic bond is created. The child is given the ability to perform magic depending on the type of dragon selected. There's one problem: a group of evil dragons, led by one dragon named Kor and his human Stefan, is threatening the order. The different types are as follows:
Earth (Green)--controls plants and allows you to talk with animals other than with dragons.
Fire (Red)--controls fire (duh)
Wind (White)--controls air. Can also fly without dragon's aid.
Water (Blue)--controls water. Can also combine with White Dragons to control weather.
Spirit (Silver)--controls "spirit energy". Allows you to read others' minds besides just your dragon. Can also heal others.
Evil (Sinister)--controls "black magic". Allows you to do evil stuff:evil:
Here's what I need:
Dragon Type/Name:
Keep in mind, you are actually controlling two characters--your dragon and your human.
Here is my first character:
Name: Karin
Eyes: Gray
Hair: Greenish-yellow
Gender: Female
Dragon's Name/Type: Nolk/Green
Age: 20
Bio/Personality: Her dragon's connection with the earth allows her to sense that the balance between good and evil is wrong. She has formed the resistance to counter that.
Unless someone else wants, I'll control Kor and Stefan as well.

Bio/Personality: Leader

PostPosted: Mon May 11, 2009 5:45 pm
by Robin Firedrake
Hey hey hey! This is my kind of RP! Just one thing: Very few people will be choosing fire dragons. Short end of the stick cause of the missing secondary power.

Name: Robert
Eyes: a very strange bright green
Hair: Jet black and shiny. Shoulder length and pulled back into a pony tail.
Gender: Male
Age: 15
Personality/Bio: Friendly and looking to put his healing abilities to good use/A youth who has witnessed far too much destruction for his age, Robert joined the order to heal both emotionally and physically, anyone he can.
Dragon Type/Name: Nervagor/silver

PostPosted: Mon May 11, 2009 5:58 pm
by The Liar XIII
Hmm.. Before I sign up, what else can the wind powered players do?

PostPosted: Mon May 11, 2009 6:17 pm
by christianfriend
Well, I actually think people WILL choose fire, because everyone knows fire is one of the strongest elements :D

Name: Azzura Nyx
Eyes: A metallic silver color
Hair: Her hair is a sleek fire red and is mid-back length. She usually keeps it in a low pony tail when she's riding her Dragon.
Other: She has a few Freckles across her nose and on her cheeks, and a birthmark that resembles a star next to her left eye. She also wears a headpiece with Dragon horns on it.
Gender: Female
Age: 17 and a half.
Personality/Bio: Azzura is a fiery girl who doesn't much like being told what to do, or staying indoors. She would rather be outside with her dragon and having adventures than anything else. She can be stubborn and a little moody, but she's actually a very nice person and a loyal friend. The only family she has is a big brother named Pythius.
Dragon Type/Name: Mordred, White Dragon

PostPosted: Tue May 12, 2009 12:58 pm
by Derek_Is_Me
Name: Xia Hushblade
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Brown
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Personality/Bio: When Xia was young, many of the elders seemed to notice that Xia had an affinity for wind. So when he was taken to pick his dragon it was no suprise that he chose a white dragon to be his partner.
Dragon Type/Name: Kosho/White

PostPosted: Tue May 12, 2009 2:44 pm
by Lady Kenshin
Dragons! All right!

Name: Set (Born David Lincolnshire)

Eyes: Green

Hair: Wildly chopped in no particular pattern, it's an odd mix of white, black and grey. This was caused by extreme stress.

Gender: Male

Age: 14

Personality/Bio: Trained in Evil magic, Set really has no desire to see people get hurt. However, due to the amount of suffering and brainwashing he received during his training, which began when he was kidnapped from his home at the age of eight, he is very confused and still trying to find his real identity, and he sometimes behaves in a manner more familiar to the Evil faction than the good factions, but he means well and only hopes to uncover his memories of where he lived before he was taken away. He escaped the Evil faction two years ago. He struggles with nightmares and being mistaken for an Evil person, and sometimes he wonders if that is now all he can be.

Ba-Pef, however, has no such compunctions. He does not understand why Set has such a problem with Evil, and thus is sometimes more of a problem than a help.

Dragon Type/Name: Ba-Pef/Sinister

PostPosted: Tue May 12, 2009 3:14 pm
by Lil_Ninja
I might join this one later ^^

PostPosted: Tue May 12, 2009 4:27 pm
by rocklobster
OK, folks, came up with some new stuff and a new character.
First of all, Derek, you don't choose your dragon. Your dragon chooses you. Also, Liar, if you pick Wind you can be like Naruto and channel it into an energy ball, similar to NAruto's Rasengan. And, if you combine your powers with a Water Dragon Child, you can control weather! And here's the other stuff:
1. Once you bond with the dragon, your lives are intertwined. That means if you die, so does the dragon. And vice versa. However, this does mean you have a longer life span under normal circumstances.
2. The dragon also gives the human heightened senses.
OK, here's my second character:
Name: Joanne
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Eyes: Gray
Hair: Blonde
Dragon's Name/Type: Kilin/Silver
Bio: Joanne is Karin (pronounced Kah-reen btw)'s twin sister. One day, after they turned ten years old, they returned home to find a smoldering crater. Karin became so angry she decided to dedicate her life to eradicating evil. As for Joanne, she and Karin are joined at the hip. She would do anything for her sister. More than anything, she wants to see Karin smile again, which she hasn't done since their parents were murdered. Oh and the murderer? It was Stefan!

PostPosted: Tue May 12, 2009 5:10 pm
by Derek_Is_Me
^^ Oops, sorry rock. Can I leave it the way it was anyway. Since I can't really change it anyway. Just say that he was picked by a wind dragon anyway.

PostPosted: Tue May 12, 2009 5:13 pm
by christianfriend
Yikes, there's lots of white dragons! x.x I might change mine if more pop up.

PostPosted: Tue May 12, 2009 6:41 pm
by Robin Firedrake
I'm quite liking being the only silver here... Is spirit energy somewhat like telekenisis?

PostPosted: Tue May 12, 2009 7:01 pm
by christianfriend
Well, Telekinesis is the ability to move objects with your mind, but I don't think people with silver Dragons would be able to have Telekinesis, Telepathic abilities AND healing powers. So I doubt Spirit powers is like Telekinesis.
But who knows, maybe it is! X3 That would be pretty wicked, lol~

PostPosted: Wed May 13, 2009 3:46 am
by rocklobster
Actually, Robin, look at Joanne. Hers is Silver too. And Christianfriend, you're right--it's all 3! Plus you can channel spirit energy into an energy attack.

PostPosted: Wed May 13, 2009 11:37 am
by The Liar XIII
I got my character all drawn up, but I'm gonna do a little background on him to see if Rocklobster approves.

Name: Only known as Blue Major.
Eyes: Light Blue
Hair: Long and dark blue, along with long blue sideburns and black stubble.
Gender: Male
Age: 98765451234001
Personality/Bio: Blue is from another planet which shares the similar dragon story as Krangor, but unlike Krangor, their kind are born with this trait, and slowly grow into it instead of selecting. Even though Blue is 98765451234001 years old, he has the appearance of a 20 year old, since the inhabitants from his planet never age in looks, strength, nor mind once 20 years old. He is somewhat human. His planet shares the concept of Dragon Ball Z and the Sayans. They are human, but more like another breed. His kind are from the planet only known as "V" (Rumored to be called Veron). His breed of humans are called Velites.
Dragon Type/Name: [color="DeepSkyBlue"]Blue (Water)[/color]/No. 319-AB7
Background: Blue is a character I created A LOONNGGG time ago and was displayed more as a rebel who would carry around guns, and if he were to have a movie, it would be similar to a Sci-Fi Shoot 'em Up. I'm guessing I'll just tweak his character to fit in with this.

PostPosted: Wed May 13, 2009 3:02 pm
by rocklobster
I was only going to have humans, but I'll allow it. However, please change the age so that Blue is younger than Karin and Joanne. 17 should be good. Oh, and no firearms. Medieval Weaponry only. Karin uses tonfas, for example.

PostPosted: Wed May 13, 2009 4:36 pm
by The Liar XIII
Okay. He'll be probably 17.

And I didn't say he'll use them in this. I'm just saying he usually did. He'll be more like his Soul Calibur III rendition where he wielded swords in this. Probably like that sickle whats her name used in Soul Calibur.

PostPosted: Wed May 13, 2009 4:40 pm
by Phantom_Sorano
Since Animorphs died, I'll do this one. I'll post it when I can....I'm cooking sup now.

PostPosted: Thu May 14, 2009 8:33 am
by Pejiilu
Name: Nara
Eyes: Greenish yellow
Hair: Brownish red with blue Streaks
Gender: Female
Age: 14 and a half
Personality/Bio: hyper willing to fight
Dragon Type/Name: sinister / Apa!

that good 83?

PostPosted: Thu May 14, 2009 9:05 am
by rocklobster
way to go, Pejilu! Welcome aboard! We start Friday!

PostPosted: Thu May 14, 2009 9:59 am
by Gelka
Name: Sho
hair: green
personality: very loud
Dragon Type: sinister I guess?

I hope I did that right......

PostPosted: Thu May 14, 2009 1:59 pm
by Phantom_Sorano
Name:Roklem Salanatus
Eyes: deep violet
Hair: dark olive
Personality/Bio:Rok is a very quiet and shy 'gentle giant' type of person. His past is some illusive, as he generally keeps to himself. He is kind, soft-spoken, and does what is needed to help others.^_^
Dragon Type/Name:Shaalon-Green-type dragon
(Shaalon is around 200 years old, female, and respectable. She is a powerful figure, but stays usually silent and peaceful. Her mission in life is to make the world beautiful, so she is constantly planting new things. Shaalon came upon Roklem as a teenager by sheer chance, and enjoyed his nature and company. Shaalon is a deep silver-grass green color with piercing orange eyes.)

Can we do more than one?

PostPosted: Thu May 14, 2009 3:46 pm
by rocklobster
sure go ahead. I'm doing twins after all. Oh, and you have to go to a cave to get your dragon to pick you. A lady leads you into the cave and blindfolds you, then the dragon comes up to you and the lady pricks your finger and one of the dragon's talons. Then you're told to put your finger over the wound and that's it--you have a dragon. So, in other words, you don't meet by chance. You might want to just paste what I just described, CE. other than that you did great! Welcome aboard!

PostPosted: Thu May 14, 2009 3:57 pm
by Gelka
I went into the cave and did what rock lobster said. Yay!

PostPosted: Thu May 14, 2009 10:29 pm
by christianfriend
Okay, since I can't change my other girl's character profile, I'll just have to state the changes here!
I'm changing her Element from Wind to [color="Red"]Fire[/color], her name from Azzura to [color="Red"]Embera[/color], and her age to [color="Red"]19[/color]!!

And here's my new character!

Name: Nazrine "Nana"
Eyes: Her right eye is neon green and the left is light silver.
Hair: Her hair is a strawberry blond/auburn, and is cut in a pixie type of hairstyle, with a longer mid-back length layer underneath that's usually in pigtails.
Gender: Female.
Age: 7.5
Personality/Bio: Nazrine is an adventurous girl with a wild spark that's hard to keep under control. She's a handful to look after, and is very carefree and love-able. But she doesn't trust people very easily, since she was abused by her mother. The only person she likes is Embera, since she thinks of Nazrine as her own little sister, and Nazrine thinks the same of her.
Dragon Type/Name: Aura, White
Her dragon Aura has a slender, long and lithe figure, with sparkling white scales and calculating yellow eyes. She moves and flies with graceful smooth movements, and looks delicate or perhaps fragile, although she's anything but. She's ferocious and cunning, and is more than capable of fighting off a larger dragon.

PostPosted: Fri May 15, 2009 8:23 am
by rocklobster
Right then, I submitted it, so as soon as it's approved we can start!

PostPosted: Fri May 15, 2009 2:25 pm
by rocklobster
Sorry for the double post, but IT's HERE! click here!

PostPosted: Fri May 15, 2009 3:07 pm
by Lil_Ninja
Here's my character!

Name: Akashi
Age: 16
Gender: Female
[B]Dragon:[/B] Blue dragon named Aysu.
She is sweet to people she knows, but can get very defensive of Akashi when she sees a stranger, or if someone seems to be acting mean to her. Her scales are a light shimmering blue. When she's in water, she can hardly be told apart from it, except a glimmer on her scales now and then. Her eyes are a deep piercing blue.

Eyes: Periwinkle
Hair: She has straight, light blue hair that goes to the middle of her back. She has two braids (starting with french braids) on each side of her head, and drawn in a ponytail at the back

Outfit: It's like Katara's (From The Ladt Airbender)

[B]Personality/Bio:[/B] She can be extremely childlike at times (hyper, random, immature, etc), but if she absolutely has to, she'll TRY to be serious. She loves joking and making people laugh, and she will always lend a hand to someone in need, even if she doesn't know them.

Extra: She always has a flask of water with her.

PostPosted: Sun May 17, 2009 4:02 pm
by Phantom_Sorano
OOC: Yay! Mr. Rock finally called me by my perferred title!!!

Alright.....second chara!

Name:Saiyanna Donelbaine (Saiyune Heathclife)
Eyes: bright violet
Hair: deep plum
Personality/Bio:Sai is short,slender, and sassy. As a child, she lived with her noble family who were extremely abusive (especially her stepfather). Once she turned 18, she snuck out from her home in search of freedom and goes by the name of Saiyune. Because of her experiences, she is very blunt and somewhat rude in her treatment. She uses a hard personality to conceal her emotions. Other traits about herself include that she is quick-tempered, impatient, and satirical.
Dragon Type/Name:Nefron, White Dragon
(Nefron is around 170 years old, male, and strong-willed. He is a majestic and playful figure, and stays usually cheerful and somewhat mischievious. His mission in life is to make a change in the world and to constantly experience new places. Nefron had observed Sai when she was a child, and felt pity for the girl. When he found her a few weeks after her runaway, he made it a duty to protect the girl. He and Sai are deep friends, and he is the only figure that she will open up to.Nefron is a pale silver and gray color with bold yellow eyes.

PostPosted: Mon May 18, 2009 5:04 pm
by rocklobster
Welcome aboard Soran!

PostPosted: Mon May 18, 2009 7:24 pm
by Phantom_Sorano
=^_^= Lemme know if you need me to do anything.