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PostPosted: Sat May 07, 2011 9:20 pm
by Seto_Sora
Well, I'll ask you Mister and Diamond. What you two think Denku should be running from or for what? Knowing too much info sounds good but what suggestions do you have.
Also Mister, I'm assuming Quinton and Prince are on Balta so I'll RP from there. Try to get my next post up here soon.


PostPosted: Sat May 07, 2011 9:28 pm
by Diamond Dragon
How about if she also stole something important?

PostPosted: Sat May 07, 2011 10:06 pm
by Seto_Sora
ooh! I like it! ^_^ I think this will help alot too. Quinton really needed some reason not to just silently pick off each member one by one like in the last episode of Firefly (oh I hated that episode and so didn't want him to be like that) as well as keep him from killing everyone at once. See, if she is wanted alive or for what she has, then that could be the thin thread keeping the crew of the Tiamat alive. What do you think Mister?


PostPosted: Sun May 08, 2011 11:55 am
by Diamond Dragon
The only problem is I have no idea what the object she stole could be. >_<

PostPosted: Sun May 08, 2011 12:17 pm
by Atria35
Something expensive? That detail can be worked out later. For now it can just be 'something of great importance'. Maybe she herself doesn't know what the importance of it is.

PostPosted: Sun May 08, 2011 12:18 pm
by Diamond Dragon
That makes it even better! :D

PostPosted: Sun May 08, 2011 12:21 pm
by rocklobster
Here's an idea: Why not have her steal some item that could be the start of a major war if she doesn't return it?

PostPosted: Sun May 08, 2011 12:29 pm
by Diamond Dragon

PostPosted: Sun May 08, 2011 1:31 pm
by Seto_Sora
I like it too! geniuses all of you! XD The "thing" could be Donuku herself. Just throwing that out there. But really quick I wanted to just add something that I thought could be really neat. A little while ago, Silent Seraph asked if there was some way we could work his science institution into the story. at the time we didn't have a place. So I just had a brainwave. What if his science guild was "the other side" or one of the sides in this potential war?
Anyway, I have enough to post so I'm going to here as soon as I have a moment to get my thoughts down. Sorry for my own delay guys... mothers' day. Ya know. ^_^


PostPosted: Sun May 08, 2011 1:43 pm
by Diamond Dragon
Denkou herself! You guys have the best ideas! Maybe her father could be involved with the thieves...

PostPosted: Sun May 08, 2011 2:56 pm
by Atria35
Seto_Sora (post: 1477602) wrote:Silent Seraph asked if there was some way we could work his science institution into the story. at the time we didn't have a place. So I just had a brainwave. What if his science guild was "the other side" or one of the sides in this potential war?


I like that idea. But who would be the others? Could there be a 'guild war' going on?

PostPosted: Sun May 08, 2011 3:11 pm
by Mister
Price could be one side of the guiild war. also, just a thought, but what if the "somehting" she stole was information? maybe information on underground activities by Quinton to overthrow the other sides? now quinton wants to stop her at all costs.

PostPosted: Sun May 08, 2011 3:12 pm
by Seto_Sora
A guild war would really make sense since were in a corporate run world. I dunno. I like it. I'd like to know what David thinks seeing as it would be really big thing.


PostPosted: Sun May 08, 2011 3:32 pm
by Davidizer13
I like everything I'm seeing so far; it's better than anything I've got planned right now (which is pretty much nothing...). So the plan now is that we'll start putting in hooks for these threads into the next time we're in the air (when Truce finally tries to figure out what's going on with everyone), and then the plots themselves will really get going once we're back on the mainland. How's that sound, everyone?

PostPosted: Sun May 08, 2011 3:50 pm
by Atria35
I can dig it! xD

PostPosted: Sun May 08, 2011 3:59 pm
by Mister
sounds like an awesome plan!

PostPosted: Sun May 08, 2011 4:10 pm
by Diamond Dragon

PostPosted: Sun May 08, 2011 5:24 pm
by Seto_Sora


PostPosted: Sun May 08, 2011 5:43 pm
by Diamond Dragon
How about if the information is in the form of some kind of puzzle? *thinking a bit of Yu-Gi-Oh while I say this*

PostPosted: Sun May 08, 2011 5:51 pm
by Atria35
Diamond Dragon (post: 1477661) wrote:How about if the information is in the form of some kind of puzzle? *thinking a bit of Yu-Gi-Oh while I say this*

A physical puzzle wouldn't make any sense, unless we were going to go into something fantasy/metaphysical. But if it were information, then she would have no idea what the importance of what she stole was, and would probably think it was something else that she had stolen that they wanted.

PostPosted: Mon May 09, 2011 7:19 am
by Nami
O_O This all sounds so epic!! :D I can't wait to see where this all goes... XD Oh and to bring Leonardo in at some point would be very interesting XDDD even more for Truce to worry oveR!! *laughs*

PostPosted: Mon May 09, 2011 7:45 am
by acgifford
XDDD You guys are simply awesome. Do you know that? Great job you guys! I love the web we are weaving!

PostPosted: Mon May 09, 2011 9:00 am
by Diamond Dragon
Atria35 (post: 1477665) wrote:A physical puzzle wouldn't make any sense, unless we were going to go into something fantasy/metaphysical. But if it were information, then she would have no idea what the importance of what she stole was, and would probably think it was something else that she had stolen that they wanted.

Actually, I think I read a book (that's not fantasy) about a network of thieves who store information in some of the stuff they stole, and that in codes. so that's why I suggested it.

PostPosted: Mon May 09, 2011 9:57 am
by Atria35
Diamond Dragon (post: 1477800) wrote:Actually, I think I read a book (that's not fantasy) about a network of thieves who store information in some of the stuff they stole, and that in codes. so that's why I suggested it.

Ah! Like notes in the backs of paintings and whatnot? Okay! Then I get it! And I rather like that idea, too.

PostPosted: Mon May 09, 2011 10:14 am
by Diamond Dragon
Yeah! Just like that! And I'm gonna make it look a bit like the millinium puzzle, but it works more like a rubic's cube.

PostPosted: Mon May 09, 2011 1:51 pm
by Mister
so where do we throw in the evil twist? XD

PostPosted: Thu May 12, 2011 7:24 am
by Nami
Hey, would it be cool if Gabriel and Izzie have had past dealings with this group that Quinton and Price seem to be involved in? Or at least Gabriel? XD I think it could be fun. But its up to you guys~

PostPosted: Thu May 12, 2011 8:56 am
by Mister
sound awwesome. but i leave the choice to the awesome gms!

PostPosted: Thu May 12, 2011 8:57 am
by Seto_Sora
Which group? Quinton's Mercenaries or Price's Corporation?


PostPosted: Thu May 12, 2011 10:11 am
by Nami
See! There, you cleared that up for me Patrick. I don't know, I think Mercenaries sounds more along the lines of the dealings Izzie and Gabriel might've gone through, because of the shop they used to run. They prolly got all sorts of people calling on them for repairs. *shrugs* its just a thought. XD;