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PostPosted: Sun Oct 23, 2011 5:51 am
by rocklobster
Jaylin smiled, "Right this way, Mr. President."
Josie opened the door. There stood a lovely, red-haired woman.
"Hello, Jay!" the woman greeted. "Hello, Mr. President."
"Sarah, is the test model ready?" Jaylin asked.
"Of course, Jay. I just finished prepping it up."
OOC: Act as if you're familiar with Sarah Jane. She and Jaylin have been working on the project together since its beginning.

PostPosted: Sun Oct 23, 2011 6:36 pm
by Masquerade1412
"Morning, Sarah," Nishimoto called out. He had a habit of ignoring etiquette and calling people by their first names.
"So how does the outlook look for the first round of testing?"

PostPosted: Sun Oct 23, 2011 6:40 pm
by rocklobster
"Our testing protocol has gone satisfactory." Sarah said. "I believe I can give you a demonstration with a new character I designed last night. She has some slight battle enhancements."
"Youmean that one inspired by our Ronin Warriors-inspired video game from way back? The one you and I worked on?" Jaylin laighed.
"Is it so wrong that I enjoyed our first project together so much?" Sarah said. "Oh great. You made my face get a slight amount of hemoglobin in the cheeks."
OOC: I decided to give Jaylin a history with the company. Their first project with the company was a video game based on the anime Ronin Warriors. It was kind of like POwer Rangers, but without the giant mechanical dinosaurs. They just had magical armor.

PostPosted: Tue Oct 25, 2011 1:50 pm
by Masquerade1412
Nishimoto blinked. "Hemo goblin what now?" Then he noticed that her cheeks were reddening. OH...Blushing...Why can't she just say that?
"Um...Sure...Let's see it!"

PostPosted: Tue Oct 25, 2011 5:11 pm
by rocklobster
Sarah Jane put on the VR goggles. Then she raised her hands into the air and a holographic keyboard appeared below them. She typed in her login name and password. On the screen appeared a facsimile of herself. She smiled. "Time to show off our new voice command. I was thinking of giving everyone this ability. She called out "Armor of the Strata!" Instantly, blue metallic armor appeared on her computer character. "All right, Jaylin. Bring on the baddies."