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PostPosted: Sat May 16, 2009 1:53 pm
by rocklobster
OK, let's have Keir do some mischief

PostPosted: Tue Jul 28, 2009 9:05 pm
by Kurama
Hmmm I may join as Blue Beetle.... would that be ok? xD seems fun.

Character Type: Hero
Alter Ego: Jaime Reyes
Superhero Name: Blue Beetle


None, beyond those provided by the Scarab.
When Jaime is in danger, the scarab activates, crawling out on to Jaime's back and generating a high-tech suit of powered armor around his body. When the danger passes, the scarab deactivates, dissolving the costume and retracting back onto Jaime's spine, causing intense pain. When in use, the suit can reconfigure itself to produce a number of different armaments, including an energy cannon, a sword and shield, a grappling hook, an advanced satellite of some sort, and a set of large powered blades attached to the hands, over a foot in length, that can shear through tree trunks, and a set of dual-purpose wings that not only allow Jaimie to fly, but can also be brought around in front of Jaime to act as shields against projectiles and energy weapons, such as the energy of a Green Lantern ring. The scarab can adapt its technology to suit situations: the suit can produce energy discharges from the hands that can neutralize magical spells, discharge Kryptonite radiation, negating "vibrational frequencies" of extra-dimensional objects, bringing them into this dimension and other assorted functions. The armor is impervious enough that it can protect Jaime against atmospheric re-entry from Earth's orbit.


Jaime is Very jumpy and full of energy. Is pretty new to the hero stuff and is gaining the hang of it. Is pretty good with Booster Gold and Skeets with the rest of the league. He has been known to rush into things without overlooking them first. Is kinda the comedy relief in some situations. He tends to gain new friends quickly as he is a very friendly person. He is as Moody as any normal teenager. So he's pretty easy to relate to. on Teen standards. All in all he is a good friend.

Jaime Reyes was a relatively normal high school student from El Paso, Texas. His father ran a garage, his mother was a paramedic, and his little sister was a brat. Jaime hung out with his two best friends Brenda and Paco, the mediator between the hard-working Brenda and the laid-back Paco. By both Brenda and Paco's accounts, he was a good friend, the kind of person who could let them be themselves, and who could always make things better. Jaime aimed to help his father out at the garage, but Alberto turned him down, not wanting to see his son grow up too fast.

Everything fell apart with the onset of the Infinite Crisis.
The Blue Beetle Scarab came down in El Paso, fire and portent in its wake.

Jaime discovered the Scarab on the way home from school with Paco and Brenda, half-buried in a disused lot. He took it home, curious as to what it might be. That night, the Scarab came alive, and grafted itself to the base of Jaime's spine, inducing strange dreams in Jaime.
Booster Gold sought Jaime out, and took him to meet Batman. Booster had been to the future, where he had learned that Batman would seek out Brother Eye and fail - but he had also learned the Blue Beetle Scarab was the one thing capable of seeing Brother Eye.
Jaime went into space with Batman and his team. The Scarab saw where Brother Eye was hidden, and pulled the rogue satellite back into reality. Jaime, together with Black Canary and Green Arrow, destroyed Brother Eye's dimensional stabilizer, preventing it from escaping outside reality again. Once Batman's team had sent Eye plummeting Earthwards, the Scarab shunted Jaime outside dimensions itself, seeking to escape the Green Lanterns on the spaceship.
Unfortunately, the chaos of the dimensional stabilizer's destruction dilated time for Jaime. As far as he knew, he'd only been outside dimensions a couple of minutes; on Earth, however, a whole year had passed.
Jaime eventually managed to find his way back home, only to discover his year-long absence. In that time, his father had been crippled, forcing him to walk with a cane, Paco had teamed up with a magical metahuman gang called the Posse, and Brenda had been taken in by her aunt after her abusive father died in a DUI.

Now he is living his normal best as he can with the scarab connected to his spine. He is the Hero when needed.

PostPosted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 3:26 am
by rocklobster
sorry this rp died.

PostPosted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 8:26 am
by Kurama
Awww Poo. ;_; Oh well. xD Sorry to hear that. Maybe another time.

PostPosted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 9:31 pm
by Phantom_Sorano
If you are interested in something like this, please PM me Miss Kurama. Thank you.

PostPosted: Sat Jul 31, 2010 12:21 pm
by rocklobster
draw what? The Rpg's been dead forever by the way.

PostPosted: Tue Aug 10, 2010 3:41 pm
by Diamond Dragon
can I join?

PostPosted: Fri Aug 13, 2010 6:48 am
by rocklobster
um, this RPG is dead. Sorry.