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PostPosted: Fri Jun 10, 2011 1:54 pm
by Mister
the Radio clicked in Price's ear and a fain hiss was heard... they were in the air then. Price grinned to himself, wondering who the curious cat was who answered, "this is Price" he spoke evenly and with sadistic glee. "may i please speak to Truce? or the girl i'd had so much fun with in the doctor's house?"

PostPosted: Mon Jun 13, 2011 7:49 am
by Nami
Isabella grunted as Adele helped her, and was about to move when the fuzzing of the phone caught her attention, and the voice that chilled her to the core came through. Stiff from tension she listened.

'It's Price.' Images of things long past flashed before her eyes, tears, screams, laughter. She shuddered against those thoughts and shrank against the weight of Juan, it was easier to think of how heavy he was than to think about those thoughts. "Adele, let's hurry." She whispered, quickly Isabella walked down the plane's short hall to the bunks, she thought about which to put him in before deciding on Gabriel's. She had a cot in the engine-room while he slept with the crew.

Isabella gestured for Adele to lower him and together, they put him on the bed. "Agh, he's a lot heavier than he looks." She grumbled, her hands shook inside the thick gloves and her hand burned from the memory of what could've been.

"You best get back." Isabella said looking up at Adele, "don't want to miss what the freak will say." She hid her shaking well but acting tough. But she didn't know how long she could do that.

OOC: I REALLY have no idea when to bring Quinton in >>; so if anyone (David or Mister) has an idea of where I can start...that would be awesome.

PostPosted: Mon Jun 13, 2011 5:05 pm
by Mister
OOC: nami you can bring him in at the mansion i mentioned earlier, he will be there looking for Watari, but will meet up with Price's sister instead. ;)


Serigi still sat in the old warehouse, the faint glow of a cigar was the only light besides the pale moonlight siftign through the broken roof. he snapped his fingers and a shuffle fo feet told him that his assistant had stepped up beside him. Serigi drew on the cigar a moment longer then exhaled and said, "Where is the Taimat going?" the assistant fumbled with a paper in the darkness, then handed it to Serigie, holding a lighter next to it so it could eb read. "these are their current headings sir, they just made a course adjustment after launching." the man spoke quickly and in a low voice.

Serigi studied the paper then grunted, "Ikura?" he spoke to noone inparticular, "what is there for you on Ikura, Truce?" Serigi stood suddenly and ordered to have his plane ready to head for Ikura.

PostPosted: Sun Jun 19, 2011 5:43 am
by acgifford
Mister (post: 1484141) wrote:the Radio clicked in Price's ear and a fain hiss was heard... they were in the air then. Price grinned to himself, wondering who the curious cat was who answered, "this is Price" he spoke evenly and with sadistic glee. "may i please speak to Truce? or the girl i'd had so much fun with in the doctor's house?"

[quote="Nami (post: 1484663)"]Isabella grunted as Adele helped her, and was about to move when the fuzzing of the phone caught her attention, and the voice that chilled her to the core came through. Stiff from tension she listened.

'It's Price.' Images of things long past flashed before her eyes, tears, screams, laughter. She shuddered against those thoughts and shrank against the weight of Juan, it was easier to think of how heavy he was than to think about those thoughts. "Adele, let's hurry." She whispered, quickly Isabella walked down the plane's short hall to the bunks, she thought about which to put him in before deciding on Gabriel's. She had a cot in the engine-room while he slept with the crew.

Isabella gestured for Adele to lower him and together, they put him on the bed. "Agh, he's a lot heavier than he looks." She grumbled, her hands shook inside the thick gloves and her hand burned from the memory of what could've been.

"You best get back." Isabella said looking up at Adele, "don't want to miss what the freak will say." She hid her shaking well but acting tough. But she didn't know how long she could do that.

OOC: I REALLY have no idea when to bring Quinton in >>]

OOC: Im so sorry you guys!! I have just been having trouble posting. I dont know why.^^;; Lets not let this RPG die please. Ok, here goes.


Adele froze as Price's voice came singing from the radio. His voice smoothly taunted everyone who listened. A shiver ran down Adele's back as the memories of what had happened earlier returned fresh in her mind. She wanted very badly to escape from the room and not speak to that monster.
To Adele's relief, Izzy spoke.

"Adele, let's hurry." she whispered.

Adele stared at her a moment and nodded quickly. The two of them as quickly as they could drug Juan out of the cargo hold, down the short hallway, and into the room where the crew slept.

"Agh, he's a lot heavier than he looks." complained Izzy.

Izzy's words were barely heard as Adele concentrated on the task at hand, not wanting to think of the things Price could possibly say or was saying. The two of them managed to get Juan on the bed and resting somewhere safe and comfortable. Adele let out a sigh as she looked down at Juan now peacefully resting. I wonder if he will ever remember me. she thought sadly.

"You best get back. Don't want to miss what the freak will say." Said Izzy sounding a little gruff.

Adele flinched at what Izzy had just said. She swallowed hard. "H-he can wait. The captain can take care of him. Juan needs someone to be here when he wakes up." said Adele almost emotionlessly. She seemed to stare through the wall behind Juan.

PostPosted: Sun Jun 19, 2011 1:54 pm
by Davidizer13
"What do I do?" mouthed Raven, waving the radio in Truce's direction. He drew his finger along his neck and shook his head, a sick look on his face. Trying her best to summon up a tougher voice and an accent, Raven spoke into the microphone. "Uh, um, who is Truce? If you are looking for the nurse, she not here now." Cautiously, she watched as Adele and Izzy dragged the unconscious man, Romesco, away to the crew beds. "Who Price? I do not know a Price."

Truce's brain went through all the things he could say to calm down the man on the other end of the line if he had to. Price was crazy; Truce hoped it wasn't entirely his fault, but stranger things had happened after he had messed up a job. He needed some time to think, to take in this whole mess.. Quietly, he slipped back to check on Romesco. "How is he doing?" he asked Isabella, in a stage whisper.

PostPosted: Sun Jun 19, 2011 2:09 pm
by Mister
Price placed a hand over his mouth to stifle a lauhg, but failed. after hsi laughter had ended he spoke clearly into the mic. "listen to me little girl, and yes i do know who and what you are." Price's voice was low and amused, but then with a sudden shout his voice became ugly and venomous. "TRUCE!" Price shouted directly into the reciever, "wake up you slug headed mongrel! you have one minute to answer me or i will personally board a fighter plane and burn you out of the air, you, and your precious crew!"

PostPosted: Sun Jun 19, 2011 2:52 pm
by Diamond Dragon
Denkou couldn't bear the awful voice any longer. standing up, and supporting herself with the wall, went over to Raven and grabbed the reviever. "From what I gathered, your probably too crazy to know the difference between a a fighter plane and a toy plane!" she muttered darkly. Then she threw the reciever against the wall. There was a satisfying crack as the inner parts broke.

PostPosted: Sun Jun 19, 2011 3:58 pm
by Darth_Kirby
Ulairez just got done laying down his terms when something that sounded like a buzzer went off. The girl that had sat on little miss assassin picked up a strange looking device. She messed with the device and after pushing a button, a strange static sound came from the device. It was a phone! Maiz's mind went wild with the technical complication that were no doubt involved in making such a device work. The girl put the device to her ear, but the sound coming from this wireless phone was loud enough for Maiz to hear what was being said. A rather unsettling voice came across from the other end. The voice sounded pleasant and smooth, but the kind of pleasant and smooth you'd expect from a poisonous viper.

"This is Price. May I please speak to Truce? or the girl I'd had so much fun with in the doctor's house?"

Yep! A definite viper! The girl whispered to the captain about what to do, then improvised.

"Uh, um, who is Truce? If you are looking for the nurse, she not here now. Who is Price? I do not know a Price."

Ulairez almost slapped his face. The guy has a number to a no doubt secret wireless phone. He wasn't going to buy that garbage.

"Listen to me little girl, and yes i do know who and what you are." The man's voice was low and amused, but then with a sudden shout his voice became ugly and venomous. "TRUCE!" The man shouted, "Wake up you slug headed mongrel! You have one minute to answer me or I will personally board a fighter plane and burn you out of the air, you, and your precious crew!"

"CRUD... Maybe I should've waited for the next flight." Maiz thought.

It sounded like they had the devil himself chasing them. The man on the other end of this cordless phone was clearly on the agressing end of things. Probably had his hands all over what happened on Bristol, including the shootings. No doubt he had a hand in sending off little miss assassin to the plane as well, considering she had this phone on her person. Then the girl with different colored eyes walked up and talked to the psycho on the other end.

"From what I gathered, you're probably too crazy to know the difference between a fighter plane and a toy plane!"

She then promptly threw the phone at the side of the plane clearly breaking it. Now Maiz did slap his forehead. Yeah, the guy was psycho for sure, but you don't tell mad men they're nuts and then hang up in malicious fashion.

"We are soooooo gonna die!"

Maiz had no doubts that there was a fighter plane on its way at this exact moment. What was this crew involved with! Illegal government dealings!?!

PostPosted: Sun Jun 19, 2011 5:16 pm
by Mister
Price dropped the reciever onto the seat beside him. he sat back as the car rolled onto the airstrip, a man in a oil stained jumpsuit ran out to the car and opened the door. as Price stepped from the car the man excitedly asked, "Sir? is it true? are Isabella and Gabriel De Luca are with the group on the Taimat?" Price who had been walking past the man froze and said, "what name did you say? De Luca?" The man shut the car door and nodded, "yes, sir. we heard they were working for Cap'n Truce." Price grinned wickedly and turned on the man, his knife flashed from his belt and drove it deep into the man's throat.

letting the knife go as the man fell, Price practically ran to the hangar and had his fighter prepped. when it was read he throttled it out onto the runway and sped down it. once up to speed Price maxed the throttle and eased it into the air. his mind was cold, racing as his blood boiled. De Luca, De Luca! he had thought he was through with them years ago! he had murdered their family, burned their shop and had assumed them dead! now he would make sure of it!

suddenly while distracted by his thoughts, smoke began leaking from the propellar(sp?), Price slammed a fist into the dash and cursed. dragging the stick hard to the right he banked hard and rounded about to land again. once landed a fireteam rushed the craft and began putting out the engine fire. Price jumped form the plane and strode accross the tarmac. once by the comm tower an engineer walked out to meet him, "planes weren't in working conditions, sir. head mechanics reported minor adjustments needing to be made before action." the man was young but knew his work well. Price nodded and asked, "how long till one is ready to fly?" the man shrugged and shook his head.

Price punched the door in frustration, denting the aluminum panel. 'just wait, Romesco, De Luca, i'll have you yet!'

PostPosted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 7:07 am
by Nami

@Dia: Nice move on smashing the communicator! :3

IC: Isabella watched Adele as she spoke, this was strange thing to see. Never before had she seen this tough, strong-willed woman look so shaken. Isabella felt reassured, even a woman like Adele could become scared. Her admiration for Adele went up a little.

"I understand." She murmured, sighing and sitting down next to Juan's bed, she lifted her head when the Captain appeared and whispered his concern.

"Fine," She replied in a low tone, "he's passed out pretty thoroughly, I doubt he'll wake up for a while." She glanced at JP, "when he does, he's going to be in a lot of pain."


Quinton was a quiet man, he had worked hard to become who he was. Rarely did he ever lose a target, or miss an opportunity. However, as he paced quietly through the dark mansion, his boots making barely a whisper of a sound. He felt an anger boil inside. Somehow, someway, Watari had escaped him.

He clenched his fists, wishing they were wrapped around Watari's neck. He cursed inwardly. Quinton froze in his prowl as he noticed a light on in one of the rooms. Quietly, he went to it, and slowly, he opened it. Peering in, he saw instead of the villain Watari, he saw the back of a girl's head.

'Is that...?'

PostPosted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 8:30 am
by Diamond Dragon
ooc: Thank you! XDDDD

PostPosted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 10:02 am
by Mister
OOC: i'm gonna give you guys some... uh.... down time from Price. lol


Eliza turned in her seat at the desk, all she had on was her night gown and a shaw. she gasped when she saw a man standing in the doorway, but then recognition downed on her, it was Quinton. she let out a long breath and said, "Mr.Quinton? Is everything ok?"

PostPosted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 6:41 pm
by Destroyer2000
OOC: Alright guys, crash the ship already or something! Unless I sprout wings, I'm stuck on this island.

Van stepped out of the house, wincing away from the bright sunlight. The maroon bricks did little to alleviate the sweltering heat of the noonday sun. Shading his eyes with his hand, Van nearly ran into his father before he noticed him.
“Where are you going?â€

PostPosted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 10:06 pm
by Darth_Kirby
Destroyer2000 (post: 1486125) wrote:OOC: Alright guys, crash the ship already or something! Unless I sprout wings, I'm stuck on this island.

OOC: Don't worry, the plane is coming to you. You're character's in Ikura, right?

PostPosted: Tue Jun 21, 2011 7:59 am
by Destroyer2000
Darth_Kirby (post: 1486158) wrote:OOC: Don't worry, the plane is coming to you. You're character's in Ikura, right?

OOC: Exactly. I'm secretly hoping Price guns it down or something, somehow.

PostPosted: Tue Jun 21, 2011 8:23 am
by Nami
OOC: He won't... he's not near their plane Destroyer! D: And how dare you hope that! D: I'll have Isabella beat you with her wrench! >:[

PostPosted: Tue Jun 21, 2011 8:28 am
by Destroyer2000
Nami (post: 1486225) wrote:OOC: He won't... he's not near their plane Destroyer! D: And how dare you hope that! D: I'll have Isabella beat you with her wrench! >:[

OOC: My guy carries two pistols! He'll just shoot them out of her hands!

PostPosted: Tue Jun 21, 2011 8:29 am
by Nami
OOC: Who says Isabella will run up to him? Besides! She'd take him out before he fired! :P XD

IC: Quinton blinked in surprise, though, he wasn't sure why. After all, this was Price's manor. He frowned and straightened from his slightly bent position, he had been preparing to attack. "Yes," he paused, "have you seen Watari?" he asked as casually as he dared. Though his eyes remained sharp.

PostPosted: Tue Jun 21, 2011 9:34 am
by Diamond Dragon
ooc: I'm just arning you Destroyer, if your character is mean to Denkou, he might find that she broke his pistols with her katanas. >_>

PostPosted: Tue Jun 21, 2011 1:31 pm
by Mister
OOC: god bles you des! God bless you! rotfl

Eliza cocked her head to one side as a faint scowl crossed her face. "i have not seen that abusive man in hours."


Serigi Foxhound, a man of intuition, knowledge, politics. But deep down inside, under all the layers of poise, tolerance, and patience, was a vile core of hate, and spite. He loathed humanity, he loathed those who tried to keep him from his goals. Serigi was ruthless inside, calm, poised, elegant outside. His heart was a cunning object of deciet and betrayal. he wanted War, but one of Truce's crew held the key to the war he'd wanted for so long! He had staged the meeting between Watari, Quinton, Truce and Price. It was an attempt to bring the object he sought into more... manipulatable hands. But the acursed Truce ruined it all! and now a petty theif had robbed him of his war!

But Serigi knew better than to let hate and anger get the best of him. Instead he'd plot, and plan, and manipulate. He'd bring the world to it's knees, and rise to power as the Merciful Prince who ended the blood bath! Then, no one would ever be able to even come close to challanging his power! But every plan, and every well thought plot, was ruined. First Truce had ruined the meeting, now Price was meddling in affairs and getting in the way!

Thinking of this Serigi decided, it was time to be rid of Price, and Truce for that matter. But timing was of priority, every step placed perfectly, every move timed to the second. Victory was bright in Serigi's minds, his cheeks hurt fromt he grin that was now plastered on hsi face, his eyes burned with glee at the thought of finally obtaining his position of power.

PostPosted: Wed Jun 22, 2011 8:15 am
by Nami
Quinton stiffened, 'Abusive?' He didn't like the sound of that. Anger roiled in him and he barely contained his rage. It staggered him how angry he felt when he thought about Watari hurting Eliza.

"He didn't hurt you did he?" Quinton asked, his tone was cold and distant, but his inner-self couldn't be any farther from cold. This gave him even more reason to hunt down and kill that man. However, Quinton had mastered facial control a long time ago, and he had strict control of his body language so no one else could read him. This had all been part of his training.

PostPosted: Wed Jun 22, 2011 6:27 pm
by Mister
Eliza put a hand to her lips, she had not meant for it to sound like that. realizing her mistake she spoke quickly, "no! well... he drew his pistol on me, but my aids protected me."

PostPosted: Fri Jun 24, 2011 11:39 am
by acgifford
Davidizer13 (post: 1485861) wrote:"What do I do?" mouthed Raven, waving the radio in Truce's direction. He drew his finger along his neck and shook his head, a sick look on his face. Trying her best to summon up a tougher voice and an accent, Raven spoke into the microphone. "Uh, um, who is Truce? If you are looking for the nurse, she not here now." Cautiously, she watched as Adele and Izzy dragged the unconscious man, Romesco, away to the crew beds. "Who Price? I do not know a Price."

Truce's brain went through all the things he could say to calm down the man on the other end of the line if he had to. Price was crazy]

Nami (post: 1486006) wrote:OOC: DUUDE!! Price is TICKED! XD

@Dia: Nice move on smashing the communicator! :3

IC: Isabella watched Adele as she spoke, this was strange thing to see. Never before had she seen this tough, strong-willed woman look so shaken. Isabella felt reassured, even a woman like Adele could become scared. Her admiration for Adele went up a little.

"I understand." She murmured, sighing and sitting down next to Juan's bed, she lifted her head when the Captain appeared and whispered his concern.

"Fine," She replied in a low tone, "he's passed out pretty thoroughly, I doubt he'll wake up for a while." She glanced at JP, "when he does, he's going to be in a lot of pain."


"I understand." said Izzy quietly.

Just then the captain poked his head through the door leading to the cargo hold. "How is he doing?" he whispered in a tone that Adele rarely heard. She wasnt sure if it was concern or if he was up to some sceme.

"Fine, he's passed out pretty thoroughly, I doubt he'll wake up for a while. when he does, he's going to be in a lot of pain." said Izzy as she glanced at Juan.

Adele closed her eyes when she heard Izzy's response. Why on Earth did Juan have to go and get himself shot? thought Adele sadly as she looked at her lap. She wondered what Izzy would say if she knew that she knew Juan once.

PostPosted: Sun Jun 26, 2011 8:07 pm
by Davidizer13
"Hmm," sighed Truce, stretching his arms and arching his back. "Poor fool. I guess he can wait until morning. In the meantime, I am off to get some sleep before we land. We've a grand shopping trip ahead of us tomorrow! That is, if we don't get murdered in our beds by our newest friend." As if to punctuate the point, people started shouting in the cargo hold, ending abruptly in a ringing thud. "I'll take care of this, you both need some rest. Until later, Miss De Luca, Miss Larkin," he said as he stepped away, nodding to each of them.

"What's all this, then?" he yelled. "You're supposed to be asleep, aren't you?"

Raven stood up and started to babble. "But Truce, Truce, she had the radio and then the guy on the other end got angry and then the stowaway threw the radio and it broke and now-"

"Never mind. We'll be in Ikura tomorrow morning. Keep her tied up until then, and have our paying guest stand first watch." Truce's eyes met Maiz's, holding the glance when he noticed how worried Maiz looked, then waved as he headed to his room at the nose of the plane, wiping his eyes to stay awake for a couple more minutes.


OOC: We're closing up this arc in a few more posts, so finish up whatever plot threads you've got for now, and be ready for the next! I'm trying to make this next one a little lighter, considering how much we've been through recently. Keep up the great work, people!

PostPosted: Sun Jun 26, 2011 9:13 pm
by Darth_Kirby
Davidizer13 (post: 1487464) wrote:"Hmm," sighed Truce, stretching his arms and arching his back. "Poor fool. I guess he can wait until morning. In the meantime, I am off to get some sleep before we land. We've a grand shopping trip ahead of us tomorrow! That is, if we don't get murdered in our beds by our newest friend." As if to punctuate the point, people started shouting in the cargo hold, ending abruptly in a ringing thud. "I'll take care of this, you both need some rest. Until later, Miss De Luca, Miss Larkin," he said as he stepped away, nodding to each of them.

"What's all this, then?" he yelled. "You're supposed to be asleep, aren't you?"

Raven stood up and started to babble. "But Truce, Truce, she had the radio and then the guy on the other end got angry and then the stowaway threw the radio and it broke and now-"

"Never mind. We'll be in Ikura tomorrow morning. Keep her tied up until then, and have our paying guest stand first watch." Truce's eyes met Maiz's, holding the glance when he noticed how worried Maiz looked, then waved as he headed to his room at the nose of the plane, wiping his eyes to stay awake for a couple more minutes.


OOC: We're closing up this arc in a few more posts, so finish up whatever plot threads you've got for now, and be ready for the next! I'm trying to make this next one a little lighter, considering how much we've been through recently. Keep up the great work, people!

OOC: Yayz!!!! :) lol My character can be his lazy self now!! XD

IC: The captain paid a quick visit, completely unaware of what had truely just happened. "Never mind" was the best he could say!! There was likely a psycho with a fighter plane after them!! Then again... Ulairez didn't know the nut personally. Maybe this girl did. Maiz hoped she somehow knew him better than Maiz did. The captain proceeded to assign MAIZ to guard the killer girl! Sure, Maiz had stopped her after all, but his hand was injured now. Maiz tried to object, but the captain was in his own world. With all that was happening Maiz decided to give the man a little grace.

"Hey, you... uh... girl with the two colored eyes. Could you give me a hand with guarding the psycho girl? My hand is injured and I'm not sure if the kid has another hidden knife or not."

PostPosted: Mon Jun 27, 2011 5:07 am
by Diamond Dragon
Denkou's eyes narrowed when she realized the guy was talking to her. "Don't you tell me what to do!" she growed at him, but she helped anyway.

ooc: Sorry for short post!

PostPosted: Mon Jun 27, 2011 6:42 am
by Nami
OOC: YAYA!! LIght-hearted SHOPPING!!!

IC: Isabella glanced at Truce, the words shopping made her ears prick. Yes, she needed to shop...for engine parts. The idea was like a gold nugget in her mind and excited sparked in her veins. Oh the glorious parts to be bought! To be put to use...all the new, shining and greasy! She smiled slowly. "Alright." she looked up at Adele as Truce left.

"So, Miss Larkin," she mimic Truce placing a hand on her chest in a floppish gentlemanly fashion, clearly mocking their captain. "I can stay up with him if you want?" She shrugged, "makes no difference, I can easily bring a bed-roll and sleep on the floor." Isabella looked at Juan, he looked so peaceful sleeping. "I doubt he'll cause much trouble at night." she added.

PostPosted: Wed Jun 29, 2011 12:20 am
by Darth_Kirby
Diamond Dragon (post: 1487519) wrote:Denkou's eyes narrowed when she realized the guy was talking to her. "Don't you tell me what to do!" she growed at him, but she helped anyway.

ooc: Sorry for short post!

Ulairez didn't expect the girl to snap at him, but she seemed to quickly help him right after.

"Heh... I probably shouldn't call her the gal with the different colored eyes."

"Um... hey, what's your name? I'm Ulairez Maiz," Maiz said putting out his good hand only to realize that it too was covered in blood. "Heh, sorry, forgot I need to get cleaned up."

PostPosted: Wed Jul 06, 2011 7:31 am
by AtmosBreak
Juan awoke with a gasp. Though he felt no pain, felt no cold, felt nothing negative but a strange sense of nervousness. It was a peculiar feeling, one Juan never got accustomed to, though like all humans, felt it at one time or another. As Juan glanced around, he felt himself gasp unconsciously at the sight of a large, luxurious beyond words home. It felt all too familiar yet at the same time as if he was there for the for the first time. Looking out the window, Juan let the bright glow of the summer sun warm up his face, feeling his nervousness leave him and a relaxed state enter with the appearance of that one unforgettable, oh so loving and comforting voice. Juan never thought he would see her again but there she was as bright as day there she was.

Running up to her, embracing her in the largest hug he could muster. Though something was off. She was taller than he was and his arms couldn't reach all around her. Breaking off the hug, Juan's eyes widened, taken back by the change his body had taken. No longer was he a 23 year old man with burn scars but an everyday 4 year old boy. Catching a picture frame in the corner of his eye of a man and his daughter reminded Juan of all he needed to know. This was when he first met her, Adlina as he affectionately liked to call her, Adele. And there returned the feeling of nervousness as he found himself hiding behind his grandmother as a young girl, a little older than him approached them.

Juan wondered why he felt nervous. He had already met her before, he already lived through all this hadn't he? Any reasoning left him as he was left speechless and with a smile as one of those montages you see in movies played before him. He couldn't control his actions but he sensed everything as his childhood slowly played out before himself. Countless hours of playing, befriending his childhood friend Adele, enjoying every moment in a surge of euphoria and he was barely even seven. One specific incident played back clearly to Juan. It was Adele's birthday, he couldn't remember though if it was around her 10th birthday but for one reason or another, she was feeling depressed and Juan in all his 6, 7 year old wisdom decided that baking a cake would cheer her up good enough. It was a good plan he thought though his grandmother would argue that it was wasn't well planned but hey, he was but a kid.

An so in his first ever attempt at cooking ended disastrously though what he benefited outweighed it all. After witnessing the well intentioned attempt at cooking, the Larkin family chef took a liking to Juan, igniting his passion for cooking in those early stages of his life. So several cake attempts later with a lot of help from the kind old Mr Coulé, Juan finally made the cake for Adele. Seeing the happiness on her face was actually the real reason why Juan began to love cooking, knowing that he could make people smile with just food, he loved the idea and the power he had. Of course he didn't exactly expect what happened next, one minute she was hugging him and the next she gave him a kiss before she began to throw cake at him. Although he wouldn't know why until later in his life, Juan felt his cheeks slowly heat up before smirking and flinging cake back at her, revenge must be had even though he felt extremely embarrassed for some reason.

Juan smiled as he suddenly found himself in a sort of workshop. Looking around curiously and slightly on edge after the sudden change in scenery, Juan relaxed as he recognized the smiling face in front of him. Mr De Luca was a good friend of his father, well according to his grandmother and well he was a kind man who was more or less like an uncle to Juan. Though he had only seen him not that many times before his untimely death, Mr De Luca was another significant figure in Juan's childhood. Playing around in his workshop with his two kids was where Juan's other passion for mechanics was born. To this day Juan still remembered all the lectures he would receive from Mr De Luca about engines and planes and all the stories he would tell him about his time with Captain Takilam. Playing around with small engines with Mr De Luca's daughter Isabella was always a fond memory for Juan though he wondered why he didn't remember much of his other child Gabriel. Well he always just got along better with Isabella than Gabriel he figured.

Jumping back and forth between his memories, it was all peaceful. Juan felt at peace and with a surge of euphoria he hadn't felt since before... back then. The smile slowly faded as Juan found himself somewhere else. It took him a little while to realize that he was in the Larkin backyard, in front of the large old Oak tree that he and Adele loved to play so much around. Though the atmosphere wasn't right. It wasn't cheerful, there wasn't a smile on his face nor on her. They were older now but he could still clearly tell it was her even though her hair was longer than before and covering most of her face as the wind blew awkwardly. It wasn't summer anymore but a cold autumn day, the Oak tree barren and lifeless, only a few leaves reminiscent of the life that used to be there.

"Don't I mean anything to you anymore?" Juan found himself calling out to her, his voice breaking as water seemed to fill his eyes. "Do you even care about me anymore? Do you even remember my name Adele?" his voice breaking up even more. A sniff. Juan winced internally at this memory of his, one he hoped he would forget forever yet one that he wanted to remember always. It was shameful how embarrassing he sounded to himself. "I love you Adlina. I always have and I always will." At this Juan could no longer contain himself and ran. A coward, afraid to hear the response, Juan ran and ran until he could no longer and broke down. How long he wept he didn't know and wouldn't remember as he found himself back at the Larkin residence. What he did remember though, was that he took several hours to get back, night had fallen and the sky riddled with stars. He would no longer see her ever again was another thing he knew and remembered.

His next memory Juan found himself at was another he would like to forget, the funeral of Mr De Luca. The last he ever saw of the De Luca twins. Later on Juan regretted not keeping contact with them, having heard various rumors. One that they had died and another that they were alive and well back at their father's shop. Juan didn't know and soon found himself somewhere much sadder and depressing.

He was even older, 16 now, Juan remembered the day clearly. It was overcast and windy though no rain fell. Everyone was wearing black though only but a few people where there yet no one he recognized. Everything was silent except for a noisy crow oblivious to the atmosphere as Juan's grandmother was lowered into the ground. Juan didn't shed a tear until he reached home later that night and realized how alone he really was. He wept and he wept. Juan's life continued to flash before him though at a much rapid pace. His downward spiral continued as he lost his grandmother's house, all his anger and troubles with the law, the alcohol he would drink until he was beyond numb, everything escalating until finally it skipped everything and he Juan found himself panting and running.

His breath and his running steps the only things he could hear as the image of a burning building filled his eyes and everything blacked out for a second. Opening his eyes again, Juan felt immense heat and screaming as he slightly panicked and searched around. Another blackout. More screaming, more flames, more smoke, coughing a new sound entering his ears. Blackout. Heavy panting, pain on his hand and neck. Blackout. Two kids in his arms as he broke through a door a second before the building collapsed on itself.

In all this time, Juan's body back on the plane began twitching, then shivering followed by sweating. Any peace he had was now gone. Juan awoke with a gasp, his right arm outreached with a soft cry of "No!". His body in a sweat, Juan looked around in shock. The flames where gone, the physical pain was gone but the emotional just hit a new top. Just what was that? How did he remember all that?

PostPosted: Thu Jul 07, 2011 8:49 am
by acgifford
Davidizer13 (post: 1487464) wrote:"Hmm," sighed Truce, stretching his arms and arching his back. "Poor fool. I guess he can wait until morning. In the meantime, I am off to get some sleep before we land. We've a grand shopping trip ahead of us tomorrow! That is, if we don't get murdered in our beds by our newest friend." As if to punctuate the point, people started shouting in the cargo hold, ending abruptly in a ringing thud. "I'll take care of this, you both need some rest. Until later, Miss De Luca, Miss Larkin," he said as he stepped away, nodding to each of them.

"What's all this, then?" he yelled. "You're supposed to be asleep, aren't you?"

Raven stood up and started to babble. "But Truce, Truce, she had the radio and then the guy on the other end got angry and then the stowaway threw the radio and it broke and now-"

"Never mind. We'll be in Ikura tomorrow morning. Keep her tied up until then, and have our paying guest stand first watch." Truce's eyes met Maiz's, holding the glance when he noticed how worried Maiz looked, then waved as he headed to his room at the nose of the plane, wiping his eyes to stay awake for a couple more minutes.


OOC: We're closing up this arc in a few more posts, so finish up whatever plot threads you've got for now, and be ready for the next! I'm trying to make this next one a little lighter, considering how much we've been through recently. Keep up the great work, people!

Nami (post: 1487527) wrote:OOC: YAYA!! LIght-hearted SHOPPING!!!

IC: Isabella glanced at Truce, the words shopping made her ears prick. Yes, she needed to shop...for engine parts. The idea was like a gold nugget in her mind and excited sparked in her veins. Oh the glorious parts to be bought! To be put to use...all the new, shining and greasy! She smiled slowly. "Alright." she looked up at Adele as Truce left.

"So, Miss Larkin," she mimic Truce placing a hand on her chest in a floppish gentlemanly fashion, clearly mocking their captain. "I can stay up with him if you want?" She shrugged, "makes no difference, I can easily bring a bed-roll and sleep on the floor." Isabella looked at Juan, he looked so peaceful sleeping. "I doubt he'll cause much trouble at night." she added.

AtmosBreak (post: 1489402) wrote:

In all this time, Juan's body back on the plane began twitching, then shivering followed by sweating. Any peace he had was now gone. Juan awoke with a gasp, his right arm outreached with a soft cry of "No!". His body in a sweat, Juan looked around in shock. The flames where gone, the physical pain was gone but the emotional just hit a new top. Just what was that? How did he remember all that?


Truce seemingly insensative behavior quite annoyed Adele. Adele wondered if he ever cared about anything but his money and his own skin. He did seem to want them to get some rest though. They apparently had a shopping trip tomorrow, not that this greatly excited Adele, but at least they could rest up from all the chaos that had been going on in their lives as of late. The captain then exited to deal with the rather rowdy crew. A small smirk snuck it's way upon her face as she could hear the captain adressing the crew. She at times found his ways quite amusing. As her attention began to return to Juan. She notice a slow, but sly smile form on Izzy's face. She seemed quite excited about the shopping trip. Izzy then offered to watch Juan for the night. Adele attempted to answer but was interrupted as she noticed that Juan had started to shiver and sweat.

Adele bit her lip and lifted herself from the floor onto her knees beside his bed to see she could comfort him somehow. As she did, Juan bolted upright with a gasp. His arm was outstretched in front of him in what seemed to be despair. She barely heard his soft "No!". Adele's mouth fell open in shock. As the feeling of shock faded, she realized that Juan was distressed. And made some attempt to calm him. Slowly she placed her hand on his shoulder and with her other hand reached for his out stretched arm. She gently pulled his arm down and held his hand. She then came around to where she could look him in the eyes.

"Juan...It's okay. Your safe here." she said gently then swallowed. "....Juan..." Adele breathed as her emerald eyes shone in concern and love.

Adele had surprised herself. She had never expected herself to act in such a fashion towards him. For some reason, an old emotion seemed to be stirring in her. One that was not quite remembered. Something distant.

She smiled slightly as she looked at him and moved her hand over his hand comfortingly.