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The [insert clever hello here] trick

PostPosted: Fri Sep 06, 2013 9:08 pm
by John_Smith
Greetings! My story is something like this: I watched The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya last spring, and since then have been watching piles of anime. A few days ago I asked myself the question, 'I wonder if there's any Christian anime sites?' and found myself here.

My favorite anime is Sword Art Online, hence the glaring avatar.

I'm currently a college student, working at a degree in comparative religion, and I'm also working on a Narnian-esque novel right now.

Right... well... Hi.

Re: The [insert clever hello here] trick

PostPosted: Fri Sep 06, 2013 9:46 pm
by goldenspines
Hello and a very warm welcome to you, John Smith. I hope you enjoy it here. ^_^

Re: The [insert clever hello here] trick

PostPosted: Fri Sep 06, 2013 9:51 pm
by silvanis2.0
Very awesome! Do let us know when you're novel's up and running! Welcome to the madness, good sir. :D

Re: The [insert clever hello here] trick

PostPosted: Sat Sep 07, 2013 11:47 am
by John_Smith
Thank-you to which ever mod re-approved this thread. For a few moments there I was thinking to myself, 'Less than ten minutes logged and I've already broken the forum.'

And thanks silvanis and goldenspines! About my novel, I'll publish it someday... If you ever see a book called Kinnerith, you can say that you know the author.

Re: The [insert clever hello here] trick

PostPosted: Sat Sep 07, 2013 3:18 pm
by drill
Welcome to the forums John_Smith! Hope you enjoy your stay :D

Re: The [insert clever hello here] trick

PostPosted: Sat Sep 07, 2013 4:50 pm
by PandaPop
How do you do sir! ooh comparative religion I bet that is fascinating, I do a bit of studying different religions on my own, so I'm sure it is really interesting. I just finished SOA a week or so ago, very fun anime indeed!

Re: The [insert clever hello here] trick

PostPosted: Sat Sep 07, 2013 5:12 pm
by ClaecElric4God
Welcome, welcome.
I must say, your book's title has piqued my interest. If you feel like it, you should share a snippet of it here. We'd love to read it.
So you're a college student, eh? Tell me, is it as awful as they say it is? I've heard that at least 30% of people who enter college come out with more knowledge than when they began. Is that really true? It almost sounds like it's worth trying. However, it's my sworn duty to remain behind in the ranks of the uneducated and irresponsible, to boost the ego of the smarter college people.
Sword Art Online! YES. Congratulations, you are officially one of the coolest people I know.
Well, here it is, the inevitable question that all newcomers must be asked. It's simple, to the point, and one of the most important questions you will ever answer. Answer wrong, and there will be consequences. So before blindly typing in a jumble of words, consider your response, and answer wisely. It could mean the difference between failure and success, life and death, victory and defeat, hope and despair, love and war.
. . .

Have you watched Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle? If so, what is your opinion? If not, you're going to watch it now that I've mentioned it, right? (Like right now, as you read this. Go.)

Anyways, craziness aside, welcome to CAA, enjoy your stay, and watch out for inflamation and traffic jams. Hope to see you around the forums (if you survive...*ominous background music*)

Re: The [insert clever hello here] trick

PostPosted: Sat Sep 07, 2013 10:37 pm
by John_Smith
ClaecElric4God wrote:Anyways, craziness aside, welcome to CAA, enjoy your stay, and watch out for inflamation and traffic jams. Hope to see you around the forums (if you survive...*ominous background music*)
Play music to make this post sound even more epic than it really is.

PandaPop wrote:How do you do sir! ooh comparative religion I bet that is fascinating, I do a bit of studying different religions on my own, so I'm sure it is really interesting. I just finished SOA a week or so ago, very fun anime indeed!

Yup, it definitely is. I'd have to say, most interesting part about it is actually meeting people of other beliefs in the class. It's one thing to learn and write about them. But actually having a civil conversation with Buddhists and Muslims and to hear them describe it in person is... well, interesting.

drill wrote:Welcome to the forums John_Smith! Hope you enjoy your stay :D


ClaecElric4God wrote:I must say, your book's title has piqued my interest. If you feel like it, you should share a snippet of it here. We'd love to read it.
So you're a college student, eh? Tell me, is it as awful as they say it is? I've heard that at least 30% of people who enter college come out with more knowledge than when they began. Is that really true? It almost sounds like it's worth trying. However, it's my sworn duty to remain behind in the ranks of the uneducated and irresponsible, to boost the ego of the smarter college people.

Book: hm... Maybe...
College: The only difference I've noticed between it and high school is that you don't have to deal with other obnoxious students who disrupt the class. Generally, the concept of 'paying for this with my money...' has a remarkable affect on attitude.

ClaecElric4God wrote:Well, here it is, the inevitable question that all newcomers must be asked. It's simple, to the point, and one of the most important questions you will ever answer. Answer wrong, and there will be consequences. So before blindly typing in a jumble of words, consider your response, and answer wisely. It could mean the difference between failure and success, life and death, victory and defeat, hope and despair, love and war.
. . .

Have you watched Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle? If so, what is your opinion? If not, you're going to watch it now that I've mentioned it, right? (Like right now, as you read this. Go.)

...Adds TRC to anime watch list.

Re: The [insert clever hello here] trick

PostPosted: Sun Sep 08, 2013 2:16 pm
by Never thirsty!
Ciao, I love books can't wait to read yours! Hope you enjoy your stay here at the greatest site on the whole internet even better than facebook, Twitter and instagram combined because it never gets old.

Re: The [insert clever hello here] trick

PostPosted: Sun Sep 08, 2013 7:17 pm
by LastLfan
Welcome John Smith, I know we have a few writers here, myself included. While I doubt i will publish anything i would love to chat with you about ideas and concepts in novels. What is your opinion of anime-esque shows? Ones that, while drawn in an anime like style, are not anime. Two I HIGHLY recommend are avatar: the last airbender, and code: lyoko. SAO is a downright amazing anime. Dub or sub? I like both but prefer the sub because of Asuna's voice and A couple of other's voices, and it had a WAY Better opening. Anyway that was my welcome ramble, it won't happen again(begins laughing uncontrollably)

Re: The [insert clever hello here] trick

PostPosted: Sun Sep 08, 2013 8:57 pm
by Vilo159
Good day to ye, John Smith, and welcome to the CAA! :thumb:

I'm the resident Mormon hereabouts, glad to meet you! I'm looking forward to seeing you around.

Re: The [insert clever hello here] trick

PostPosted: Mon Sep 09, 2013 8:21 pm
by John_Smith
Thanks for the welcomes!

On SUBs vs. DUBs: typically I'm a sub fan, (that way I get to say I’m studying the Japanese language simultaneously) but I'm by far not a dub hater. I'm probably going to have to watch the SAO dub soon... I have heard the opening though, and I'm now of the opinion that if the translators are going to change the soundtrack, then they should probably start from scratch.

I never got to see The Last Airbender, but I am impatiently waiting for Korra to start back up again. And I’ve seen Code Lyoko. So, in short, non-anime, anime is cool.