A look inside Hitokiri's Head

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A look inside Hitokiri's Head

Postby Hitokiri » Thu Jan 27, 2005 12:33 pm

To commemerate my one-year of being here, I hav decided to write a extensive biography on myself for those who care to know intresting secrets about me.

Well for starters, I AM A GUY!! and my name is "Joe". I have blue eyes and black hair. I live in the metro-Toledo, Ohio area (meaning I live in a "unamed" suburb where all the parents buy thier teenage kids Porsches). I am currently a freshmen at Owens Community College in my second semester staudying for Commercial Art major. After 2 years, I plan to transfer to Bowling Green State University (15 minutes away from my house) and from there, I hope and pray to get into one of thier 3 Study Abroad in Japan for a year programs. My friend and I are shooting for the program in Uwada which accepts 2 students while the other one is Nagoya (sp?) which accepts one student and then Hiroshima which accepts one female student. I hope there I can further my education in a different country I most defiently love and possibly get into the anime/manga business some how but that's a just a dream.

Now comes the good part....my complex life as well as my dark past.

I wa sborn in Cleveland, Ohio on June 1st, 1985 arond 2 in the morning. As I have said before, I am a mixture of Japanese, German, and Italian heritage....however my parents do not look a thing like me. Actually, my mom is of Hungarian-German descent and my father is of English, German. and Wellish descent. So where did I get that intresting mix...well to put it simply, I was adopted ^_^

My biological mother was full Japanese was in America studying in College in Cincinatti. There, she met my father who was German and Italian. Of thier relationship, I have no clue but I know they were not married nor engaged to be so. When I was in the womb, my mother considered abotion however my father wanted me to have a future so he talked her out of it. So I was born and they had organized a adoption through a church to a family who could not bear children. My biological parents never met with this family and was strickly through the leaders of this church.

Far away in Toledo however, there was a family was well that couldn't give birth due to the wive's egg count. It just so happened that the brother of the wife was a professor at Cinicinatti University where my daughter was at...and was one of his students. Upon hearing of her dilemma and the fact, she wanted to know hom she was giving her baby to prior to my birth, he arranged a meeting with his sister and husband and my biological parents. With much thought, my mother and father agreed that this is the family they wanted to gove thier son to and not one through the church, whom they did not know. However, due to legal reasons, they could not. However, the her professor passed some legal docuementation with my mother and father and somehow (sorry, I have no knowledge of how this was done), I was given to this family from Toledo who to this day, I call them my real mother and father. I sometimes think that was a selfish notion of taking me away from the first family who was going to adopt to me but I came to accept this was God's orginal plan and that this life I have been given to, was the best idea. I do hope and pray that family did adopt a kid though. So my uncle drove to Colombus with me in tow and met my parents half-way where then they took me home. They said they put me in a jumper swing an djust stared at e, not knowing what to do ::laughs:: It was not until a year later they recieved full parental rights and they were my legal parents. Oh and my middle name is John, after my uncle who was instrumental in God's plan fo rmy life. We moved from a suburb of Toledo to another town across the Maumee river to a house w ehave been living in since I was 2. I grew up and went to public school. I always praised with my advanced artistic ability. My parents would sned me to a art class outside of school and they would deny me cause of my advanced artistic skills and recommended me to classes where kids 3 years ahead of me took. When I was 9, I got a baby sister through adoption and we drove to Kansas City to pick her up. I remember getting a paper cut from reading book and feeling sick from reding in the car.

When I was young, like around 6, I accepted Christ at a chruch carnival and I remember getting a book of colors representing the Christian walk. I knew what he meant to a exten t but it wasn't till my junior year in high school would I really embrace those words and use them in my life.

I remember always wanted a sister but much to my persnality, I was a hellion to her. I would blame crimes I commited on her just to see her get in trouble. For instance, I squirted ornage paint on our white carpet and blamed it on her. I think (hope) she has forgiven me since then. Well..I graduated elementary school and with the kids I grew up with, enetered junior high, the darkest part of my life.

In 7th grade, I discovered sex, girls, and cussing. I was a little pervert but thank God, I never had sex at that time. However, I am ashamed the way I looked at girls. Plus my mouth flowed with cuss words at school. On Sundays, I was a perfect, innocent kid at church but when it came to the weekdays. I would be talking to my guy friends about trying to see up a girls skirt using profanity to such extreme that if it was censored, it would be one big beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep. This is also where I met anime where I first saw Dragon Ball Z.

However, I did have a bit of my Christian life in me

So I went into 8th grade and during that summer, I re-dedicated my life to Christ and my best friend also commited his life to Christ. His family joined my church and his 2 brothers and his mother accepted Christ. just so I don't forget, his father just recently accepted Christ. So unknowingly at that time, I helped form a relationship between my second family and Christ, even though I was deep in sin. The young ethusiasim of my best friend for God rejuvinated me and I felt that. However, I still was a perv and disocovered "porn" and "hentai". I was obseessed. I printed out a picture of a naked girl and as soon as it was done, my mother came home. So I went into the bathroom and burnt the paper and flushed it down the toilet. My mom asked what wa sburning and I told her was
"praying in the bathroom and used a candle" I am very ashamed of perverting God's greatest gift, prayer to us, for my perverted use. However, she found a piece of my naked girl picture and talked to me about it. There, I got off the porn issue....for a while. At this time, I also met Cindy and fell in love with her, the first love that wasn't sexually drived (meaning I liked her for her figure). However, Cindy was not intrested in a dating relationship but a friend relationship. However, she would stll hold my hand, put her head on my shoulder, and asked me to kiss her once. This state of confusion as well as the constant struggling of the Christian life and the sinful life was tugging at my heart that several times, I came close to commiting suicide. The first time I had a knife to my throat and drew blood but I couldn't continue with it. Then I aatempted to do it again but I just collasped on the ground and fainted before it touched my skin. Then I decided to hang myself and as I was bought to jump, it was like my feet felt like lead and I couldn't jump. I think God had ahold of my feet as well as my hand when I cut myself so it wouldn't of been a deep cut.

So come the Winte Dance in 8th grade, I decided I was going to finally kill myself. However my best friend who caught wind of this, persuaded me to go or he would dump his date and stay with me so I wouldn't. Plus Cindy also heard and said the same thing. So I went and had a good time. I then came home and told my parents about my suicidial thoughts and through thier counseling (i remember this talk to this day) and God's love, I have not had a real suicidal thoughts since then.

So I graduated 8th grade...with a broken arm ::laughs:: I fell off my bike as I rode it to a friends birthday party (i remembe rmy best friend saying "c'mon, get up! Pretend you're Goku - we wathed 4 hours of Dragon Ball Z before that :lol: )

I then went to High School and it wa sbasically a blur. Liking certain girls but not getting the affection returned plus this is where my best friend and his brother met thier future wives. However my pervereted thoughts had arisen and I recall my sexual fanatsies I have had unforutantely. Like I said, freshmen year was like a blur and I vaguely remember alot.

Continued in next post
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Postby Hitokiri » Thu Jan 27, 2005 12:54 pm

After freshmen year, I went to sophmore year and a new school. My city built a bran dnew school that was HUGE (this is when famailes flocked to suburbs). I got lost on the first day :lol: I rememebr trying to act tough cause I was no longer a freshmen but a sophmore. I remember getting a rid from my best friends brother in the morning and then I would ride a school bus with my best friend to our houses (our yeards are basicall back to back). However, we had to ride the bus with what we called "the ghetto kids". I feel ba dlableing that cause thier was a part of town where it was poor and run down. They would pester us, talk about sex, cuss, and recount getting drunk. Even though I still lived in sin, I had a better grasp on my Christian faith and this got old to me and my friend. Another friend who has been a friend to me for a long time rode with us. I havnt sene him for a while though now.

Sophmore was a fun year, we started late due to the school ebing built (september 2?) Then 9/11 happened and that was a crazy day. Seeing all that carnage and death on the t.v. during classes. It was like a dream to me. I recall the girl I had a crush one, Amanda. Her locker was next to mine and she was more of the popular girls. We would talk on occassion (we had to classes together and have had a little history - we had to sit next to eachother on the bus on a 2 hour drive field trip, our names are next to eachother in the alphabet so we would have to sit next to eachothe rin classes or in ceromonies). This girl was far from being Christian and the way I saw her was far from it. I feel bad for looking her in the way I did, sexually I mean. So Sophmore year came and went.

My best friend and I went with my family to South Caroline on summer vacation which was fun. We aw some sharks on the pier, caught some fish n the sound, saw a stingray, and saw a guy catch a small hammerhead shark right on the beach. We also objected when 2 girls asked us if we wanted to "have some fun". I regretted it though at that time but I am happy now I didn't. I disguised my regret to "remaining faithful to a girl I liked". I did like a girl who I have known close to 6 years now :lol:

So my Junior year came and I started to go into a winthdrawal type state. I started to become, shy and didnt talk much. I avoided th epopular kids and thus my goth trend started. But my Christian life was riding high and my porn addiction lessened and I didn't focus so much on the girls anymore. I started to like going to Chruch and grew into a I-couldn't-miss-it type thing. I loved going to church. Junior year sucked at dances (my date for Homecoming stood me up and I didnt go to my winter dance...which was th eonly dance besides prom that year that I didnt go to).

Nothing eventful happened in Junior year so thus Senior year comes. I didnt see much of my best friend cause he went to the high school for only two classes then took classes at Owens coomunity college. I rememer going to go see Return of the King at the midnight showing dressed up as Frodo :lol: Homecoming was a blast, my date was a good friend of mine that went with my my freshmen homecoming dance :lol: I havn't seen her since then though. I was doing very well in school and a good friend of mine moved from California back after moving to California. That was lots of fun. My Christian walk was high and thats when I came to CAA :) I was seeking a Christian community after leaving a very ant-christian community. After trying to find some good anime reviews, I found this place :) This place has helped strengthen my faith in Christ as well as help with problems in my life such as lust and anger. As well as give me sound Christian advice on anime.

So thus accounts my life from birth to when I came here a year ago. Oh an djust to add something, my best friend whom I have told alot about in this testimony I guess, is the same one who just proposed to his girlfriend this Christmas that I told you guys about. His brother ot married this summer which I have som epictures on in the Picture Thread as well as Volts CAA picture thing.

This is also the same best friend whoose brother died a few weeks ago (not the brother who got married this summer) from drug overdose. It was in the prayer request section.
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Postby K. Ayato » Thu Jan 27, 2005 12:57 pm

:wow!: Joe, you didn't have to do all this!!
K. Ayato: What happens if you press the small red button?

*Explosion goes off in the movie*

mechana2015: Does that answer your question?

K. Ayato: Perfectly.

Prayer sister of kaji, sticksabuser, Angel37, and Doubleshadow --Love you guys! :)
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Postby Hitokiri » Thu Jan 27, 2005 1:05 pm

Now for a bit about what I belief, my thoughts, as well as my politcal stance.

Well, I'm a Christian (duh) and have been since I was 6. I do belief the only way to Heaven is through Christ. I base everything on the Bible. I also agree follow the government 100% cause I belief it is a established authority from God hwoever I will not if I think they are not following God and his word.

To be truthfully, I have a general disgust in humanity. I find it hard to comprehend God's love for us. That he would embrace us when he have all this dirt, mud, and blood on us. Howeve, when I try to find a reason why, it always comes down to Christ and the Cross and realize he would sacrafice his Son for me. That right there shows his love for us. Though, I still have a general dislike towards humanity but I pray that God will show me to have mercy and love on humans - not just the secular world but the Chritstian world.

I guess I am a hopeless romantic. Ihave given up on datin kinda...I'm just gonna wait for God to show me my future wife and just follow and trust hm.
I'm tired of liking a girl and get nothing but "let's be friends" ideaology. I;'m placng this in God's hands.

Political Views - I am a right wing conserative and almost go far right. Though, I try to steer away from being partisin. Like I said, I base all my views on the Bible.

Now, I shall open this to a open forum. Questions, anyone? Serious or funny.
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Postby Hitokiri » Thu Jan 27, 2005 1:06 pm

mobilesuitpilot wrote::wow!: Joe, you didn't have to do all this!!

Actually, for a while now (for a few months), I felt God laying on my heart to share that ^_^
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Postby K. Ayato » Thu Jan 27, 2005 1:07 pm

K. Ayato: What happens if you press the small red button?

*Explosion goes off in the movie*

mechana2015: Does that answer your question?

K. Ayato: Perfectly.

Prayer sister of kaji, sticksabuser, Angel37, and Doubleshadow --Love you guys! :)
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Postby CloudStrife918 » Sun Jan 30, 2005 1:39 pm

That's really cool. It sounds like God has been doin' a whole lot for you and your friends. It makes me happy to hear stories of people who grow stronger in their walks with the Lord. I know I'm way younger than you, and I'm not quite as experienced, but your story definitely inspires me to strive to be better that I am! Thanks, and good luck, Mr. Joe!
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Postby K. Ayato » Wed Feb 02, 2005 10:12 am

Yeah. Good luck, dude.
K. Ayato: What happens if you press the small red button?

*Explosion goes off in the movie*

mechana2015: Does that answer your question?

K. Ayato: Perfectly.

Prayer sister of kaji, sticksabuser, Angel37, and Doubleshadow --Love you guys! :)
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Postby That Dude » Sun Feb 27, 2005 7:49 pm

Nice man! I also find it hard to see why God loves us humans. It's awesome that you were brave enough to tell everyone about all your struggles. I know how hard that can be...I've struggled some with hentai also (thank God I've never gotten into it to much but I've had to deal with it.) Keep on rocking man and I hope that you do good with your art degree thing (I'm hoping I can get one when I leave for college.)
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Postby Mr. SmartyPants » Tue Mar 01, 2005 6:05 am

dressing as FRODO? Well you do have a sort of afroish curly hair
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Postby Dot » Tue Mar 01, 2005 8:35 am

AASHUM!!! i'm adopted too, although i have no idea about my birth parents. i know my mom had, at some point, lived in saskatchewan, and i was born in moose jaw, and i am sweedish by birth, and norigean (sp?) by adoption, and that my mother was 21 when she had me. i'll talk more later. i need to go.
God bless you!!
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Postby That Dude » Tue Mar 01, 2005 8:42 am

You're from Moose Jaw. That's awesome. One of my was also born in Moose Jaw. He moved to Caronport though. I have a lot of friends who go to Breircrest Bible College. Have you ever seen it? (Sorry for jacking the thread.) Hitokiri what is your favorite type of pizza?
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Postby Dot » Tue Mar 01, 2005 11:34 am

okay, i'm back.
God is so good. that is a very powerful testimony. it's wonderful to see God doing so much for you, joe. i'm very happy God decided to prevent the awful deeds you wanted to carry out to end your life. He has done the same for me as well, but that's a different story (trust me, we don't talk about that anymore). thank you for opening up like that for us. email me sometime!
God bless you, joe!
"i want to give music like a cow gives milk" ~ R. Strauss

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Postby Hitokiri » Tue Mar 01, 2005 5:17 pm

That Dude wrote:Hitokiri what is your favorite type of pizza?

hey people are posting :D

That would be pepperoni or bacon^_-
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Postby jazz » Tue Mar 01, 2005 6:18 pm

wow. i just read all of that, then realized i had read it once a few days ago.... my brain hurts...

anyway, i'm glad you shared it... i don't really know you... apart from random comments here and there... but i just wanted to say hi, and thanks for sharing. its encouraging to see how God works in the lives of those who follow Him. (i'll be back to comment properly after i've had some sleep). God bless!
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Postby Kura Ookami » Thu Mar 17, 2005 4:50 am

Okay here's some questions

Why do you have asuka langley sohru as your avatar?

What are your favorate anime quotes?

What anime would you transport yourself to and why?

What anime character is most like you in personality and looks?

Why is Satan evil?

Why is the sky blue?

What flavour of icecream is your favorate?

What is your favorate cookie?
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