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Postby Paladin » Fri Nov 26, 2004 7:51 pm

Hello every one. I would just like to post some stuff about myself. Hopefully I will get the chance to get to know everyone of you. =)
Umm.. Here it is :eh: :

Name: Jessie
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Hobbies: Drawing, writing, reading, hiking, excersizing, weight training, ect.

I'm really bad about writing about myself :shady: But hey If you want to know anything about me just ask! :sweat: :angel: :dance:
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Postby Zane » Fri Nov 26, 2004 8:38 pm

Hey welcome, have a good look around, it pretty cool once you get to know the place and some of the people... (you'll see the same ones popping up again and again)
Cool, a couple of questions;

Where is your location?
And How did you become a Christian? Christian household or other? And what made you sure that Jesus loves you?

(P.S. Im going away tomorrow but when I get back I want some answers!! ;))
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Postby termyt » Fri Nov 26, 2004 9:17 pm


I'm not sure why, but it kind of surprised me that a girl would choose Paladin for a screen name. I guess I mostly think of boys being interested in knights and stuff. I certainly don't mean to offend, but is there a reason you chose that name?
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Postby Paladin » Sat Nov 27, 2004 10:09 am

termyt wrote:Hello.

I'm not sure why, but it kind of surprised me that a girl would choose Paladin for a screen name. I guess I mostly think of boys being interested in knights and stuff. I certainly don't mean to offend, but is there a reason you chose that name?

I chose this name because I want to fight for what I believe in. I like training myself actually. I want to fight for God and everything he's done for us.

Where is your location? - I live in the USA, northeastern part.

And How did you become a Christian? -I grew up with a religous mother. So It all started because of her. :)

Christian household or other? Sort of Christian household. My Dad, brother, and sister are lukewarm or ice cold in the christian factor. Growing up my Dad was always fighting, because he has a drinking problem. So he's not very religous..

And what made you sure that Jesus loves you? -What made me sure that he loves me? Hmmm. Well for one thing If he didnt love me then I would be in a worse sinario than I am know. Jesus Christ loves all of his children. He forgave my sins and I am proud to call him my Father

Anything else you like to know? :sweat:
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Postby Kura Ookami » Sat Nov 27, 2004 11:58 am

Let's see if i can think of some questions. Hmm.

What is your favorate anime and manga?

What would you do if you won the jackpot in the lottery?

I can;t think of any more questions right now so ill just leave it there. :)
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Postby Paladin » Sat Nov 27, 2004 12:01 pm

[quote="Kura Ookami"]Let's see if i can think of some questions. Hmm.

What is your favorate anime and manga?

What would you do if you won the jackpot in the lottery?

I can]

My favorite anime/manga are Helling, ( :eh: ) My favorite anime movie would have to be Blue Sub. 6, I love Trigun. I guess thats really it, oh yeah .hack//sign

If I won the Jeckpot in lottery I would give it all to Charity and some to my family. :grin:
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Postby Aka-chan » Sat Nov 27, 2004 9:57 pm

Ooh, I love asking questions!

What does the color red mean to you?
How many oceans have you been to?
Do you like puzzles?
Have you ever drawn a scarecrow?
What are valence electrons?
What Shakespearean play refers to music as "the food of love"?
Do you paint your toenails?
Have you ever turned on the radio and just danced?
What kind of things do you like to draw?
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Postby Godly Paladin » Sun Nov 28, 2004 4:07 pm

I already said hello on the Welcome Area, but I had a few little questions for you:

What is your favorite book?
Do you like to write fiction?
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Postby Paladin » Mon Nov 29, 2004 6:14 am

What does the color red mean to you? blood, passion, rage (O.o;)

How many oceans have you been to? umm.. 1 lol.

Do you like puzzles? yes I do.

Have you ever drawn a scarecrow? Yes I have <3

What are valence electrons? Valence Electrons are the electrons on the out surface of the elcetron cloud.. o_O i think.. I'm in chemistry ^_^

What Shakespearean play refers to music as "the food of love"? A Mid-Summer Nights Dream"?

Do you paint your toenails? No I dont lol

Have you ever turned on the radio and just danced? Yes when I'm hyper! =D

What kind of things do you like to draw? Things in Nature, people, anime, wolves, birds, ect.

What is your favorite book? Hmm... Dream Alittle Dream by Piers Anthony. ( I also like the Xanth novels by him too)

Do you like to write fiction? Yes I do. :thumb:

lol anything else?
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