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Any fans of Homestuck/MSPaint Adventures here?

PostPosted: Mon Aug 29, 2011 9:12 am
by Maokun
Hi! I've recently become another rabid fan of this piece of meta-narrative in the Internets (I refuse to call it "webcomic" as it hardly contains the magnitude of what it is,) and i was wondering if I could have some discussion going with my beloved CAAers here.

A little bit of history for the ones that have never heard of it and are willing to siphon endless hours of their lives into something totally awesome and sweet: MSPaint Adventures started as a little experiment in a message board, in which the artist would draw a situation and request instructions from other posters to draw what would happen next. After two funny but ultimately fruitless storylines (they became too random or not interesting enough,) he embarked into a fantastic epic in which he'd exert slightly more control in the narrative by being more choosy with the "player commands". That way he could plan and veer the overarching plot while allowing a bit of random zaniness to deviate the plot here and there. The result was Problem Sleuth which is a quite fine piece of entertainment but not the matter that concerns this thread the most.

Following the success of PS, the author would begin what is now his Magnum Opus: Homestuck. For this story, he totally eschewed input from other people but kept the narrative style of "commands" to advance the plot and kept several of the tropes of his previous stories. He also improved greatly the art and animation and started incorporating interactive flash with original music. More importantly though, the story itself is -I believe- a masterpiece of storytelling, refreshingly original and clever, continuously surprising, painstakingly planned in a way that every reread you'll find new bits and pieces of foreshadowing randomly inserted in apparently mundane background elements or random pieces of conversation.

A fair warning, though, for some: bad language is abundant especially when it comes to certain characters that are nonchalantly foul mouthed. For anyone who still wants to give it a try, just click on this link...and then keep clicking:

For those who are already fans... shoosh and paps be with you my brothers.

PostPosted: Tue Aug 30, 2011 8:31 am
by Maokun
Wow, no one? :O

PostPosted: Tue Aug 30, 2011 9:37 am
by aliveinHim
A met a girl who cosplayed as Godtier John. I haven't followed it yet. It doesn't make sense to me.

PostPosted: Tue Aug 30, 2011 12:21 pm
by LadyRushia
I'll bite. I started reading it some time ago just to see what all the fuss was about, but I didn't really get into it until the part where John got stuck in the game/transported or whatever that was. I was like "Oh, this thing actually has a plot" and kept reading. I'm still very much in the beginning, but I do like what I've read so far.

PostPosted: Tue Aug 30, 2011 11:40 pm
by Maokun
aliveinHim (post: 1500683) wrote:A met a girl who cosplayed as Godtier John. I haven't followed it yet. It doesn't make sense to me.

I'll be the first to admit that the whole thing requires a reasonable investment of time and patience, but when it starts making sense, it's awesome.

LadyRushia (post: 1500698) wrote:I'll bite. I started reading it some time ago just to see what all the fuss was about, but I didn't really get into it until the part where John got stuck in the game/transported or whatever that was. I was like "Oh, this thing actually has a plot" and kept reading. I'm still very much in the beginning, but I do like what I've read so far.

Yeah, I remember being surprised too. I was just keeping with it because the silly humor and the interesting parody of unnecessarily complex in-game mechanics and lingo in videogames, when suddenly BLAM!, it turns out it's this cosmic-size plot with some of the best world-development I've seen in any narrative.