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Just got back from LOTR: Return of the King. It was AWESOME!!

PostPosted: Sat Jan 24, 2004 8:07 pm
by Destroyer2000
Great great movie. Way better than the other two. Anyone else seen it? Of course someone has, this site has enough people someone would have watched it...*Yap yap, in a hype, too much sugar.*

Anyway, what was your favorite part? Mine was where....

[Spoiler] Legolas swung up on the elephant/mammoth thing, sliced the ropes holding the seating up, then he jumped up on it's back, and fired three arrows at once into it's head. Then he slid down it's trunk, landed, and Gimli sat there and said, "It still only counts as one!". Lol, they were keeping a kill count. Legolas was always firing, saying, "33, 34, 35....". Funny, lots of action, and a strange ending...I didn't fully understand why Frodo left.[/spoiler]

PostPosted: Sun Jan 25, 2004 2:34 pm
by cbwing0
Actually there is already a thread on this movie. However, I will say that I also like the scene that you mentioned.

PostPosted: Sun Jan 25, 2004 7:19 pm
by Destroyer2000
Hm...there is? I guess I should look more thouroughly.

PostPosted: Sun Jan 25, 2004 7:22 pm
by cbwing0
Here is the link for your convenience: