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Which show is the funniest?

PostPosted: Mon Dec 06, 2004 9:07 pm
by Nate
Forgive me if I put this in the wrong spot. :sweat: But this thread certainly doesn't belong in the anime forum, and I didn't know where else to put it but here. If a mod has a problem, please move it.

I was talking with a friend on AIM, and this subject came for bragging rights (as well as my own curiousity), I started this poll! Vote for the show you think is funniest!

I voted for Family Guy, just because I can't think of a single bad episode. MST3K is a close second, because as few and far between as they were, there were bad eps.

PostPosted: Mon Dec 06, 2004 9:19 pm
by dragonshimmer
Futurama, hands down. :rock:

PostPosted: Mon Dec 06, 2004 10:23 pm
by Nightshade X
Family Guy, baby!

PostPosted: Tue Dec 07, 2004 2:40 am
by Psycho Ann
Family Guy! Stewie alone gets my vote XD

PostPosted: Tue Dec 07, 2004 3:49 am
by glitch1501
futurama for me

PostPosted: Tue Dec 07, 2004 6:47 am
by Savior_Sora
hehe I got Family Guy in the lead!!! WH00T!!

Family Guy handsdown...its soooo funnt I got all the seasons on DVD XD

I watch Futurama on TV when I catch it on. It's good too but I think Family Guy's funnier

PostPosted: Tue Dec 07, 2004 9:45 am
by termyt
MST3K is a different kind of show from the other two.

I have found moments in both of the cartoons that were quite funny, but not enough for me to watch or endorse either on a regular basis.

PostPosted: Tue Dec 07, 2004 9:47 am
by Kkun
I'd have to go with Family Guy. It has Quagmire, Stewie, and Norm Macdonald as Death.

Heh heh heh. Alllright.

PostPosted: Thu Dec 09, 2004 10:40 am
by Rev. Doc
I'm not a big fan of Family Guy or Futurama. However, I have always like MST3000, especially the first couple of seasons when Joel was at the helm battling the whims of the evil Dr. Forrester.

PostPosted: Thu Dec 09, 2004 2:02 pm
by Godly Paladin
I vote for Science Theater. That thing about killed me. :lol:

PostPosted: Thu Dec 09, 2004 3:51 pm
by Warrior 4 Jesus
In my opinion Family Guy is the funniest of the three. Futurama is great too, but I haven't seen any of MST3K so I may be a bit biased. Got to love the Family Guy episode where Peter has to get plastered to play the piano like Maestro! (I do not condone getting drunk though).

PostPosted: Thu Dec 09, 2004 3:56 pm
by Doubleshadow
I love MST3000! I was so bummed when it canceled. I don't like Family Guy or Futurama at all; I find them gross. Not that MST300 didn't have it's own gross moments.