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PostPosted: Fri Jan 02, 2004 3:34 pm
by FireStarter2003
Hiya Ruroken,

You're referring to the bokuto/bokken, right? In the hands of a trained swordsman, they can be lethal. Miyamoto Musashi, for example, was notorious for slaying some of his opponents at duels with bokuto/bokken. They may be used as practice swords, but in the proper hands, they promise to deliver more than a bad headache!


PostPosted: Fri Jan 02, 2004 5:14 pm
by HwaRang777
I've seen the movie and I thought I got 2x the money worth! The movie was really good, the only part about it I didn't like was Tom Cruise's acting, it was like he was acting like he was acting the character (do you understand?) rather than being the character. And as I'm being a traditonalist and a actual swordsman, don't get a katana unless you are privledged enough in kendo or gumdo (korean sword art) or your just a sword collector (yes, there are such people) It takes a lot of concentration, devotion, and practice to deserve an actual sword or katana (depending on the style of sword arts)

PostPosted: Sun Jan 25, 2004 1:53 pm
by Destroyer2000
HwaRang777 wrote:I've seen the movie and I thought I got 2x the money worth! The movie was really good, the only part about it I didn't like was Tom Cruise's acting, it was like he was acting like he was acting the character (do you understand?) rather than being the character. And as I'm being a traditonalist and a actual swordsman, don't get a katana unless you are privledged enough in kendo or gumdo (korean sword art) or your just a sword collector (yes, there are such people) It takes a lot of concentration, devotion, and practice to deserve an actual sword or katana (depending on the style of sword arts)

Ah, so you're saying that somone who hasn't had proper training is unworthy to have a katana (European swords are Battou-Jutsu)? I have...lets see...a katana, a wakizashi, a dagger, and a broadsword. I also have a few throwing knives, and a few homemade weapons...staffs, and such. There's not a dojo ANYWHERE nearby that I can go to. I pretty much teach myself...through the hard way of learning...first off, if you aren't very, very good with coordination, never throw a dagger in the air and try to catch it by the handle. I did, and it missed, and hit the webbing between my thumb and index finger, slicing it a nice little ways. The stupid dagger wasn't even sharp...oh well. My friend and I both swordfight with each other, and we're about equally matched. Of course, we don't use real swords, we use our staffs and all.

PostPosted: Tue Feb 10, 2004 1:26 am
by SwordSkill
i have to say that my first reaction was, "the last samurai in japan was a an american? riiight." well, so much for historical accuracy, lol. XD

anyway, i think someone told me that the movie was loosely based on the rebellion led by saigo takamori, who is the supposed, true "historically-noted" last samurai of japan. i guess that's a good thing, for some historical foundation.

but the theme of the movie still reminded me too much of James Clavell's "Shogun." >.< >.<


PostPosted: Fri Feb 20, 2004 7:04 pm
by Eden
It took so long for 'The Last Samuari' to come to good ol' Australia, Darwin. I saw it last night and I cried so much :red:and I'm a guy :grin: This was one of the best movies I had ever seen. I know that Tom Cruise get's a lot of crap about his films and all but I think he suited the role perfectly and this time the movie didn't end up like some Hollywood film where all the characters "lived happily ever after". The movie had a good theme as well about prejudices against other races and cultures. I didn't think this movie was to violent at all compared to say black hawk down and saving private ryan and there was no sex at all!!!

PostPosted: Sat Feb 21, 2004 9:13 am
by glitch1501
does anyone know when the dvd is coming out?

PostPosted: Sat Feb 21, 2004 1:13 pm
by Da Rabid Duckie
May 4, 2004.

The movie had a different effect on me, really. It kinda broke me in half spiritually. See, I've got a calling for Japanese ministry, and I've been rather lax in preparing for that. I skipped out on my language studies for a while, among other things that I was needing to do to prepare for it. So when I saw the movie, it reminded me what I was supposed to be doing and the result was one broken waterfowl. Of course, there's much more to the story but that's the short version.