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Postby bakura91 » Tue Aug 16, 2011 2:55 pm

I'm starting to get into the Bond movies I just watched Octopussy and I reanted Goldfinger from my Colleges library. I recently rewatched the Ang Lee Hulk, ya know I actually liked that one it gets a bad rep but aside from a couple really stupid comic panel scene transitions I thought it was a good Hulk movie.
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Postby raider~joseph » Wed Aug 17, 2011 12:25 am

Donnie Darko.If your into weird movies this is the king(maybe).Bit of a complex plot but just something about this movie keeps me hooked.

Ocean's 11.I understand these kinda movies annoy some people.I really don't care.However i can't stand the fact the only heist that wasn't all just a big distraction from the start was in Ocean's 13.
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Postby GrubbTheFragger » Wed Aug 17, 2011 8:20 am

bakura91 (post: 1497741) wrote:I'm starting to get into the Bond movies I just watched Octopussy and I reanted Goldfinger from my Colleges library. I recently rewatched the Ang Lee Hulk, ya know I actually liked that one it gets a bad rep but aside from a couple really stupid comic panel scene transitions I thought it was a good Hulk movie.

The comic transitions are the best part of that movie, and i am one who doesn't hate that movie.
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Postby AngelicTotoro » Wed Aug 17, 2011 9:10 pm

I was up late, (Really late.) a few days ago and watched a terrible, late 90s mess of a cheese-filled-animal-lovers movie called, 'Hollywood Safari'. :?:
Why you ask? It was late, I finished cleaning the house for my grandparents visit and I was punchy. Really punchy. :brow:
It was really awful, too bad MST3K didn't make fun of it, that would have been awesome.
(I did make fun of it in their place of course, even made my brother laugh a few times.)
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Postby Scarecrow » Wed Aug 17, 2011 11:02 pm

Final Destination 5 ^_^ I loved it ^_^ Easily the best Final Destination movie since the first. Actually, I might actually prefer this one to first... I always liked the idea of this series and really enjoyed at least the first two movies. 3 I didn't care for and 4 was blah... Just decided to see this since I've seen all the others but didn't expect anything special from it.

It was great though! From beginning to end I really enjoyed it. The ending put a huge grin on my face... One of the best twists I've seen in a while.

Why was this better than 2-4? First, the violence (while still graphic) has been scaled back a bit to more what was in the first film. They take a lot more time to build up the scenes rather than try to kill every body off real quick. It's slower paced but that's what I loved about the first one. Smaller initial survivor count so they developed characters a bit more... more than even the first. You actually care about the people dying this time around.. it's not a bunch of people you're glad to see die horribly. The ending... excellent for fans of the series!

Anyway yeah, I really had fun going to see this... totally recommend it if you at least liked the first one... I don't think you'll be disappointed. The 3D was pretty good compared to what I've seen... the opening credits (which gave nods to the previous installments) was pretty cool in 3D and they had a number of scenes with spikes and blood flying that looks like it's popping right out the screen. And the opening bridge scene was cool in 3D too... I'd say it's a must see in 3D...
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Postby bigsleepj » Thu Aug 18, 2011 1:02 pm

I recently rewatched Kind Hearts and Coronets, an extremely dark comedy disguised as a comedy of manners. A young impoverished man called Louis decides to kill all of his blood relatives in order to ascend to the rank of Duke, but does so with the style and wit befitting Oscar Wilde. Added bonus: all eight of the relatives are played by Sir Alec Guinness (aka Obi-Wan Kenobi) in various guises (one a Suffragette).



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Postby Htom Sirveaux » Thu Aug 18, 2011 7:51 pm

Watched Pride & Prejudice with the girl. Classical romantic comedy, loved it. :thumb:
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Postby Stephen » Thu Aug 18, 2011 9:00 pm

Watched Million Dollar Baby last night. Now I understand why it won awards. Sad film, but enjoyable.
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Postby mkalv » Fri Aug 19, 2011 3:33 pm

Last Night, I saw for the first time in my life the original live-action Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. I really didn't like it. The plot was bad, the acting was bad, all the characters really annoyed me with there constant screaming and bickering, and the action scenes weren't se well done. I may still watch the sequel though.
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Postby GrubbTheFragger » Sat Aug 20, 2011 9:20 pm

mkalv (post: 1498398) wrote:Last Night, I saw for the first time in my life the original live-action Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. I really didn't like it. The plot was bad, the acting was bad, all the characters really annoyed me with there constant screaming and bickering, and the action scenes weren't se well done. I may still watch the sequel though.

*sad face* Well i love that movie. I actually really thought it had a good plot for the subject matter.

Anyways I watched a classic a day or two ago for the first time, The original Dawn of the Dead. Truly a horror classic
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Postby Warrior 4 Jesus » Sun Aug 21, 2011 4:53 am

mklav, it probably helps if you've grown up with the Turtles.
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Postby airichan623 » Sun Aug 21, 2011 12:48 pm

Just saw the 1994 movie Quiz Show. The plot is about the man who revealed that many quiz shows in the 1950's were completely scripted, and the contestants were notified ahead of time about the questions and answers. It's a very interesting sort of detective movie, and is based on a true story (movie co-produced by one of the actual people). In theme, in kinda reminded me of Death Note, in that amongst your leads, you make the decision on who the antagonist and protagonist are.

Though probably on of the weirdest things was that one of the leads was played by the guy who is Voldemort (tho much younger). o_O



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Postby airichan623 » Sun Aug 21, 2011 12:49 pm

Just saw the 1994 movie Quiz Show. The plot is about the man who revealed that many quiz shows in the 1950's were completely scripted, and the contestants were notified ahead of time about the questions and answers. It's a very interesting sort of detective movie, and is based on a true story (movie co-produced by one of the actual people). In theme, in kinda reminded me of Death Note, in that amongst your leads, you make the decision on who the antagonist and protagonist are.

Though probably on of the weirdest things was that one of the leads was played by the guy who is Voldemort (tho much younger). o_O


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Postby Atria35 » Sun Aug 21, 2011 1:14 pm

Lilo and Stitch- flipping adorable. I got it cheap at the local pawn shop. Definitely glad I invested in it. Thinking about investing in v. 5-8 of Fushigi Yuugi that they also had.
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Postby GrubbTheFragger » Sun Aug 21, 2011 7:52 pm

Let the Right one in : Watched it a few months ago wasn't horribly impressed. Watched it yesterday and was amazed how much i really underappreciated it. Such a beautiful film
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Postby bakura91 » Sun Aug 21, 2011 8:16 pm

watching lots of movies lately, at the theater recently I saw The Help which was a great drama about maids in the civil rights era. And on DVD I recently watched, Ghidorah the 3 Headed Monster, Tommorow Never Dies, Re-watched Psycho (1960s) and Frankenstein (1931) and I re-watched the 2008 Hulk and I actually think the Ang Lee one from 2003 was a better film ( which I think is kind of an unpopular opinion actually but whatever)
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Postby Furen » Mon Aug 22, 2011 12:12 pm

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Postby GrubbTheFragger » Thu Aug 25, 2011 10:17 pm

Session 9 : It was really creepy. Really well done.
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Postby bigsleepj » Fri Aug 26, 2011 1:44 pm

I watched an Afrikaans-language film called Die Kandidaat / The Candidate. Despite being a bit stagey it was well written ,well acted and well directed but is so rooted in 1960's Southern African culture that someone unfamiliar with the context would find much of it baffling, or just weird.
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KhakiBlueSocks wrote:"I'm going to make you a prayer request you can't refuse..." Cue the violins. :lol:

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Postby Yuki-Anne » Fri Aug 26, 2011 5:54 pm

airichan623 (post: 1498756) wrote:Just saw the 1994 movie Quiz Show. The plot is about the man who revealed that many quiz shows in the 1950's were completely scripted, and the contestants were notified ahead of time about the questions and answers. It's a very interesting sort of detective movie, and is based on a true story (movie co-produced by one of the actual people). In theme, in kinda reminded me of Death Note, in that amongst your leads, you make the decision on who the antagonist and protagonist are.

Though probably on of the weirdest things was that one of the leads was played by the guy who is Voldemort (tho much younger). o_O

Ralph Fiennes is a fine actor who has done many, many good movies.

If you think that's weird, you should watch Maid in Manhattan. Nothing like watching Voldemort and J Lo smooch... O_O

Also, I think I want to check Quiz Show out... :D

EDIT: Yesterday I kind of went on a movie binge. I watched Quiz Show, Kind Hearts and Coronets, Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves, and Robin Hood: Men in Tights.

Quiz Show was good. Kind Hearts and Coronets was okay.

It was my first time watching Prince of Thieves, and I was struck by two things: Kevin Costner was terribly cast, but the supporting cast was perfect (except for maybe Christian Slater, but even he wasn't so bad. Maybe the sheer awfulness of Kevin Costner softened the blow...). It's one of those movies that is disappointing because of its almostness. They almost had a flawless adventure film, except for the one glaring flaw of AN AMERICAN ROBIN HOOD WHO CAN'T SUMMON ANY TYPE OF BELIEVABLE EMOTION. Had they gotten a good actor, the movie would have been so unbelievably good, and you have to wonder how a casting director who otherwise got so much right could get something so big so wrong.

And then naturally I had to watch Men in Tights right after, because even though it was only a comedy, Cary Elwes was and will always be a better Robin Hood than Kevin Costner.
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Postby Atria35 » Sat Aug 27, 2011 7:03 pm

RV because we own it, and Tarantula thanks to Svengoolie.
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Postby the_wolfs_howl » Sat Aug 27, 2011 8:57 pm

I just watched most of the newest Pride and Prejudice movie with my hall. Still a beautifully-shot, beautifully-scored movie, still enjoyable, still nowhere near as good as the source material or Colin Firth version.
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Postby ich1990 » Sun Aug 28, 2011 8:29 pm

Hot Fuzz

I really wasn't sure were this movie was going, at all, but by the end I was amused. It might not be the best movie in the world, but it was definitely entertaining.


Not sure why this is a cult classic. Had some moderately interesting parts, but in large part it is just a bad 80's action movie. If you like bad 80's action movies, then you should probably go watch it.

Pitch Black

Probably the most amusing out of the 3, Pitch Black manages to be a pretty cool sci-fi / horror movie without being too campy. Riddick exudes the macho-man image without ever once seeming ironic. Not an easy thing to do.
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Postby GrubbTheFragger » Sun Aug 28, 2011 9:07 pm

ich1990 (post: 1500385) wrote:Hot Fuzz

I really wasn't sure were this movie was going, at all, but by the end I was amused. It might not be the best movie in the world, but it was definitely entertaining.


Not sure why this is a cult classic. Had some moderately interesting parts, but in large part it is just a bad 80's action movie. If you like bad 80's action movies, then you should probably go watch it.

Pitch Black

Probably the most amusing out of the 3, Pitch Black manages to be a pretty cool sci-fi / horror movie without being too campy. Riddick exudes the macho-man image without ever once seeming ironic. Not an easy thing to do.

Hot Fuzz is one of the best written films i have ever seen, and highlander is more than a bad 80's action film its awesome. It created a interesting new idea for a series of movies and it IMO is a great film. Has it aged well? NO it did not and it has some of the worst sequels ever.
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Postby AngelicTotoro » Sun Aug 28, 2011 11:09 pm

Watched Phineas and Ferb across the second dimension, yesterday with my sibs. I gotta say... I really liked it, the plot was actually pretty good and it was freakin' hilarious at certain parts.
(I loved it when 2nd dimention Candace beats up the robots and then 2nd dimention Buford is all like, "I am so in love with her right now." "What was that?" "Nothin'!" xD)

My only real problems with it were that Vanessa wasn't in it at all. D: (Whyyyy!? It made no sense.)
And I don't like all of the singing so much. (I know, I know. P and F always has a bunch of singing. I'm just sayin'.)
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Postby FllMtl Novelist » Mon Aug 29, 2011 10:08 am

AngelicTotoro (post: 1500410) wrote:Watched Phineas and Ferb across the second dimension, yesterday with my sibs. I gotta say... I really liked it, the plot was actually pretty good and it was freakin' hilarious at certain parts.
(I loved it when 2nd dimention Candace beats up the robots and then 2nd dimention Buford is all like, "I am so in love with her right now." "What was that?" "Nothin'!" xD)

My only real problems with it were that Vanessa wasn't in it at all. D: (Whyyyy!? It made no sense.)
And I don't like all of the singing so much. (I know, I know. P and F always has a bunch of singing. I'm just sayin'.)

I loved that movie. I expected it to be kinda lame, but it was really good.

Yeah, the Buford bit was bizarre/hilarious. XD Nobody saw that coming.

I'm guessing they cut Vanessa because if she was present you couldn't avoid any fun Vanessa/Ferb interaction, which might have taken too much time and messed up pacing.
And yeah, I don't really like all the songs, either. XD
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Postby Edward » Fri Sep 02, 2011 8:13 pm

I just watched Manos: The Hands of Fate. It was terrible. Without a doubt, the worst movie I have ever seen. Yes, even worse than Troll 2. Thankfully, the guys at MST3K were there to make laugh throughout the whole thing.
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Postby bigsleepj » Fri Sep 02, 2011 8:30 pm

I tend to think the worst movie is Monster A Go Go. Not even MST3K can lighten it up. Got quite an ending, though.
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KhakiBlueSocks wrote:"I'm going to make you a prayer request you can't refuse..." Cue the violins. :lol:

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Postby bigsleepj » Sat Sep 03, 2011 11:50 am

Today I watched (in order):

Cowboys and Aliens for the second time. The first time I liked it, but was taken by surprise that the movie was actually pretty serious despite its supposedly camp name. It was a like a cross between a serious A-List Western and a monster B-movie, but it worked. I saw it a second time because (a) I wanted to watch it in the right frame of mind and (b) 1st time it was out of focus. I somehow felt I needed a redo with my complimentary ticket.

Rango for the third time. I still love this movie, which is not just a tribute to classic westerns but an ode to what an incredible genre it can be. Not for kids, though. Mileage may vary.

The New World for the first time. I liked this movie as well. Beautifully filmed and well acted. I watched the director's cut.
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KhakiBlueSocks wrote:"I'm going to make you a prayer request you can't refuse..." Cue the violins. :lol:

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Postby Htom Sirveaux » Sat Sep 03, 2011 1:43 pm

My girlfriend and I watched the Back to the Future trilogy over 3 nonconsecutive nights. Great Scott, I love those movies.
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