Donnie Darko

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Donnie Darko

Postby Kenchii » Sun Jul 18, 2004 8:51 am

I was just introduced to this movie (2001) about a week ago. My friend called me and we were disscussing the 'weirdest' films we seen. We agreed that the movie 'Pi', Akira, 'Dreams', and 'The Eye'. But sooner after he talked about the movie Donnie Darko. The first thing that came to my mind was Death to Smochy for some werid reason. But anyway, the movie looks interesting and I might want to see it. I found this review on it here. Anyone seen it? please no spoliers. I heard the Directors Cut is coming to theaters soon.


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Postby Pantakrator » Sun Jul 18, 2004 7:28 pm

It's kinda funny you started this thread... I just saw the movie at Camp Meeting and was going to start a thread for it.

It's an awesome movie! You can take it at face value, or (like I did) try to explain all the parallels and intentions of the film and its director.

To be honest though, I don't think I'll ever watch it again. I think everybody should see it once, but that's enough... Definately earns it's "R" rating.
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Postby Bobtheduck » Mon Jul 19, 2004 11:19 pm

It only earned its "r" rating for language and topic of discussion. This is one of my favorite movies, but I don't think I've seen the "director's cut." Brilliant little indie (at 2 million dollars) perfect for the crowd that likes "Serial Experiments Lain" or "Boogiepop Phantom." I also love the song at the end, "Mad World" They played the music video before Troy. Better than the movie (troy) in my opinion, hehehe...

It's one of the top three enigmatic movies from what I've seen and heard. The movies I always here being grouped together are DD, Mulholland Drive, and Jacob's Ladder...

I've seen Jacob's Ladder. It was the primary influence behind the Silent Hill games, and it is one of the most interesting movies ever made, but I'd recommend either watching it edited or having the skip button handy (particularly at the party with the crow, eew that was disgusting) It earns a HIGH R rating and the party scene should have netted it an NC-17, but I don't think that rating existed yet...

Mullholland Dr. is one I haven't seen... My friend told me there was a big sexual scene in the movie, and it seems like a not-as-bloody version of Jacob's Ladder...

Donnie Darko doesn't have gratuitous gore or any nudity, but there are some nasty things said, mostly by Donnie (the smurf scene is quoted by dedicated geeks nationwide) The Rabbit thing is freaky at first but the explanation is really clever.

Is "Dreams" the "Dreams of Akira Kurosawa"? Watch this movie なう。 It's legal, free... And it's more than its premise. It's not saying Fast Food is good food. Just watch it.
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Postby Pantakrator » Tue Jul 20, 2004 7:22 am

LOL!!! The smurf scene is hilarious!
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Postby Kenchii » Tue Jul 20, 2004 4:14 pm

Interesting... I was about to see it but my mom was worried about the R rating. My mom is very easy going on bloody films, violence, and/or anything like that but is REALLY agenst language. So when my friend told her that there was a lot of cursing that my mom would think this movie "came from hell" , so she said no I can't see it.


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Postby Zedian » Tue Jul 20, 2004 8:57 pm

Oooh I love Donnie Darko, for one I'm a sucker when it comes to time traveling anything remotely related. I thought this movie was clever, dark, sinister, yet utterly philosophical, and the strange thing was, how you couldn't really place it into one category, sure you can call it sci-fiction but it had drama too.

I liked the whole part about "Watership Down", an old 70's cartoon...the scene in which they are in class talking about the film was only on the DVD version, and was a deleted scene.

Overall, I think its' already reached cult classic status. And as for the official web has to be one of the hardest places to navigate, it is said only a few have actually made it through the whole thing.
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Postby Kenchii » Tue Jul 27, 2004 11:12 am

Does anyone know where I can get the edited version??

Because my mom just watched the begining and she said: 'its a filthy film" Because of its language, and topics.

EDITED: Does anyone know a film similar to Donnie Darko? I already seen Pi. \m/ (>_<) \m/


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Postby Bobtheduck » Tue Jul 27, 2004 3:12 pm

Isn't Pi rated R too? All of the enigmantic movies I know about (Donnie Darko, Jacob's Ladder, Mullholland Dr., The Game) are all rated R and all have loads of those words in them. Sorry...

Language in movies doesn't really bug me... Of course, we've actually gotten into that topic before, Kenchii, and it doesn't need to be brought up again... That really was a nightmare...

As for your Mother, you need to listen to her. I mean, until you leave the house she has every right to tell you what to watch and not to watch... You probably won't see an edited version of Donnie Darko except for maybe on Sci-fi channel, but they'll only edit out the "f" word and the "s" word. Anything else is open territory. I don't watch the Sci-fi channel anymore (not since I stopped watching Quantum Leap) so I don't know if they have ever or will ever play Donnie Darko. They will, however, play the edited version of Jacob's ladder from time to time... Jacob's ladder is quite a bit scarrier than Donnie Darko, and the editied version will take out a couple key scenes, but honestly, that's the only way to see it. It is another enigmatic movie like Donnie Darko, just a lot, well, "Darker." It was the primary inspiration for the Silent Hill series. Watch this movie なう。 It's legal, free... And it's more than its premise. It's not saying Fast Food is good food. Just watch it.
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Postby Kenchii » Wed Jul 28, 2004 8:58 am

Bobtheduck wrote:Isn't Pi rated R too? All of the enigmantic movies I know about (Donnie Darko, Jacob's Ladder, Mullholland Dr., The Game) are all rated R and all have loads of those words in them. Sorry...

Language in movies doesn't really bug me... Of course, we've actually gotten into that topic before, Kenchii, and it doesn't need to be brought up again... That really was a nightmare...

As for your Mother, you need to listen to her. I mean, until you leave the house she has every right to tell you what to watch and not to watch... You probably won't see an edited version of Donnie Darko except for maybe on Sci-fi channel, but they'll only edit out the "f" word and the "s" word. Anything else is open territory. I don't watch the Sci-fi channel anymore (not since I stopped watching Quantum Leap) so I don't know if they have ever or will ever play Donnie Darko. They will, however, play the edited version of Jacob's ladder from time to time... Jacob's ladder is quite a bit scarrier than Donnie Darko, and the editied version will take out a couple key scenes, but honestly, that's the only way to see it. It is another enigmatic movie like Donnie Darko, just a lot, well, "Darker." It was the primary inspiration for the Silent Hill series.

Humm, I understand. I am able to play silent hill games, but I guess I'll wait until im older to see it. I don't watch the sci-fi channel anymore either (since they took off Science Theater 3000) Thank you anyway.


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Postby einthedog » Thu Jul 29, 2004 7:49 pm

AHH! i'm so glad ya'll started a tread for this, i was going to if noone had. i just saw it twice about 2 weeks ago. its like one of my favorites now! i love debating the different meaning of it! you dont really get the full effect of the movie if you only watch it once and dont research anything bout it. yeah they do say the f word a whole lot and alot of sex refrence(smurf scene was so funny). but i think its a awesome film and God really used it to help me(seriously!). i'm in such a hurry right now, but i would love to tell anyone about it, just PM me. and the "Mad world" song is so awesome. i could so write so much more, but i cant right now. if youve seen the film PM me!! and Kenchii, this might not be enough for ur mom to let u watch it, but it really does have alot to do with God even though its not real obvious(and it helped me but maybe thats just me).

jesus loves ya,

p.s. the bunny suit quote on my sig is from donnie darko, i thought it
pretty funny.
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Postby einthedog » Thu Jul 29, 2004 9:06 pm

to what i said before. God uses different things to reach different people, so even though it helped me i'm not saying it will effect everyone the same way. and Kenchii, if you dont see this film i'm sure its for a good reason in Gods plan for you.
God bless
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Postby Kenchii » Sun Aug 01, 2004 11:58 am

einthedog wrote:to what i said before. God uses different things to reach different people, so even though it helped me i'm not saying it will effect everyone the same way. and Kenchii, if you dont see this film i'm sure its for a good reason in Gods plan for you.
God bless

Thanks, your right.


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