Sherlock + texting = must watch.
I watched the three episodes of the first season as they aired here. All were excellent and very enjoyable; the third one was the best by far, though. And on a news release on BBC, a second season is to be aired in the future.
SourceWhat I like most about the series, like Warrior 4 Jesus mentioned, is the fact that they incorporate so many of the original Holmes stories into one and give them a fun new twist (since we're in the 21st century) and they definitely stay very true to the character's personalities despite being in a different time period (three words: four nicotine patches). Including a few minor points (for the sake of all that is wonderful, don't read unless you've seen the final episode):
[spoiler] Like Moriarty, for example. He's still very much the same antagonist we all know and hate/love to hate, but in a very different way. Not the same twisted older man that some of us knew him as. But the part is still pulled off nicely and keeps you on the edge of your seat.
And that ending. THAT ENDING. It caught even me off guard and I'm an avid Sherlock Holmes fan.
The ending reminded me of The Final Problem so much so that the second season better be as fantastic as The Adventures of the Empty House (in the Return of Sherlock Holmes) was. [/spoiler]
Plus, I really like the cast of the show. I think the main casting for Sherlock, Watson, and even Mycroft was spot on.
And if that doesn't convince you. Sherlock was scripted by Steven Moffat. You must all go watch it now.