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Postby snowyangel » Sun Jul 13, 2003 4:29 am

:( I don't even get one review?
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Postby Ashley » Sun Jul 13, 2003 8:06 am

Link #1: oo, like the background. And you did a good job of not using colors that are too similiar and/or clash. That's a definite plus, as is the very, very cool waterfall gif. That got my attention quick. I'm not sure what angelfire uses, but if they have something like a Javascript builder, you may want to consider making things not quite so linear. As it is, seems like everythings just a straight line down the page...perhaps some more re-arranging. Like, perhaps moving the waterfall gif to the left and putting your link list to the right next to it. Just remember people's attention spans are short, and they like things quick and concise.

Link#2- same linear-like comments here. If there's a way to line up all your neopets in one line, I think that'd work best...especially since they all have that white background, it'd give the illusion of them standing together in one picture when fully loaded. The simple truth is, when you have a page with lots of image and little text content, there's no need to spread it out so far you're constantly scrolling down.

Link #3-Wow, here's the heart of your site, I take it. The pics look very nice, especially keeping them all on the same topic, wolves. You've got a lot of content here, ranging from neopets to wolves to an almost's an idea. What if you had say, one picture, like the top one, and beneath it links to different pages: one for webrings, one for neopets, one for links, etc. Navigation would be made ten times quicker. I.e.:
|__________________________________ |
links--> neopets :: webrings :: wolf's links :: etc.

Also, one last note about the webrings...the blue and red text doesn't show up so well against that background. Maybe more yellow or white?

Link#4- Wow, lots of pictures! You might want to try the splitting up gallery style (see #3); the girl pics at the bottom alone would make
a full page.

The main thing I see is you obviously have some profeciency at web design, but it's all tossed in together at the same time. My biggest suggestion would be to find the common grounds--neopets, pictures, those girl gifs, wolves, etc--and group them onto their own pages, then just link to them from the main hub. However, you didn't make the typical newbie mistakes of neon text, repeating gifs, etc. which is to be applauded.

Whew! Hope this helped.
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Postby Izumi San » Sun Jul 13, 2003 11:51 am

I like the bg on the 1st link. For some reason the 3rd & 4th wouldn't load >< *kicks monitor*
I've been having these weird thoughts lately, like, is any of this for real, or not?
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Postby _bluerose_ » Sun Jul 13, 2003 12:37 pm

Very nice background in link #1. and is that you in the prom pic? FABULOUS DRESS!! ^_^

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Postby snowyangel » Fri Jul 25, 2003 9:23 am

thank you!!!
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