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Windows 7 Help with pics

PostPosted: Mon Sep 05, 2011 4:23 pm
by ST. Attidude
It's so strange...Vista has not given me this much flak with images...

I just recently got myself a notebook with Windows 7 and I'm having some trouble with how its managing my pictures...

I assume most people might be thinking "Problems - with 7??? 0_o" but last night was the first time I dealt with pictures in this newer OS so please bear with me -M-

I scanned a bunch of pictures and rotated and edited some of them afterwards, but now those pictures just "vanished" as soon as I did that...and now I can't find them...

does anyone have similar problems with this or might know just what could have happened?

PostPosted: Mon Sep 05, 2011 4:41 pm
by goldenspines
First question, how did you scan them into your computer? Did you use a program that came with your scanner or something else? And in what program did you edit the pictures?

Were you able to save them? If not, they may have automatically been saved, so searching for something such as "scan" in your library may help.

PostPosted: Mon Sep 05, 2011 4:48 pm
by ST. Attidude
I scanned them wirelessly from my notebook and I used the default Windows editing program when I pushed the Edit, Organize and Share button...

PostPosted: Mon Sep 05, 2011 5:22 pm
by goldenspines
Okay, there's a couple things you can try. Open this program again (Windows Live Photo Gallery was it?) and look to the left and see where all the picture files are. Look in both "Pictures" and "Public Pictures" for your pictures. If they are not there, you may not have saved them in there. But they should be. :\ (try messing aorund with the timelines of when photos were saved as well if needed)
Another option you could try is in Documents under "scanned documents" (sounds weird, I know). Otherwise, the final option is try searching for a folder that corresponds to the scanner you used.