Christian Manga & God Fanlistings

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Christian Manga & God Fanlistings

Postby Aibou » Sun Jan 08, 2006 12:35 pm

Sorry, I haven't been able to post much at CAA these days... but I bring you some news & updates on the christian fanlistings I own.

CROSSOVER (32 members), the Christian Manga style comics fanlisting.
It features KingdomCome at the moment. The layout was requested at http://www.Azure-Skies.COM. :) It has next to no new codes, so if any Christian Manga artist approves for their art to be used in codes (or even future layouts)... please let me know!

ATTENTION: All other URLs other than the one listed above have been dropped, so please change to the correct url if you have linked CROSSOVER at your site!

GOD (148 members), His own fanlisting!! :D Love Him, join!

It got a lot of lovely codes donated by members, and a few by me. (I should do more xD;; )
//HBNU Creations// - Webmanga in the works!
//My DeviantArt// - Check my art ;D
//Everlasting// - My LiveJournal.
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