I can do graphics,I'm just showing the basics on a TI-83,TI-83+,TI-83+ SE,ahd TI-84.
Later we can do graphics-programs,or maybe we need two seperate forums,one for beginners and one for advanced.
I've done bunch of Graphic-programs.
Right now I need help someone translating BASIC to C++,or JAVA,or other ones you guys know.
So we can have a orderly line from BASIC to JAVA to C++ to other.
I'm not sure about TI-85,but i know there are similarities,from a TI-83 to a TI-85(i'm not sure on TI-85),i used a TI-84,and other versions of TI-83s,also TI-82 has the same features.
My fav was Voyage 200,the succesor(or update i think) of the TI-95(i think),was and is the best for me.
Should we have different forums,like Beginners',Advanced,Questions,or one forum based on calculator programming,others on Java,or C++,and others on HTML,XML,CSS,etc...Just wondering 'mods'!?