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PostPosted: Tue Feb 17, 2004 5:57 pm
by Murphy
Does anyone know anything about Opus Dei. I am doing research and could use either a for or against information. Anything would be much help. Here's what I know; Opus Dei is a sect of the Roman Catholic church wich is surrounded by controversy because of their cult like traditions and iniatiations, and some of there actions. I'd love to here a christian standpoint on this so if any of you have anything...sorry if this sin't in the right place but I figured it was the best place to put it.

PostPosted: Tue Feb 17, 2004 7:36 pm
by Technomancer
One has to be careful, especially given the quality of many sources on the internet, which sometimes resemble the Weekly World News more than any reasonable attempt at research. I don't know what you would call a "Christian perspective"; Christians may be just as ill-informed and hysterical as anyone else.

Anyways, the Opus Dei organization is meant to be a lay Catholic organization, and is very conservative in character. In some regards, it's organization is similar to a monastic order, as some of the members may choose to live in a communal environment although they still work in the community. The idea is that while the more traditional teaching and charitiable work done is valuable, there is a need to foster a "lay spirituality", which means members working in more secular professions and bearing witness to their faith.

As for being "cultish", I have seen nothing to indicate that they're any worse than the more established orders. Being a human organization, it is made up of, well, humans, with everything that that entails.

An article of some use my be found at:

And of course,

PostPosted: Thu Feb 19, 2004 5:13 pm
by Murphy
Wowwie, thankies.